Dragonflight Stat Squish

thanks for the numbers glave.

so some quick math, for warrior, in defensive stance with 30% vers, that's about 25% dmg reduction.


my total health will likely be over 6000 because i stack stamina and vers.

so it's about 40% of my health.

that's not too bad.

About 40% of you health without being anywhere near BiS, without popping CD’s like Elk, and without Double Tap lol… you will 1000% be one shot by a geared MM if they don’t fix the scaling… or have all pvp dmg and healing nerfed by 50% but which is more likely.
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Time to break out the Aimed Shot ban…


That would be a good start but Double Tap Rapid Fire will also 150% anyones health… Maybe people have CD’s they can pop to get out of Rapid Fire but without Defensive CD’s or CC’s to interrupt it, you will also evaporate in a Rapid Fire (and Rapid Fire can continue to hit you while you’re LoS). If Hunter can 150-200% someones health in full burst, I don’t even wanna know what Mage Missile Spams are gonna do and Lock Bolts. Maybe Blizzards goal is to make twinking so boring that people stop doing it lol
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No need to over react.

It is still early.

Get some epics, enchant them and chill.

I’m not sure why I can’t start a post on the Blizz forums… do you have to have Beta access, to create a post?

Also it would probably be best if someone who could articulate the concerns a little better made the post.

If I had the devs ears I would simply ask for a Code to be implemented in all Pvp scenarios… Duels, Arena, and Battlegrounds below max level, all throw a debuff on players for 50% Reduced Damage, and 50% Reduced Healing. Fights would last 1 min instead of 5-10 seconds! It would amazing.
You boys really going all out on this hunter thing SMH haha

Well I got a 29 ret pally I can test... but no one seems to be too concerned about them going into DF. ;)

edit- the only 20 i have with epics is my warrior with epic cudgel which now feels far from epic.
Well I got a 29 ret pally I can test... but no one seems to be too concerned about them going into DF. ;)

edit- the only 20 i have with epics is my warrior with epic cudgel which now feels far from epic.

Based on your experience, how much change is made in the last month before an expansion release?

criting for 4k as lvl 20 on beta, and im not even close to bis, had blue https://www.wowhead.com/item=110037/bonetooth-longbow?bonus=6710 equipped

the bracket is truly fucked imo
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Based on your experience, how much change is made in the last month before an expansion release?

Not enough.

It's not about what they change before release, it's what they change after that's usually the problem. Or what they dont.

It's not as bad as azerite/HoA/relics last xpac tho....
well, hopefully they change the scaling. if a non-BIS 20 hunter can hit 4000, a BiS 29 lock can prob push 8000+

edit: it's not that bad actually. for example, just looking at warrior alone, they have A LOT MORE mobility and dmg reduction in DF.

1, 30 sec intervene (charge friendly target)
2, 20 sec charge (hostile target)
3, 20 sec bloodrage (removes all snare)
4, 15 sec heroic leap (move to any location)
5, -20% dmg taken from defensive stance
6, -10% dmg taken from enrage (warpaint)
7, -20% dmg taken from vers (can easily hit 40% vers with epics)
8, storm-bolt (stun)

so it would be hard for you to aimed shot me because i can just move out of range or stun you, and even when you manage to shoot at me, i have so much dmg reduction that I will probably live anyway.

so it will be a very bursty yet also high mobility meta, people won't have much margin of error. PvP will require a lot of skill in DF because you get so many more abilities and talents than before. there won't be any MM hunter because they always struggle in high mobility meta, even right now in this bracket MM hunter isn't even tier S, DF will make their life much harder when everyone gets more stuns and mobility.

in addition, things will still change significantly in the last 40 days

conclusion: it will be fine.
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so it would be hard for you to aimed shot me because i can just move out of range or stun you

I couldn’t help but laugh at this because you are forgetting something very important.

All the 29 Hunter’s have Camo so you will never see them coming and you will never be able to prepare for the incoming dmg.

Any smart Hunter is going to pick off the Top DPS or Healers with the Double Tap Aimed in Stealth. If you know Warriors insta die from it the Double Tap without preparing for it, but they take forever to kill if you don’t drop them instantly… then obviously a smart Hunter’s focus target in stealth is gonna be a geared Warrior. Common sense tells someone to kill the most difficult target to kill with you 1min Insta Kill.
No need to panic, I have been around long enough to predict that things will be fine, eventually.

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