EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

chill please dont leave the bracket again everyone loves u and please get qitbb to q more often <3
chíll said:
horde side today has been awesome.. alliance.... not so much. was pretty fun to play vs. darkspear and Atoma.. even though FC'ing without a healer doesn't work that well.. ohh well.
problem now is were does alli go? every decent player has gone horde so the few decent alli left will quit or go horde, I for one dont mind looseing but getting destroyed evey single game will get annoying fast.
I think that after 4.3 hits, things will definitely pick up. I know that at least me and Jun on aggramar have ally twinks, but they arent played as often due to a lack of alliance twinks in the guild they are in. But once 4.3 arrives, we can log and group with QITBB and other alliance guilds and not lose the social aspect of playing on horde. Thus making us (an indeed all other twinks in the same situation) much more likely to either reroll an alliance toon, or to dust off their old one.

Hopefully it'll come soon, cause it's one key change that I really think is gonna be needed to keep games in the bracket enjoyable.
Hurrx said:
chill please dont leave the bracket again everyone loves u and please get qitbb to q more often <3

<3333333333333 Plus you are awesome irl too chill! Please continue to not leave us!

I even googled how to post a pic on a forum, just so I could stick that SS of the good times back when I was in qitbb :')
i think that alliance started to fail at wsg the day after farley quit
I haven't been online today, but a quick armory check lets me guess the probable.

Ericah, Yayu, Phonebook and Squirtle?

I lol'd.
think its stubs' rogue, but otherwise..

also, yeah i'll talk to the guys, lets get some games rolling.
Farley said:
i think that alliance started to fail at wsg the day after farley quit
twas all going well THEN farley picked the flag up :(
chíll said:
think its stubs' rogue, but otherwise..

also, yeah i'll talk to the guys, lets get some games rolling.
we'r gonna need a recruitment thread chilly, and thats your department cause my sprelling is rawfull :)

i'm off to bed gn <3 you all. (no homo)
yeah, i'll cook something up.
droodelf said:
twas all going well THEN farley picked the flag up :(

actually, who u be? :confused:
Llare said:
I haven't been online today, but a quick armory check lets me guess the probable.

Ericah, Yayu, Phonebook, Squirtle and Stubs?

I lol'd.

Edit: Shouldn't have assumed twas Redrum.

Stubs, really? Didn't you see him rage in this thread about them going horde?

€: Alliance is getting trashed 'cos Swifty went inactive.

cmon Juno, dont start the flamewar :\

lets all aknowledge that my epeen fills 50% of the european landmass, and then stop measuring from here on aye?
droodelf said:
problem now is were does alli go? every decent player has gone horde so the few decent alli left will quit or go horde

Pfft, I'm staying put.

Too bad those who switched the last few days don't realize that because of that the bracket is dieing faster than they can blink. Unless you can convince Blizz to allow Horde v Horde bgs.
Doesn't anyone recall half the "good" 19s all xferring to alliance around 3-4 months ago?

@chill: sorry man still have a hatred of that guy from blackout, when he used to speed hack/teleport alot.
Yer.. allies slacking.. but so have horde done random times.

Not any1's fault but blizzards. Allthough I do rage sometimes when we lose a game due to incompetent players, but blizz made the rules of the game :/

Hope it will change some time.

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