EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

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And I don't even know who you are in-game, that's how often I played against you.

MAybe that's because I don't crave attention in a videogame?
Baldi knows me best out of ppl on this forum, and I'm quite sure he don't even know all my 19's.
Also you not knowing who I am in game, is just a plus..
MAybe that's because I don't crave attention in a videogame?
Baldi knows me best out of ppl on this forum, and I'm quite sure he don't even know all my 19's.
Also you not knowing who I am in game, is just a plus..
Hey, I didn't mean it in a negative way. I wasn't calling you a "noname" or anything. I myself don't even go by the same name in-game and on the forums and you won't see me promoting myself around here. I really don't care if people know me, and what most of them think of me for that matter. I use the forums to voice my opinion or help new players out and that's it.

I was merely pointing out that you can't possibly know when people requeue and when they don't if you do not play the bracket actively.
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Hey, I didn't mean it in a negative way. I wasn't calling you a "noname" or anything. I was merely pointing out that you can't possibly know when people requeue and when they don't if you do not play the bracket actively.

But you just said you don't know who he is? If you don't know who he is then how do you know that he doesn't know? eh? :p
How is the possibility to restrain certain people from joining the games a bad thing?
You dont see how this can become an issue with a guild that has several smaller guilds within itself which was one of the suggestions in this thread?

Having disagreements between users or usergroups could ultimately end up in the destruction of the bracket.

If you want to restrain certain people from joining wargames, then guess what, that options is already there right now, I thought the whole notion of this guild was to involve, welcome and split the division between guilds and usergroups, not doing the opposite.

From Redrums guildforum: - Non-elitist and helpful/friendly community:
Join no matter your skill level or experience and learn from others - get tips or request practice duels/arenas/help.
Hey, I didn't mean it in a negative way. I wasn't calling you a "noname" or anything. I was merely pointing out that you can't possibly know when people requeue and when they don't if you do not play the bracket actively.

Ehm, you just said you don't know me, but now you know if I play actively or not?
Share your weed bro!
You dont see how this can become an issue with a guild that has several smaller guilds within itself which was one of the suggestions in this thread?

Having disagreements between users or usergroups could ultimately end up in the destruction of the bracket.

If you want to restrain certain people from joining wargames, then guess what, that options is already there right now, I thought the whole notion of this guild was to involve, welcome and split the division between guilds and usergroups, not doing the opposite.

From Redrums guildforum: - Non-elitist and helpful/friendly community:
Join no matter your skill level or experience and learn from others - get tips or request practice duels/arenas/help.

Oh my fucking god seriously, were you not paying attention? I've stated numerous times this is 1 guild, there is no guild in guilds or rivalry within the guild. It is a community of people passionate about playing this bracket together.

Is there any more bullshit you wanna add to your pile?
Ehm, you just said you don't know me, but now you know if I play actively or not?
Share your weed bro!
The fact that you are misinformed about my guild's and my queuing habits indicates that you don't play the bracket on a regular basis.

Outside of that, I know the people I frequently queue into and you are none of them.
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I know that you have changed your mind on this idea, however mesikämmen adressed my post aimed towards my comment concerning this system, and then I answered his question. If you have a hard time understanding this then I am sorry.

Ok yes, I misunderstood your post but the comment still stands since that's how it came up in the first place and since you're still dribbling on about it like it's going to be an issue with this guild.
The fact that you are misinformed about my guild's and my queuing habits indicates that you don't play the bracket on a regular basis.

Outside of that, I know the people I frequently queue into and you are none of them.

Why are you assuming I play only ally?
I have been playing horde lately
Why are you assuming I play only ally?
I have been playing horde lately
By "queue into" I mean every person in the game otherwise I would have said "queue against".

please, denying it just makes you look like an idiot.
Hey, I'm sure you know all about queuing habits in brackets you don't play. I know you don't like me and all but you don't have to jump on every post you see and try to make some pathetic attempt to insult me.
Hey, I'm sure you know all about queuing habits in brackets you don't play. I know you don't like me and all but you don't have to jump on every post you see and try to make some pathetic attempt to insult me.

tell me the names of my twinks.... you know, the ones i don't Q with. i'm sure you know, if you know i don't play them.
I am very much up for this, count me in
Hey, didn't you tell us repeatedly you didn't play this bracket and wouldn't do so in the future either?

don't avoid the question. i been saying i won't play 19s anymore since tbc. who are the characters you know​ i don't play?
You'd trust someone, who openly stated he don't like you?
I gave you to much credit it seems, not a lot to begin with, but clearly to much.
GN peeps
What made you think I would trust him? I just wanted to confirm for the public that his information on my guild's queuing habits is just as worthless as yours.
Thanks, I just wanted to confirm that you are in no way a trustworthy source.

But you said you know I don't Q wouldn't that make you an unreliable source?
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