oh youu (;
come play US
oh youu (;
come play US
come play EU
Kiri played horde lately. Redrum doesn't play at all and bases his knowledge on what his friends tell him, and his dislike on the feedback he got from certain Tough Love members.
If by "your claims" you mean me saying that you don't play the bracket, I based that on your statements. You see what happens when we base our claims on an unreliable source.
come play US
but i must first make my return to the euro peons!
Can I get this in english?
Why would that be relevant? I am not asking Saint or Kiri to tell me their in-game names either, I simply ask them to back up what they say about my guild or myself.Glady, why hide yourself yet ask other for evidence to back up there posts.
Was that too difficult for you to understand?
hate or dislike
It can't be that easy if you have to resort to insults every time.
Why would that be relevant? I am not asking Saint or Kiri to tell me their in-game names either, I simply ask them to back up what they say about my guild or myself.
I tried to remove some of the unnecessary banter and meaningless insults but I'm pretty certain there's gonna be quite a few left. You guys turned the thread into a complete shit storm that it became impossible to actually dissect and separate legitimate arguments / debates from pointless flaming / trolling.
If you feel someone is attacking you, your opinion on the topic, your guild, etc, then hit the report button. There's no need to create a bigger mess by starting to throw your own insults back at them. However, keep in mind that there's nothing wrong with trying to discuss a topic or debate different sides of it. Learn to differentiate between what should be okay and what shouldn't.
Please, be careful and try to get the thread back on track. Me and another staff member were planning on closing the thread because it got so out of control but then decided to give it a second chance, since we didn't want to just shut down the only discussion about reviving the bracket.
I'll tell you a bit later on
Sadly Mr. Fhayr, Aiden is no longer with us.
He's frying bigger fish, in the form of a lovely german lady.
I'll try tagging him though cause y'never know Gingerbred
Edit: Be nice to see you bouncing around bgs again
Please, be careful and try to get the thread back on track. Me and another staff member were planning on closing the thread because it got so out of control but then decided to give it a second chance, since we didn't want to just shut down the only discussion about reviving the bracket.
the fact that brave gingeaidbread is no more makes me quite sad ): but alas
This is a great initiative and I wish you the best of luck.