EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

Situation is bad for sure. As Alliance you sometimes feel joked. Latest BG i was in 6 ppl under 1 k hp. Most of them were one of the "lol we are all 19" buddies. Its really hard to stay in those games because you just cant understand whats going on there.

I hope this will change. I will stay alliance for sure and try to kick horde asses, but for all horde with an alliance char, would be nice if you sometimes queue your A to balance things out. Im pretty sure that the good ones are getting bored of steamroll the alliance noobs.

-> Gurke
my i point one small thing.

literally 5mins ago we had a game where alliance had 6 hunters and 2 healers.... fair enough we had 4-5 rogues and 1 healer but the point is they lost 3-0. the problem from my point of view is the avg skill level of horde seems to be much higher than alliance.
my i point one small thing.

literally 5mins ago we had a game where alliance had 6 hunters and 2 healers.... fair enough we had 4-5 rogues and 1 healer but the point is they lost 3-0. the problem from my point of view is the avg skill level of horde seems to be much higher than alliance.

Of course, there's hardly any competent/geared Alliance left.

Try to make a list of notable/active/geared Alliance, it's a struggle to get anywhere close to 20.

Then do Horde, is ezpz.
the avarage skill level on both sides is pretty low, atm it's mainly carried by class or carried by mass. people rely too much on their advantages, which makes them look bad.
my i point one small thing.

literally 5mins ago we had a game where alliance had 6 hunters and 2 healers.... fair enough we had 4-5 rogues and 1 healer but the point is they lost 3-0. the problem from my point of view is the avg skill level of horde seems to be much higher than alliance.

The average skill level of the horde is just as bad as on alliance side. Those baddies just get carried by the decent players.
I really think that someone should pay my migration to Draenor so I can fuck shit up goaty mode
The solution would be to have twinks on diffrent factions so you can just log on your Alliance/Horde when the opposite team is having crap geared people or bad setup.

So feel free to make a twink on the other faction (and im not talking about alliance only because horde had almost the same problem a few months ago).

And as you may have heard: Patch 4.3 is giving you the oppurtunity to que cross-realm, which may increase the number of good geared players in each faction.

Tell me if im wrong with this post cuz this is a thread about try to find a solution to this problem afterall and not some sort of brag/flame thread were you name the bad/good players in the bracket...

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