EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

Hurrx said:
If fhayr is in the alliance team, horde has got no chance.

Me and Asskraka will unite.
I think a lot of ppl dont realize how bad the situation really is.

Ok the horde guys faceroll every game and say "hey it will change etc." but how should this work?

Look at the queuetimes, they made me lol. The last two weeks it switched to instant-4mins queue for Alliance and 14+min queue for horde.

Look at the stupid bgs atm. Horde has nearly everytime a full twink team. Sometimes they got a 1100 hp hunter or a 1k f2p pally but thats it, the rest is mostly full geared.

Then look at alliance. I swear the last 20 bgs i played i had ONE grp with more then 4 Twinks. The rest is not just f2p the rest is just insane shit. 560hp rogues and so on. They keep queuing and are happy to get raped every game.

The situation is not just bad, imo we are at a point where the bracket could die. Not that games wont pop, but the numbers of good games or competetive games will decrease until 0.

But what you expect if every good alli goes horde? Better games for sure.

Im pretty sure you will get bored too
wish i had screenshot'd the chat, when a paladin, 859 hp went "damn, everybody focus (horde char), he has 700 hp!"..
Yayu hi said:
i am already terribly bored on horde side, but i go where phone goes, so screw ya all :D

Thats the attitude to have right there. I gathered phone migrated to get away from retards, not to be followed by them :(
Yayu hi said:
i am already terribly bored on horde side, but i go where phone goes, so screw ya all :D
that really helps:mad:.

we all should go horde then they would be 0 pops and you could spend more time with your nose up phonebook's butt.
droodelf said:
that really helps:mad:.

we all should go horde then they would be 0 pops and you could spend more time with your nose up phonebook's butt.

We can still fight the french, we don't even depend on english alliance groups.

edit: If you take anything Yayu says serious then you're doing it wrong
_Arkant_ said:
We can still fight the french, we don't even depend on english alliance groups.
i have horde twinks to horde do depend on english grps cause unless the french have the numbers for a premade they dont queue.
_Arkant_ said:
That's bullshit. Sorry.
you smell bullshit? thats your nose to close to your ass :O, i queue on my horde if i play 10+ games i play maybe 3 vs the french so yeah you can play them but your time queue would triple, and if you enjoy playing them with there 1000 gy farming hunters well thats good for you.
droodelf said:
i have horde twinks to horde do depend on english grps cause unless the french have the numbers for a premade they dont queue.

That's not entirely correct. Recently once or twice I've seen the French queue with a 3-man team, the rest were randoms - they were summarily steamrolled.

Speaking of them, are there any Culte de la Rive noire twinks Horde side?
droodelf said:
you smell bullshit? thats your nose to close to your ass :O, i queue on my horde if i play 10+ games i play maybe 3 vs the french so yeah you can play them but your time queue would triple, and if you enjoy playing them with there 1000 gy farming hunters well thats good for you.

Lately about 50% (might be even more actually) of my games are against the french and I don't mind waiting a bit longer to get more quality games (yes, games against the french are quality games compared to most english alliance groups).

And I got my very own opinion about graveyard farming. If the enemy team is strong enough to farm you constantly at the graveyard, then the wsg is lost anyways. It doesn't matter if those hunters farm you there, in midfield or at their tunnel entrance.

And if they are not strong enough to farm your whole team at the graveyard, then they waste time they could have spent on chasing down your FC which most likely results in them losing the WSG.
_Arkant_ said:
Lately about 50% (might be even more actually) of my games are against the french and I don't mind waiting a bit longer to get more quality games (yes, games against the french are quality games compared to most english alliance groups).

And I got my very own opinion about graveyard farming. If the enemy team is strong enough to farm you constantly at the graveyard, then the wsg is lost anyways. It doesn't matter if those hunters farm you there, in midfield or at their tunnel entrance.

And if they are not strong enough to farm your whole team at the graveyard, then they waste time they could have spent on chasing down your FC which most likely results in them losing the WSG.
sorry what quality are you talking about from the french? when i play them there normaly 50% undergeared take a look at isa there best fc pally then think how many players on the english severs as good if not better, and just cause a team is strong enough to farm dont mean they should

edit: how the hell did this get to be about the french? o_O
droodelf said:
sorry what quality are you talking about from the french? when i play them there normaly 50% undergeared take a look at isa there best fc pally then think how many players on the english severs as good if not better, and just cause a team is strong enough to farm dont mean they should

Isa solo is better than Phonebook.

His general movement, jukes and how he manouvers around the BG, especially on his shaman, outclasses Phone.

Phonebooks fakes are hardly consistant.

But Phonebook usually has support, good support, i.e Squirtle; a mage that knows what he's doing. That's why he wins more games.

Majority of players Isa queues with are completely useless, the quality of players in La Confrérie is attrocious.

Don't get me wrong, Phonebook isn't bad.

But people write off Isa too quickly, and only due to his etiquette ingame.

_Arkant_ said:
And I got my very own opinion about graveyard farming. If the enemy team is strong enough to farm you constantly at the graveyard, then the wsg is lost anyways. It doesn't matter if those hunters farm you there, in midfield or at their tunnel entrance.

And if they are not strong enough to farm your whole team at the graveyard, then they waste time they could have spent on chasing down your FC which most likely results in them losing the WSG.

That's retarded.

What if players /afk?

Queue times increase.

Overall quality of games turns into constant Horde 3cap with graveyard farming everygame.

That's a fun and excting bracket right there.

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