[EU] Cyclone need more 39s

Rezist said:
I will be re-opening recruitment for <JB> later on today, and will talk to Pewi about doing the same for his new promising guild.

Tiz true, im gettin to the point of opening up my guild to prospective transfers, as well as those on Silvermoon already. We aim to complete with <JB> in terms of standard, an will hopefully stay in close contact with them to ensure we get games played/organised regularly.

I recon by this weekend we will be beginning recruitment so stay tuned.
Nice something might happend to 39 anyways but lets try keep it as epeen clean as posible and try get normal games going with diffrent people instead of just premades.
elocon said:
Nice something might happend to 39 anyways but lets try keep it as epeen clean as posible and try get normal games going with diffrent people instead of just premades.

It will be hard not to do premades the first time since.. right now there are no BGs and we are kinda.. well, all the ones from alakir knows eachother and have played witheachother for long, either in 80s or 19s same with Horde I assume since there are only a few guilds.. So premades will probably be a must.

Tho I hope it will be up in a week or so. Right now we just wait for a light in the end of the tunnel to see if its ever gonna happen and if it looks like it, we'll be transfering asap.

PS. Keembra here, Regulate are you horde oO?
If everyone goes to Silvermoon or Ravencrest premades will be formed immediately. That'll scare off and leave out the single queue'ers, which will kill the bracket sooner or later.
...which already killed the bracket atleast once already...

Im thinking of going to a pvp server if 39 get active again either horde or allaince.
Ishh said:
If everyone goes to Silvermoon or Ravencrest premades will be formed immediately. That'll scare off and leave out the single queue'ers, which will kill the bracket sooner or later.

Hmm i dont think there are enough 39's in Europe to scatter over the realms of one battlegroup to pull off this spread of activity u suggest (why would u go solo to a random realm within cyclone, u get no sense of community, u will be forced into a guild with randoms u dont know just cos they are the only 39's on that realm, or perhaps find no other active 39's there)

With the amounts of active 39's within europe willing to Xfer, ur best bet is to congregate on a set realm where u can chat to other twinks (whether they are in ur guild or not) and sort pre's out, but also queue solo (enough twinks regardless of what realms they are on cause BG pops).

To say that goin to one realm is pointless is a bit iffy, look at the 19 example of blackout with horde and alliance goin to their respective realms, there is wsg/arena all day every day....
You're both right. Although atm there aren't the two guilds up that play as the core of the battlegroup. If there were then getting new guilds on different servers would be easier, still to have a new guild form whilst there already being 2 active guilds you'd need a decent group of players that know each other.

That's always been the problem though, waiting for those 1 or 2 players that wan't to create a guild that raises the bar, saying that, a few have already cropped up that look like they have the potential to do just this, so here's hoping.

Edit - Yeah forget about that, I missed the point Ishh was trying to make, having 4 small sets of guilds would be better than 2 big ones. I'm so fucking tired, 39 is a clear example of this, with 2 guilds, if 1 guild dies then the other does eventually, 29 at Cruelty is another decent example, they have a fair few guilds and thus have great activity, the only downside I see with multiple guilds is that WSG's become solo based and if my friends didn't play then I wouldn't, not to mention WSG no matter how many times you get it a day must get frustrating or very boring with complete PuG raids. So a mixed bag! But for now I wan't the 2 guilds to get rolling, and if a group of 5 friends decide to roll on a diff server, then good luck to them!

Anyway, be on Friday for some arenas and Sunday for WSG.
Locked n loaded m8 :)
After locked xp patch many people transvered to cyclone but since we only done premades (atleast from allaince side) then everyone outside MYL had zero bgs. < Kowz n Co > and < The Elite > and and a allaince guild (with a good geared shaman and some of his friends), this guilds might not be the best or most active back in time but atleast they whould be able to fill the bgs.

Regulate, 19 Blackout got over 1000 characters (in that spreedsheat by some twinkinfo member) it dont matter if every1 is on same server with those numbers (yes I know all of those prob not are active). Seffy counted to 112 previously active twinks, Cyclone 39 has had in the last 3 months. Just to compare.

Rather have PuGs all day (still all is twinks compared to before patch) than 2 guilds who maybe can set up 3 bgs a day.
Even if you take say 40% as alts, thats a 600 player base. Like eloz said, with those numbers you don't need organisation. This has been my main point with 39 - we need, NEED organisation to make it work. Once you take 112 players, which is probably more like 50 these days, and they take 60% off you are looking at 20 hardcore players. Most of these 50 or so twinks, DON'T EVEN VISIT the forums, they are here for a bit of fun.

Once you're looking at 600 players, those proportions scale much better. Anyhow, I will continue to push for premades 39 - this is the final week of me having a crap connection. 29 is looking good at this stage, waiting for Ishh to jump on board. Oh and btw, Rogues are pretty weak here (swords at least) Eloz, a fresh challenge.
Yea tiz what im saying, with smaller numbers, u need to be more compact, a few small guilds on a few realms wont cut it.

Anyways, im game for arena on Friday, il try an get omgmom and trick on, and hopefully a couple more from AA will be over.
As it has already been said. The vision of no premades is just a dream for now and will most likely not become more than that (except if you say; a couple of friends and some random aint premades) in the current state and might never be like that in EU realms. Alliances have chosen one place to be because bigger "communities" or atleast just guilds wont get a big loss if a few players leave. But if we are 20, we scatter to 4 servers, 1 or 2 drops will be insanely crushial for that guild and their playing. Since the Hordes have greater upportunity to rule the WSG. Maybe not by premades but because they have played together for a longer period and might even be friends who just accidently end up in the same WSG (assuming there is only 1).

By NOT transfering to the same server, the newcomers from other realms as Alakir wont stand a chance in surviving. And as we everybody know, nobody here will transfer to a third server when 5 of your friends will transfer to a fourth.. Thats just not possible and if you think so, then YOU must be the person to transfer alone since we for sure wont. There is no chance, not at all, its not up for discussion.

Thats my 2 cents.
elocon said:
Its clearly up for discussion if you read the thread... :rolleyes:

Right now thread is about what server alliances needs to focus on, since some hordes do have organized themselves abit. Not what servers to scatter around on. Most of us, those who actually are gonna transfer, are all talking of 1realm to go to, which most likely will become reality. Other sole twinks will definately not join a realm on themself when they know their is an active twink guild on another realm. ;)
Alot of games today, think we had 7-8 teams que' in 2's and a few que's for 3's, 4 hours of multiple arena, just n update for those following the thread thinking of movin


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