EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

I suppose the viable solution would be people having both faction twinks and taking responsibility to be at the right faction when they see things snowballing out of control, but its just a guess.
Imnaked said:
I suppose the viable solution would be people having both faction twinks and taking responsibility to be at the right faction when they see things snowballing out of control, but its just a guess.

Honestly if it was going to snowball, it would of done so by now.

Nothing you can do to stop ungeared/gy campers Qing, in fairness they also pay there £8.99 a month :/ it our choice to spend it wisely.
Juno0 said:
In fairness they also pay there £8.99 a month :/ it our choice to spend it wisely.

Nothing warrants losing a game for your team, or ruining games for 10 opponents/making them not queue and increasing queue times.
Nothing warrants losing a game for your team

I'm afking out of most games, I've seen Cele afking instantly the minute he gets into Flagroom and sees the team we have. I might aswell start doing that.

-_- shouldn't have to point out...

you may consider the game lost, but still. Leave if you're just going to take up space.
Imnaked said:
I suppose the viable solution would be people having both faction twinks and taking responsibility to be at the right faction when they see things snowballing out of control, but its just a guess.

and we have plenty of responsible people in EU, like massakra and jana. And vianco who stays on his horde mage when there are 2 other arcane mages currently playing while alliance is lacking good classes/players bigtime. It's not only a decrease of good eq and skilled players, but furthermore, and which is even a bigger problem, a decrease of the community-quality. The community lost on members, that's for sure, but to me it seems like there are more stupid people like some months/years ago. This also counts for the undergeared people, never saw a polite one, they all just brag and flame, and play like retards.

EU needs people to manner up, there's no need for massakras, I even liked Maltec more then him.

People leaving the bracket for several reason, the one stated above is one of mine, plus undergeared people (on topic) and the fact that most of the players are rogues and hunters, which is no fun to play against if you have a bad pub team.

tbh, i don't see how we could turn the tides, the bracket will be lost to the brainless and the scrubs.
Good manners are always welcome. Any time, any place. It makes time spent in WSG more pleasurable.

GY campers or HK campers like Massakra and Jana don't particularly help keeping the bracket active. And I'm sure there are Alliance equivalents, but since I don't get targeted by them I don't know names.

But lets face it, when during preparation someone says "Wow, we're all level 19!!" you know how it's gonna end.

Part of the sollution would be for Blizzard to split F2P and P2P. Not seeing that happen though.

Another sollution would be a manditory IQ test for WSG. 5 questions on "How to play WSG". Answered right, you get the right to queue.

Just hope all the wise people in here keep queueing.
i am digging that this thread is almost completely free of flaming and mindless insults (a little towards massakra, but be fair, he deserves it.) i've said this before, we can make it work. i took some time of Chíll, simply because i felt like i was either attempting to solo every game, or i was being flamed for playing offensively. i'm gonna have a talk with some of the Aszune guys, seems like some of you still want to go somewhere with this.

i encourage people to queue up with 5-man groups of friends, because i would sooner be steamrolled by Atoma than seeing those 5 spots filled by white daggers and defias bandanas.

on a related note; Zimt people have been asking for you left right 'n center.

nice to see the difference between Eu-only-threads and US-only-threads. (just saying)
chíll said:
i am digging that this thread is almost completely free of flaming and mindless insults (a little towards massakra, but be fair, he deserves it.)

chíll said:
nice to see the difference between Eu-only-threads and US-only-threads. (just saying)

This is so true, some really refreshing reads in this thread.

I still can't propose a proper "fix" for those players who arent willing to listen, and will continue to thorw back advice in those who are trying to help them's face.

However, I think we should organise more "competitive games" instead of gambling and joining bad pugs. I don't mean premading as such, but even groups of 3-5 from guilds on ally and horde queueing to play each other greatly brings up the level of enjoyment of games(for me at least). We just need to PM each other some realID's here to get the ball rolling and maintain good communication between factions.

We wouldn't have to play by premade rules, and wouldn't take the win/losses too seriously considering 50-70% of the team could be non-guildies. But it would certainly make games have at least some kind of edge.

I started this post with lots of things to say, then made some coffee and have forgotten everything... So I'll need to end it there :p

on a related note; Zimt people have been asking for you left right 'n center.


I guess all we can do is try to que more in groups like you said baldi, we'll see what the future brings ^^

Btw: We tried premading two days ago. Dreamworks vs. Band of Brothers (on german realms), but in the end the fail queing system wouldn't allow us to join 10v10. Both sides had 10+ players online and we were all in que at once, but no pop. Then we got a pop all groups at the same time, but it appeared to be different wsgs afterall, 1grp of us vs 1grp of them and 1grp of us in random EU wsg. After 1hr of trying we cancled it.

Just sharing our experience ;)
This isn't just EU - But it's happening A LOT on US servers too - Ruin battlegroup. It's also happening to not just Alliance but Horde aswell. It kinda sucks really badly, I've seen some of my guildies get a bit frustrated over the fact that, we queue with a typical / balanced 5 man group, and the other 5 pugs on our team, maybe ONE of the pugs are decently geared. The rest just freaken suck. And it's all hunters and rogues.

How can we fix this problem?

To get noobs out of the BG, my AFK macro is usually 100% affective... The reason why? Well to be frank, I threw a little bit of a mod / coding spin on it and changed the color that would appear to everyone as yellow instead of the light brownish color... Yes.. It's against the rules technically... And you may get muted for an hour if someone actually reports it... But meh.

As for seeing BG's of nothing but hunters and rogues? There's not too terribly much we can do other then to just not roll those classes, if you already rolled one of those, start working on something new. (Preferably a healer... Don't see enough of those anymore...)
Yes queue in grp could help a bit.

What not help is that horde do this atm :). We have no chance if they queue solo but if they queue as grp its just a pain. But ofc you can do whatever you want but it will not improve the situation.

I tried it the other way today. Asking ppl if they need help or adivice for their gear and told them where they can find further information here etc. Answers i got:

lol, stfu, just want to do some bgs then lvling, no im fine always most kb, lol you use heirlooms, my favorit answer :"just lvling" :) seems hopeless for the moment.

What i dont understand is, they always keep queuing but ending every bg with a lose and stats like 12 deaths 600dmg done etc, why is that? Few weeks or months ago they left and never came back because they noticed it is no fun for them.
I feel you guys.. : /

Could it be a option to make some semi 19 chars on one server just for grouping up when stuffs gettin out of hand?:) Do some semi twinks with Engi etc?
Kekks said:
Great.... Hurrx did the same. Lets all go horde this will help a lot.

Do you think i went horde to contribute to the problem or what? Also who are you?
Hurrx said:
Do you think i went horde to contribute to the problem or what? Also who are you?

It doesnt matter who i am does it? All im saying is that it dont help if the good ones change to horde.

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