[EU] Cyclone need more 39s

Hiidden said:
This EU cyclone thread have only talked about what server horde can go to (ravencrest) but have never talked about where ally can go.

Answer: Alliance who isn't from cyclone and want to transfer there should go to silvermoon.

hint : form a certain point, it isnt wise to accumulate all 39 on one realm. Its nice for syncing, but that can be done via irc as well.

Twink gear will be very rare on ah since all not-yet-completed twinks will try to get the stuff. For a sanity twink population, guilds on different cyclone realm would be the better solution at the end.

and ps. Premades are motivation killers for the opposing site. Sadly this thoughts never came in mind to those ppl who ironically called the 39 to cyclone/sm for 39 survivability.
I will be joining you guys on Ravencrest. I shall try to take some other 39 twinks with me from bladefist, but they'll need some convincing first. Some of 'em r still working on professions. I hope to get atleast 5. Hope to see you guys online soon
Didn't really read the whole post since most of it was just random talk and completely off-topic and I didn't really wanted to waste time reading it all through. So sorry on advance if it's already written.

As the topic author wrote is Ravencrest very active for the horde side, but the battlegroup lack alliances. Alot of players from Al'akir alliance side are going to transfer to Silvermoon-EU (Its a normal server yes I know.. makes me not wanna join but still its for the greater good) and someone said we are approximately 10. But in my eyes we are abit lower, personally ive only talked with 5. But that's atleast someone.

So a plead to all of you 39 alliance twinks who just jumps around on silence servers. Transfer to Silvermoon-EU together with us from Al'akir so we can get some groove going on and hope that the BG will become more active.
Orchidectomy said:
I will be joining you guys on Ravencrest. I shall try to take some other 39 twinks with me from bladefist, but they'll need some convincing first. Some of 'em r still working on professions. I hope to get atleast 5. Hope to see you guys online soon

Panic is kind of inactive atm, though me and mate has established a practise guild to get skills up be4 applieing for JB, pm Amageddon
Cool to see we are still gettin transfers, and yea activity is starting to go up again it seems :)
How often do you guys get games?

Since i'm thinking of making a new 39 twink, after i lvled my rogue to 60
Touye said:
How often do you guys get games?

Since i'm thinking of making a new 39 twink, after i lvled my rogue to 60

We are still in the process of building the community after 3.2, but we usually get them planned every sunday, and a few week days, if we are fortunate to be enough on each side.

things are starting to lighten with all the new peeps comming.

Kopnuss said:
Ofc I want :s

NO! :D
A guy asked for the activity and you answered "still building the community" is this a way to swip off the subject of. The server is a ghostly as in, there are no games except from Sunday 2pm?

Because if there are no games whatsoever and even a couple of players join.. You still need to be on alot for games to happen in weekdays. So whats is the exact current state of Cyclone-EU. Getting 1-3 WSGs in total in the weekdays and 10 sunday after 2pm? and mass arena for the horde or how is it.

Silvermoon is a Normal server which I will not join if I get a better offer.. Ganking is the part of WoW which I love and need to have fun unless there are other things to spend time on. So instead of making it sound better than it does to make us come, could you tell us a more precise answer since we all know there was more to than answer : )

For the time being, I just need my Tidal Charm and Assualt Band and i'll be ready to transfer. But I would like to know if my money were spend correctly.
Shadowknight said:
A guy asked for the activity and you answered "still building the community" is this a way to swip off the subject of. The server is a ghostly as in, there are no games except from Sunday 2pm?

Because if there are no games whatsoever and even a couple of players join.. You still need to be on alot for games to happen in weekdays. So whats is the exact current state of Cyclone-EU. Getting 1-3 WSGs in total in the weekdays and 10 sunday after 2pm? and mass arena for the horde or how is it.

Silvermoon is a Normal server which I will not join if I get a better offer.. Ganking is the part of WoW which I love and need to have fun unless there are other things to spend time on. So instead of making it sound better than it does to make us come, could you tell us a more precise answer since we all know there was more to than answer : )

For the time being, I just need my Tidal Charm and Assualt Band and i'll be ready to transfer. But I would like to know if my money were spend correctly.

The state of Cyclone 39: seems to be just as has been said. You have to keep in mind that there are a couple of people on the way aswell, including me. Besides, there is really no other battlegroup to go to either way.

I know Normal server kind of sucks. I wanted to switch to alliance side, but I'm not so sure about if I want to because of Silvermoon being a normal server. You don't have to transfer to precisely Silvermoon, though.

I don't see why the MYL/Silvermoon gang ended up there, though. Kind of sucks with normal servers imo.
For starters I don't think you should really care much about the type of server you're joining for twinking :) Unless you're heavily into ganking whilst your online you should be too busy doing other things to be able to gank at stv ;>

Cyclone did WSG's every sunday from 18:00 onwards, at first we used to play untill 22:00-ish. Atm though I don't know exactly how many games are underway each sunday, as you know the bracket took a dive, and there are people that want to and are helping get it back on track, what with guild promotions etc.

So yeah you know the state of the battlegroup atm, it just requires some work, if you're expecting to migrate into daily BG's then you'd be mistaken right now. Arenas sure, but not BG's.

Then again if you don't care enough to help make things better (not that thats a bad thing, you're paying to have fun after all), then I'd ignore your 39 twink as it's going nowhere really, atleast now you know what you'd be spending your money on. If you wan't to know anything else throw me a PM.

One last thing - Don't let this throw naysayers off, if you like 39 enough to spend money on a transfer, then do it, it's arguably the most fun bracket in this game and there still are some gems in Cyclone that make the experience much better (Mainly a guy called Resistforce, he cool).

EDIT - Q'ing arenas soon if anyone wants some games.
I'm getting frustrated how inactive 39 Hordes are on Ravencrest o_O'!

Me and Amageddon are the only people who are ever online. <Panic> is never online, only on sunday. <JB> Not that much online eighter but lil more than <Panic> tho Kopnuss is online alot.

The last week there were like no arena's and with luck 1.5 bg's ..

Yes, more people should come, that'd really help. But I think the players on Ravencrest should do more effort, seems like ever1 has given up the last days.

If you're still interested in twinking at 39 and making it better /w Devnox or Xenodor ingame or leave a reply here.
You dont have to come to silvermoon to play allaince you can start of at any server you want...

But 39 EU is kinda dead.
39 EU is back on the rise, don't worry. And as for the go to 29 project thing, the main reasoning behind it is quite sad, it's already been said by lots of people and lets face it, is an obvious fact that 39 in terms of fun and tactics/skill etc is far better than 29. If you're that desperate to play you may aswell lvl to 80, lots more to do there than downgrading your in-game experience just to play some warsong gulches.

One last note before I go finish MW 2 on Vet :cool: I will be re-opening recruitment for <JB> later on today, and will talk to Pewi about doing the same for his new promising guild.
@ NoMojo, no reason to post it here to be honest, it's not a solution to the problem since this thread here is trying to lit up the 39s bracket not make everybody flee. Useless comment.

Abit lameness, my parents are paying, right now I dont spent any money on WoW whatsoever (its not true since I used 200euro on gold but still) I am willing to pay for a transfer for sure. 39 bracket is where my heart is at, 19 what a joke but atleast you get games.

Right now im finishing my gear for my 39 hunter, Tidal charm, full BoA, BiS gear by far which most people didnt even knew existed ;) so I am definately into this. As in willing to help? For the time being, I am 10k/21k exalted to Timbermaw, my friends got all their chars on Alakir and so do I.. So willing to help? If Sunday is the only way to pvp and its a few WSG ill rather wait untill I am so twinked ill puke upon myself for the time ive spent on it. So instead of I and my buddies transfering right now, there might go some time, as in a week or 2. (ill transfer right after I got the diplomat which ill recieve in 5days max). From there ill help with everything I can but if It dies within the time period I am doing other things, I will cry myself to sleep.

Keembra, Saku, Wirdo, Seeth are the ones who'll be transfering when ready, probably more to come but these are the ones I interact with. I also know some more but I believe they are already there. If then just the horde would get their carcass online, we could get some BGs on an everyday basis. I will start crying it its because the horde players start playing on their main instead of their twink tho, that will be a let down.

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