EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

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Well my twinks are already here, so might aswell join in
Redrum, where are you :O I've been on like 2-3 hours and haven't seen you around

Will be joining as soon as I get my internet on my stationary computer to work. Can't play much using only my laptop. Add me to the interested list tho.
I am pleased to announce that invites are now open early to anyone who is transferring their character as the guild is now up and running @:

Alliance - Aggramar EU

To the current vets/community involved:

I am specifically calling out to the veterans of the bracket who are interested in the guild at this time and the people who have help set this up and made it what it is.

You will be provided with a cosmetic Veteran rank upon arrival
and your ideas/opinions will be factored into a lot of further administrative decision making about how we will proceed.

Until the other main contributors to this project arrive here I ask that please you bear with me as I have quite a busy workload at the moment. (as well as this stuff)

To everyone else:

We are still deciding on the team who will be running this guild full-time and making sure it operates smoothly to ensure a better experience for all members and I ask that you be patient while these people are decided upon.

There will be many positions open for this specific role and game skill or time spent in this bracket will NOT be deciding factor in who is chosen, more about this at another time.

This offer is to open to ALL transfers however I am unable to provide funding at this time to anyone requiring it.

if you plan to bring a higher level toon to fund a reroll yourself though then feel free to come on over too.

You may add my battletag to make communication easier if you require an invite or anything else:


Thanks again and I'll keep you updated.

ps if anyone is able to bring a scroll of Blood Draining on weapon I can buy it will be most appreciated :p

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got some toons left on Aggramar - Horde atm but i might faction change to get 2nd argas and others random junks. Great initiative, please build a competitive 10 man crew for premade and make some ally guys reroll efficients class cba more rogues, i know your main goal is having fun, but if you can get some decent members, it would be cool to do that kind of stuff.
I am pleased to announce that invites are now open early to anyone who is transferring their character as the guild is now up and running @:


(But i gtg to work today!!!)

Edit: Home about 4
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got some toons left on Aggramar - Horde atm but i might faction change to get 2nd argas and others random junks. Great initiative, please build a competitive 10 man crew for premade and make some ally guys reroll efficients class cba more rogues, i know your main goal is having fun, but if you can get some decent members, it would be cool to do that kind of stuff.

That's the plan just understand this won't happen over night, considering how much of a shithole this bracket is atm :p
Way to go Red!

Will start movin some toons after new year.

Would link to some of them but cba, I'll add you or /w you when I get there.

No need to link your chars mate, just bring what you wanna play first =)

Also a massive thanks to those people already on the way - once others see people are committed I am sure we'll see increased activity in the coming month.

On another note...

While the problem of "who are you going to play?" has been presented throughout this thread - trying to explain it so everyone understands is proving taxing to say the least so I will elaborate (on what I personally was envisioning) to hopefully shed some light on what I am trying to achieve:

By lowering the arguably high standards set by the regulars in this bracket more people will be inclined to actually get into it without feeling intimidated and being turned away.

While browsing other bracket forums I found a post which pretty much sums up this bracket in a nutshell:

The toxic circlejerk that is the vocal population of the 19 community is the reason I leveled my 19s after quitting wow all together for a time. There are some genuinely good people and skilled players there, and the bracket meta itself is fun, but the 5-6 horrible people hat inhabit forums must be responsible for the turning away of at least half of prospective 19s.

This is 1 of many similar opinions about us and there really is nobody else to blame but ourselves, I too have only opened recruitment to my guilds in the past to regulars of this bracket and turned newcomers away and when the subject community at hand is very small to begin with we are doing ourselves no favors by not "allowing" (for lack of a better word) others to join us. I am not reffering to competitive trashtalk either, most people here can take a joke but from the outside it looks completely different when you roll a 19 toon for something different and you get a gigantic wall of profanity and flame because you are missing an item or you pressed the wrong button

We are worried about the lack of quality in these players that will potentially join us but it really doesn't take a whole lot of work these days to make a character who is viable in wsg (hours) and it's not as if it is hard to learn to play a class at a competent level in this bracket either, sure it may take the newcomers a little time to adjust to the meta but it's complete idiocy to assume that other people can't learn it tbh. Even if every person here got just 1 other to roll a 19 we would effectively double the bracket's size and thus it's activity - this is that theory on a bigger scale.

Once this guild is established I aim to work with another guild Horde-side who will be willing to do the same as me for people and open up some kind of lenient recruitment policy for those wishing to play on Horde.

Between these 2 guilds we should be able to generate enough activity to attract even more people wishing to give this bracket a(nother) chance and hopefully we will see more guilds popping up from various servers through the coming year.

tl;dr - More people = More activity = More pops
Is the free migration from Draenor to Aggramar still available?
can you stop talkin about us in guild chat please :(
Feeling insecure? :3

Just debated you cause stubs joined and trolled a little or whatever, no biggie.

love n peace <3

you can talk about me all you want :D im 2faced after all it doesnt bother me
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