[EU] Cyclone need more 39s

Such random hate, who really cares :< I've been busy with uni lately but I'll be on this Friday for our regular arena day. Which so far has been a success, 'cept going vs spellhance with lag spikes, it really does suck juking Medans kick and Marykates windshear to then have a dirty lag spike, ah well it's still fun.

Also I should be able to get some games tommorow after 6PM, so if anyone want's some 2v2/3v3 then give me a holla on RC.
Ill try n be there m8...
elesian said:
So who the fuck are you?

Elesian, who the fuck are you anyways?

Respect is the key word, respect your allies, respect your opponents.

everything else just reminds me of fucking pathetic ghetto kids who likes to insult people and get into fights. (sounds familuar?)
Devnox said:
pf, am always the only person ever online..
Well obviously this havent been the case... But atm many people moved on with diffrent things, can specailly see it in MYL.

Gnome+Undead=Human? :) sounds nice, seff
that elitistjerk behavior of some ppl really dont help attracting other twinks and twinks in spe to join the club, rather the opposite. Ppl not familiar with the existing players reading this will more or less /facepalm and move on.

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