EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

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What made you think I would trust him? I just wanted to confirm for the public that his information on my guild's queuing habits is just as worthless as yours.

But we're to believe you when you just told a bare faced lie that you know we don't Q. When in-fact you don't have a clue.... As usual
Didn't you just admit that you intentionally misinformed me?

no, saying I'm not playing this bracket (or even wow) anymore is something we've all said. On the other hand, you just told a bare faced lie, just to make it look like we don't know what we're talking about.

so have it your way.

how many people besides me and kiri think TL afk losses?

INB4: they're lieing too...
no, saying I'm not playing this bracket (or even wow) anymore is something we've all said. On the other hand, you just told a bare faced lie, just to make it look like we don't know what we're talking about.

so have it your way.

how many people besides me and kiri think TL afk losses?

INB4: they're lieing too...
Sure, get me someone who doesn't hate Tough Love and I will consider their opinion. People like Kiri and yourself have stated often enough that they hate or dislike Tough Love, they would say anything to vent their anger or make the guild look bad.

And no, not everyone goes around saying they don't play a bracket while they do. I didn't lie, I repeated information you provided me with.
yes dodge cause im clearly full of hate x
Dodge what? I'm confused by you quoting me and then writing some random nonsense about queue pops that doesn't apply to any of my posts.
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ye its very annoying having this no life troll on ur back 24/7.

Best thing to do is ignoring him.

people care even less about your opinion in this section cripz, you can go now.
Sure, get me someone who doesn't hate Tough Love and I will consider their opinion. People like Kiri and yourself have stated often enough that they hate or dislike Tough Love, they would say anything to vent their anger or make the guild look bad.

Yes, it's a conspiracy...
No, it's simply a group of people who dislike another group of people trying to make that second group look bad. As mentioned before, feel free to get a neutral observer to confirm.

it's common knowledge mate. You're only fooling you self.

I'm not helping fuck this thread up anymore, gn.
jeeez less robot and more human plx
time to sleep now
Just like I thought, nothing to back up your claims other than the guys who spent a few too many games at the graveyard.

But kiri plays horde... So does red... And I s'pose you can back your claims up that you don't... Like you could name my characters.

logic left this discussion pages ago o/
But kiri plays horde... So does red... And I s'pose you can back your claims up that you don't... Like you could name my characters.

logic left this discussion pages ago o/
Kiri played horde lately. Redrum doesn't play at all and bases his knowledge on what his friends tell him, and his dislike on the feedback he got from certain Tough Love members.

If by "your claims" you mean me saying that you don't play the bracket, I based that on your statements. You see what happens when we base our claims on an unreliable source.
Kiri played horde lately. Redrum doesn't play at all and bases his knowledge on what his friends tell him, and his dislike on the feedback he got from certain Tough Love members.

If by "your claims" you mean me saying that you don't play the bracket, I based that on your statements. You see what happens when we base our claims on an unreliable source.

this thread took a pretty drastic turn for the worse

i'm getting back into WoW now, Ill gladly xfer something over to Aggramar if it's for the sake of the bracket <3 if u'll have me good sir(s)

it's about time i started playing again
this thread took a pretty drastic turn for the worse

i'm getting back into WoW now, Ill gladly xfer something over to Aggramar if it's for the sake of the bracket <3 if u'll have me good sir(s)

it's about time i started playing again

u are so lovable
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