EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

StubsEU said:
Stubxqt @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft - My Rogue ,

i just would LOVE to hear the reason why phonebook went horde, i tought he was 1 of the people who cared most about this bracket?

so if any1 know or phonebook himself can tell me i would LOVE to hear it - Peace

Ive helped alliance so much that i dont even feel like a reason is needed.

_Arkant_ said:
why u so mad stubs

I think its because i joined horde and he realised hes not able to 3 man rogue squad gank me anymore. poor guy

StubsEU said:
Isa cant fake cast either.. but yeh phonebook isnt good but as u say , he gets carried by Squirtle.

I know im amazing , must be the reason you stalk us around =] and how am i being carried by squirtle?

Squirtle dident even play his mage at 09 when the mergeing to blackout started.

Which was around when Awsomeness Yayu was carrying me duh..

Also what good use would squirtle be if we dident group que makeing our winning chances better?

If i dont heal him hes doomed , if he dosent slow offence im doomed, more like a team play thing.

Or well .. hmn you could suggest him rolling skillbarage arcane spec and farm GY like you and vianco do =]

StubsEU said:
Pokémonsters @ Darkspear - Game - World of Warcraft

any1 in this guild looks familiar to u guys? we on horde found out who thoose guys are atleast ...

i have no idea why thoose shitheads joined horde? but i guess they want to help the bracket... lol jk

So you're complaining about i went horde with a few other "shithead" friends , whos going to help hordes game play manners. Cute

Haters gona hate

So phone i know this has nothing to do with the thread but since it went off topic anyways. I heard you removed some of your real ID friends when you went to darkspear, so what exactly did you plan to do? heh go there *unnoticed* ? XD
Decoidz said:
So phone i know this has nothing to do with the thread but since it went off topic anyways. I heard you removed some of your real ID friends when you went to darkspear, so what exactly did you plan to do? heh go there *unnoticed* ? XD

its because i really wanted to be a spy! so i had to remove em so people wouldent find my disguise so quick , but theres to manny traitors around so =[
Sylvictus said:
its because i really wanted to be a spy! so i had to remove em so people wouldent find my disguise so quick , but theres to manny traitors around so =[

Our spying didnt work to well maybe we should have went all black cloth and waited till it was night :<
Juno0 said:
@Kekks, you do realise its a wednesday which means server restarts where this morning which means WSG awt was reset. Tbh theres no need to invoke panic with stoopid posts like that.

FYI wsg is now popping.

has nothing to do with the fact, that games (Mo-Fr) started at 14:00-15:00 the days/weeks before and now they are starting few hours later. Maybe just an accident but as we all noticed that queue times for alliance decreased to instand-4 mins and for horde goes up to 15 mins it would be nothing special if this also results in later pops. Alliance players get bored of having the same isue every bg. Too many baddies on A side (pathetic, sometimes it seems they do it with intentional) too many goddies on H side. Funny is, they all have their Chars on A side but H seems to be the better place for them atm. Rolling with a full gear team over the 800hp Alliance army. They have a BC revival and are happy with it.

My post was not stoopid, based on facts.....
Horde: boring free wins against undergeared alliance / challenging games against the french

Alliance: boring defeats all day

I prefer horde.
Seems that you think you are a cool boy now?

We should all go horde right?

Horde: No games vs. EN Alliance, "Challenging" games vs. french Alliance

Fun to have 1 BG in 2 Hours then.

Made my day

I prefer to be ignorant
Funny is, they all have their Chars on A side but H seems to be the better place for them atm. Rolling with a full gear team over the 800hp Alliance army. They have a BC revival and are happy with it.

That's what you wrote, I answered.

I don't mind playing my alliance twinks when I know that other decent players are q'ing at the same time.

Just joining those 800hp teams doesn't help the alliance, the horde, or me. It doesn't affect the situation at all.
Ofc it helps the alliance. We need more good twinks in queue. We will never improve the situation if everyone just queue if they know that there are more good ones q'ing:-(.
Well, I won't randomly queue up with my alliance twinks and hope for some others to do the same. After all I play my twinks to have fun and I'm not on a "save the alliance, no matter what" mission.

If a decent alliance player tells me that he queues up with a few guild mates and asks me to play my alliance twinks, I'll do it though.
To all of u, take a break from 19s, smell some fresh air, enjoy ur life, check out some new games (theres loads of them, some seems to be very interesting even) and try them out. Give 19s some time and see how time passes by as 4.3 hits in few months. Things will be hopefully better when 4.3 arrives im quite sure bout it.

Non twinked f2p and p2p ppl get bored by time, u guys just have to wait. Im not saying there would be less newcomers, joining into bgs with 600hp but as we all know, we can kindly ask them to get some more gear from dungeons, advertising twinkinfo etc etc.

It pays off sometime, they learn, they get better and can become one of the best twinks @ 19s later, every one of us started our twinks plain naked and geared up / got better bit by bit.
<------won't be queuing on alli side, you guys want to face roll on horde side i'm not gonna be your punching bag

(no offence intended most of the horde guys i like)
:) and Horde still queue in grp, useless. I wish all of you much fun farming undergeared alliance.

I wont queue anymore. HF against the french!
it sucks havent won a bg or even had a bg that was just a little bit fair in days -.-
I don't rly know whats going on atm, but haven't had alot of good games lately, and its mostly cos the teams ends up rly unbalanced, if its not ally that got a ton of low geared ppl, its horde... well mostly ally but w/e, just had a 40 min que as ally to..
: / this is sad.. Anyway im makin a 19 twink progressing BoAs by doin bgs.. if anyones up for it then yeah, id help you out abit with gear and gold etc:)! Alliance ofc.
this is silly. 3 alliance player faction change and some of you think shit has hit the fan.

As copy said bgs arent as bad as people are claiming. Man up, take a break from 19s or Gtfo.
Tried to do bgs on my alliance mage with quite bad gear, won 2 out of 4 games. The imbalance is the problem, but it's not a big problem. Sadly, the fact that everyone is talking about it as a big problem creates a big problem out of it and makes alliance players less likely to queue.

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