Don't feel bad about being a 24.

I like playing F2P and having a p2p account because you can't be bested in an argument with a 24.
I play 20s as well as I do 24s, but just curious....... What makes this the 20s bracket? Thought it was 20-24?

In addition, OP mentioned that F2Ps leech off the game, which we totally do. In a reversal of the argument though, aren't P2P 20-24s leeching off of a bracket made possible only by the existence of said leechers?
^ this quote basically answered that

You know how p2ps like trying to say they are entitled to faceroll (see precious posts) just because they pay? Well F2Ps can do the SAME thing and say we are entitled to a fun good bracket because this bracket is wow's most active bracket because of us. If all the trials left there would be no bracket. If all the p2ps left there would be alot of happy f2ps playing this bracket. ;)

Sometimes I honestly wish all the f2ps would just stop queuing all at once for a couple days to show we control this brackets activity but sadly people who roll p2p just to gy farm or grief said trials don't realize it. One day I just see this bracket hitting the tipping point.. Not sure when or what patch but it will be soon
Everyone is entitled to the bracket, whether it be 24 or F2P. No one can claim the bracket for themselves, it doesn't matter who makes up a majority of the population, because in the end each player chooses the situation they are in whether they want to F2P or P2P.

If you want to play for free, great! But that decision comes with the knowledge that your character might not be as powerful as someone who pays for the game. Rather than calling out the people who pay for the game, why not just accept that you are limiting yourself and understand that you choose the situation that you play in?
Well F2Ps can do the SAME thing and say we are entitled to a fun good bracket because this bracket is wow's most active bracket because of us.

Well there are a couple ways to look at that:

A) You have a fun, good bracket. Fast pops. Reasonable scaling. Possibility for class diversity (in that many specs are viable). Occasional competition.

B) What makes you think you are entitled to anything in a game that is subscription based, while not paying said subscription?

Etc, etc.

Sometimes I honestly wish all the f2ps would just stop queuing all at once for a couple days to show we control this brackets activity but sadly people who roll p2p just to gy farm or grief said trials don't realize it. One day I just see this bracket hitting the tipping point.. Not sure when or what patch but it will be soon

If F2Ps all stopped queueing, then we would see the 19 bracket level of activity. There are enough P2Ps supporting this bracket now to get pops. Based on my 19s experience, the queues would be instant to 20 mins at primetime. Whether or not the activity would be sustainable is up in the air still. The pace of P2P games in this bracket is far more enjoyable than any F2P game (imo). So wargames/premades still could offer a real draw.

The only people who would be really hurt would be the ones who play to roll scrubs. And to be perfectly honest, they could just go back to the 10-14 leveling bracket. So I don't see that phasing them.
You are playing in our bracket and making sure to pay to faceroll. OP

This statement invalidated everything else you had to say.

First when you say 'our' bracket, who are you referring to? f2ps or cyclops hunters? Sorry, couldn't resist ;). To me when you are playing a subscription game for free, you really cannot call any portion of it yours.

Second, in Cata and again now, few things other than a p2p hunter were/are more faceroll than an alliance f2p hunter. Glass houses and all that.

I respect you and almost always like your posts. However that statement was nonsense.
Also, please don't think if all of you f2p twinks left this bracket would lose activity. Until latin american countries are taken out of the north american region, the brazilians will keep this bracket plenty active.
Why would someone feel bad about paying to smash newbs?

It's called empathy and is evolved usually after the age of 21, so no1 expects you to feel bad.. yet..
Have your fun while you can!
The whole point of twinking is to get every single advantage you can, and the best gear possible. It's really not my fault if some of you F2P's wanna cry about it.
The F2Ps complain that we are dumb. We should start complaining that they don't provide enough competition.
In fact, I'll even start the thread.

F2Ps have no right to complain. They don't pay, their opinions don't matter and they choose to limit themselves.
Don't feel bad about being a 24.

Why would I?

The main reason I twink is so that I can steamroll people. It's just fun. People will claim otherwise for their e-dignity but they're lying.

And what happens when you get tired of steamrolling? You find your dignity?
Halfway there Metro....I effing hate making cookies! :/
Twinking for the longest time was the haves vs the have nots.

For you maybe. For me it lasted for at most a month before I stopped farming levellers like a complete scrub, and started going after other, better geared twinks.

One reason twinking bit the dust once XP Bg's came around is that they (us) could no longer steam roll levelers. There were plenty of twinks at all levels to make games in xp off bg's but since they could no longer steam roll levelers they lost interest and only a few remained.

Wrong. It bit the dust thanks to lack of merged battlegroups and a requirement for full teams. I suggest you try reading outside this section of the forums, because you might then notice that there is activity in other, XP-locked brackets. In fact the forum sections for both 20-24 and 10-14 have less activity than 70s, 19s and f2ps, so it would seem that twinking is doing just fine without steamrollers.

it's a freaking video game.
And we have the usual excuse favored by the truly apathetic.

It's a video game? So you're judging video games as a form of creative media to be inferior to other forms of art, like literature, theatre, music or film? As a form of participatory entertainment to be inferior to conventional sports, despite play at high levels requiring just as much dedication? The Olympics, Superbowl, World Series, World Cup, etc. are just games. No-one fails to take those seriously, and none of them have half as many players as WoW. Sure they might mostly be casuals, but how many of the casuals having a kick about in the park are doing it to 'own noobs', and otherwise ignore the basic principles of good sportsmanship, claiming 'It's just a game'?

I bet the same excuses were used in the past regarding all the alternatives to video gaming that I've listed above, when they were relatively new, and were competing with alternatives. Excuses used by the same kind of short-sighted people, trying to devalue other people's experiences.


The main reason I twink is so that I can steamroll people. It's just fun.

Well that right there speaks volumes about the kind of person you are...

People will claim otherwise for their e-dignity but they're lying.

As does claiming that anyone who doesn't enjoy the same things as you must be a liar. I guess many things in your life must be so challenging that you've developed a strong aversion to being properly challenged by anything else you may choose to do.

If you think I'm lying about my twinking to get fair games against other twinks, then maybe you'd care to explain my reasons for campaigning for XP lock and separate twink only BGs, for the implementation of gear and level scaling, and for the restriction of enchants to appropriate levels? And while you're at it you might like to explain why anyone would do this.


Lol. The gap between 20s and 24s had been closed considerably these days anyway.

Just because the greater part of the imbalance has been addressed, does not mean to say that the remainder can be simply ignored. Even 10% on a stat makes a difference, not to mention the availability of extra abilities.

It's World of Warcraft, if you're seriously concerned about being respected by a fraction of its playerbase, you've got some serious issues.

So you're saying that the respect of WoW players isn't worth anything? Nice way to view several million people. I'd say that the people who value respect the least are those least deserving of it.

And as for my issues? I may seek out the respect of others, but at least I'm doing something beneficial to other people in the process, instead of just thinking about myself. Where would humanity be without people like me? Still in the stone age. Invention and social progress relies on self sacrifice and doing things for little other than respect, not self serving for short term material profit.

Also on my 24 rogue I find it hard to just "mow down" anything, especially hunters, since I often queue solo without heals.

Yeah, pick rogue for your example, the one class whose ability to shine is exceedingly situational. Same kind of bias from all the people thinking f2p 20s are fine, because the hunters still pose a challenge.


Why would you feel bad for me? I can afford to play the game, and play at max level, as well as enjoy my twinks. I truly feel sorry for the people that don't have 15 bucks of spare income.

Maybe because you choose to spend your $15 in order to s*** on other people.

Plenty of F2Ps spend $15 too, except they're doing it to help out a whole community, many of them just to help out that community, because they put more time into that than playing at endgame, or outside of f2p.

And as for the ones who don't have the $15? We don't feel the need to pity them, because we're helping them.


I play 20s as well as I do 24s, but just curious....... What makes this the 20s bracket? Thought it was 20-24?

Because before the time limit was taken off the trial, the bracket did not even exist. Paying for your home does not make you responsible for it's existence, that would be down to the builders, Blizzard in this case made a new home for 20s, and then 24s moved in.


How is it an ignorant statement? You must be implying one of two things:

1) That 15 dollars is actually a lot (which it shouldn't be since you're posting on the Internet)

Yep. Ignorant.

Internet access isn't some luxury, it's required to function in normal life in developed countries, to the extent that many of them take its costs into account when working out how much welfare people needs to live on [1].

And given the current economic state of the 'developed' countries, and the number of people in them at or below the poverty line, $15 a month is the difference between being well fed and being malnourished. Meanwhile having internet is the difference between being able to find a job or not.

Why whould someone in that position be spending their time playing video games? Because believe it or not, it's an exceedingly low cost form of entertainment, and entertainment is another neccessity. Without access to it people and societies soon develop other problems.

or 2) That they simply choose not to pay for the game, thereby forfeiting all rights to bitch at 24s since it's a privilege to even let them play.

And who the hell are you to decide what is and isn't a priviledge?

Blizzard made the game free up to level 20, they gave us the right to play it for free. Go read your Terms of Service and End User License Agreement. Blizzard are telling you to STFU, because right there it says paying does not give you any say in how this game is run.

F2P players have every right to play this game, because without them populating low level areas, this game would be dying a whole lot faster than it already is, as no new players would want to play a game where they start up, then can't see anyone playing.

Why does Blizzard tolerate F2P? Because it is of value to them. We are of value to them, because we perform a service that helps attract new players, which is a lot more than can be said for the kind of twinks who play the lower brackets only to steamroll newer players, making their experience worse. A type of player whose advantages Blizzard has made continued efforts to negate.


That's not even my mentality. 24s have an advantage, but these F2P kids crying about "getting steamrolled" just doesn't work anymore.

Basically, if they have the option and ability to pay and don't, they need to stop crying about the injustice of the 20-24 bracket. Being 24 isn't that huge an advantage anymore.

If it isn't an advantage any more, then why are you defending it, instead of saving yourself $15 a month and rolling f2p? Is it because you're too proud that you can afford $15/mo to stop doing it?

You have the option not to pay, as well as the option not to play at 24, so why are you still doing those things? Come play a F2P and then we'll talk about advantage. Until you do that you have no idea what kind of advantage you have.


...a hunter with the best pre-heirloom gear can be MORE than competitive in the bracket and could get that gear in a day or 2 max.

So you're suggesting that everyone should just roll the most OP class? Real classy :p

I don't think it's a stretch to say that most of the F2P people you run into are children that cannot get their parents to pay for the game. They whine like children so I only assume they are.

Again, come play F2P before you start insulting everyone who does it. You only come off as completely ignorant.

Heirlooms aren't the deal-breaker anymore,

Heirlooms were never a deal breaker, because they never provided any real advantage once you got past level 15. The biggest advantage has always come from enchants, and they're still here, and for P2Ps only.

20s are more than viable and I happily queue with them all day long.

Just so long as you don't have to queue on one.

tl;dr get over it guys.

Try to at least write something worthy of a tl;dr before using one.


I'd love to know the amount of people that can afford an Internet connection, a viable computer that can play WoW, and not afford a $15 a month subscription. I imagine that the number is very, very low.

Yeah, you go on massaging your ego about that $15. You'd be amazed the kind of junk that will run WoW (and it's certainly doesn't hold back how well someone can play), a $100 PC or a lucky find in a dumpster will do the job. As for the connection? In a lot of places it's included in the cheapest package you can find for your phone and TV.

I never once insinuated that F2P's are bad. I honestly think you're retarded because you're gleaning random shit from what I've said. I've said that 24s don't have much of an advantage anymore and that I'd happily queue with good F2P players all day long.

You may not have much of an advantage any more playing a 24. We'll call it being carried by better players.

You really ought to read the thread before spewing literal retardation from your mouth.

And you should try to actually play a F2P, and see what the real differences are, instead of doing similar.

EDIT: And like I said, I'll never feel ashamed for doing what a twink does: Maximizing your character to the fullest, and gaining every advantage you possibly can.

Except that's not what every twink does, it's only what twinks like you do.

I owe absolutely no moral obligation to you or any other F2P player to stay out of the bracket. If you don't like it, deal with it. Nerd rage all you want, and I'll go to sleep content.

Explaing to me what part of defending your playstyle comes under not caring what people think? You may go to sleep content, but chances are you'll wake up and go on posting the same stuff.


If F2Ps all stopped queueing, then we would see the 19 bracket level of activity. There are enough P2Ps supporting this bracket now to get pops.

And the larger part of those P2Ps will go back to 10-14 when they can no longer faceroll, leaving the extreme few who might actually play a fair game high and dry. People don't play this bracket on a P2P for fair games, it's either for the queues, the facerolling, or a proper challenge if they're going by f2p rules. Those people who do want fair games are already doing so at 19, 70, or any one of the other brackets that a P2P account already has access to.

Just look at the activity on these forums for the 15-19 bracket, and compare that to forum activity for 20-24 (which includes several f2ps). What might 20-24 queue times be with f2ps taken out of the 20-24 bracket, considering the actvity for 15-19 and their queues?


To me when you are playing a subscription game for free, you really cannot call any portion of it yours.

Except this isn't a subscription game. Not any more. It's both subscription and[/i] F2P. See above regarding ToS/EULA. Paying dosn't make it yours either.


It's called empathy and is evolved usually after the age of 21, so no1 expects you to feel bad.. yet..

Have your fun while you can!

Well some are unlikely to ever develop empathy, being borderline for one of these:

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV-TR), defines ASPD [ed. Antisocial Personality Disorder] (in Axis II Cluster B) as:[9]

A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:

1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
2. deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;
4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;


The World Health Organization's International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, tenth edition (ICD-10), defines a conceptually similar disorder to ASPD called (F60.2) Dissocial personality disorder, "usually coming to attention because of a gross disparity between behaviour and the prevailing social norms".[16][3]

It is characterized by at least 3 of the following:

1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others;
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations;
3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them;
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence;
5. Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment;
6. Marked readiness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

as well as;

DSM-III-R Criteria for Sadistic Personality Disorder

A) A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:
1. Has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him or her)
2. Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others
3. Has treated or disciplined someone under his or her control unusually harshly (e.g., a child, student, prisoner, or patient)
4. Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals)
5. Has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal)
6. Gets other people to do what he or she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror)
7. Restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has close relationship (e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teenage daughter to attend social functions)
8. Is fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts, injury, or torture


The whole point of twinking is to get every single advantage you can, and the best gear possible.

There you go again passing off your own limited view of what twinking is as the only kind of twinking. Yes, some people do it only to have as big an advantage as possible over other players.

However, there are plenty of others who do it to minimise any disadvantage they might have, so that they aren't the ones being facerolled.


The F2Ps complain that we are dumb. We should start complaining that they don't provide enough competition.
In fact, I'll even start the thread.

No need to complain that you're dumb when you make it so obvious. It never occured to you before writing that that if you want competition you could roll a F2P? Or maybe that's just too much competition for you.

F2Ps have no right to complain. They don't pay, their opinions don't matter and they choose to limit themselves.

Yada, yada, ToS, EULA, get it in your heads that having money =/= rights.

Wake up, try actually thinking about the world you live in, and realise that half the crap going down in the world today is because people with money have far more power than the vast majority, and because so many dumb people in that majority are lusting after wealth too, that they keep on defending the 'right' of the wealthy to s*** on everyone else.



When you act disrespectfully to others, you are showing them what you consider to be appropriate behaviour, so you have no right at all to complain when they disrespect you in return.

Empathy is seeing that what you do to another person is what justifies how they act in return.


tl;dr for the tl;dr

Don't be a dick.
Yasueh;696742 So you're judging video games as a form of creative media to be inferior to other forms of art said:
players[/I] as WoW. Sure they might mostly be casuals, but how many of the casuals having a kick about in the park are doing it to 'own noobs', and otherwise ignore the basic principles of good sportsmanship, claiming 'It's just a game'?

My friend I've never flamed anyone on this forum, but your comparison...really...seriously? The Olympics..... I'd spend way more time seeking some sort of viable friendship outside of this game and reinsert yourself into reality somehow. This is a game. Taking it way to seriously and and obviously investing this much emotion into flaming and walling text is well ...just pretty sad. Beyond that we (the 24 community PAY for this game), Guess what that means... I think you can! If it hurts that badly and keeps you up late at night...well my friend...look else where for fulfillment. Good Day to you...and best regards...your friendly neighborhood nontalent steamrolling 24...Cheers Mate
For you maybe. For me it lasted for at most a month before I stopped farming levellers like a complete scrub, and started going after other, better geared twinks.

Wrong. It bit the dust thanks to lack of merged battlegroups and a requirement for full teams. I suggest you try reading outside this section of the forums, because you might then notice that there is activity in other, XP-locked brackets. In fact the forum sections for both 20-24 and 10-14 have less activity than 70s, 19s and f2ps, so it would seem that twinking is doing just fine without steamrollers.

And we have the usual excuse favored by the truly apathetic.

It's a video game? So you're judging video games as a form of creative media to be inferior to other forms of art, like literature, theatre, music or film? As a form of participatory entertainment to be inferior to conventional sports, despite play at high levels requiring just as much dedication? The Olympics, Superbowl, World Series, World Cup, etc. are just games. No-one fails to take those seriously, and none of them have half as many players as WoW. Sure they might mostly be casuals, but how many of the casuals having a kick about in the park are doing it to 'own noobs', and otherwise ignore the basic principles of good sportsmanship, claiming 'It's just a game'?

I bet the same excuses were used in the past regarding all the alternatives to video gaming that I've listed above, when they were relatively new, and were competing with alternatives. Excuses used by the same kind of short-sighted people, trying to devalue other people's experiences.


Well that right there speaks volumes about the kind of person you are...

As does claiming that anyone who doesn't enjoy the same things as you must be a liar. I guess many things in your life must be so challenging that you've developed a strong aversion to being properly challenged by anything else you may choose to do.

If you think I'm lying about my twinking to get fair games against other twinks, then maybe you'd care to explain my reasons for campaigning for XP lock and separate twink only BGs, for the implementation of gear and level scaling, and for the restriction of enchants to appropriate levels? And while you're at it you might like to explain why anyone would do this.


Just because the greater part of the imbalance has been addressed, does not mean to say that the remainder can be simply ignored. Even 10% on a stat makes a difference, not to mention the availability of extra abilities.

So you're saying that the respect of WoW players isn't worth anything? Nice way to view several million people. I'd say that the people who value respect the least are those least deserving of it.

And as for my issues? I may seek out the respect of others, but at least I'm doing something beneficial to other people in the process, instead of just thinking about myself. Where would humanity be without people like me? Still in the stone age. Invention and social progress relies on self sacrifice and doing things for little other than respect, not self serving for short term material profit.

Yeah, pick rogue for your example, the one class whose ability to shine is exceedingly situational. Same kind of bias from all the people thinking f2p 20s are fine, because the hunters still pose a challenge.


Maybe because you choose to spend your $15 in order to s*** on other people.

Plenty of F2Ps spend $15 too, except they're doing it to help out a whole community, many of them just to help out that community, because they put more time into that than playing at endgame, or outside of f2p.

And as for the ones who don't have the $15? We don't feel the need to pity them, because we're helping them.


Because before the time limit was taken off the trial, the bracket did not even exist. Paying for your home does not make you responsible for it's existence, that would be down to the builders, Blizzard in this case made a new home for 20s, and then 24s moved in.


Yep. Ignorant.

Internet access isn't some luxury, it's required to function in normal life in developed countries, to the extent that many of them take its costs into account when working out how much welfare people needs to live on [1].

And given the current economic state of the 'developed' countries, and the number of people in them at or below the poverty line, $15 a month is the difference between being well fed and being malnourished. Meanwhile having internet is the difference between being able to find a job or not.

Why whould someone in that position be spending their time playing video games? Because believe it or not, it's an exceedingly low cost form of entertainment, and entertainment is another neccessity. Without access to it people and societies soon develop other problems.

And who the hell are you to decide what is and isn't a priviledge?

Blizzard made the game free up to level 20, they gave us the right to play it for free. Go read your Terms of Service and End User License Agreement. Blizzard are telling you to STFU, because right there it says paying does not give you any say in how this game is run.

F2P players have every right to play this game, because without them populating low level areas, this game would be dying a whole lot faster than it already is, as no new players would want to play a game where they start up, then can't see anyone playing.

Why does Blizzard tolerate F2P? Because it is of value to them. We are of value to them, because we perform a service that helps attract new players, which is a lot more than can be said for the kind of twinks who play the lower brackets only to steamroll newer players, making their experience worse. A type of player whose advantages Blizzard has made continued efforts to negate.


If it isn't an advantage any more, then why are you defending it, instead of saving yourself $15 a month and rolling f2p? Is it because you're too proud that you can afford $15/mo to stop doing it?

You have the option not to pay, as well as the option not to play at 24, so why are you still doing those things? Come play a F2P and then we'll talk about advantage. Until you do that you have no idea what kind of advantage you have.


So you're suggesting that everyone should just roll the most OP class? Real classy :p

Again, come play F2P before you start insulting everyone who does it. You only come off as completely ignorant.

Heirlooms were never a deal breaker, because they never provided any real advantage once you got past level 15. The biggest advantage has always come from enchants, and they're still here, and for P2Ps only.

Just so long as you don't have to queue on one.

Try to at least write something worthy of a tl;dr before using one.


Yeah, you go on massaging your ego about that $15. You'd be amazed the kind of junk that will run WoW (and it's certainly doesn't hold back how well someone can play), a $100 PC or a lucky find in a dumpster will do the job. As for the connection? In a lot of places it's included in the cheapest package you can find for your phone and TV.

You may not have much of an advantage any more playing a 24. We'll call it being carried by better players.

And you should try to actually play a F2P, and see what the real differences are, instead of doing similar.

Except that's not what every twink does, it's only what twinks like you do.

Explaing to me what part of defending your playstyle comes under not caring what people think? You may go to sleep content, but chances are you'll wake up and go on posting the same stuff.


And the larger part of those P2Ps will go back to 10-14 when they can no longer faceroll, leaving the extreme few who might actually play a fair game high and dry. People don't play this bracket on a P2P for fair games, it's either for the queues, the facerolling, or a proper challenge if they're going by f2p rules. Those people who do want fair games are already doing so at 19, 70, or any one of the other brackets that a P2P account already has access to.

Just look at the activity on these forums for the 15-19 bracket, and compare that to forum activity for 20-24 (which includes several f2ps). What might 20-24 queue times be with f2ps taken out of the 20-24 bracket, considering the actvity for 15-19 and their queues?


Except this isn't a subscription game. Not any more. It's both subscription and[/i] F2P. See above regarding ToS/EULA. Paying dosn't make it yours either.


Well some are unlikely to ever develop empathy, being borderline for one of these:


as well as;


There you go again passing off your own limited view of what twinking is as the only kind of twinking. Yes, some people do it only to have as big an advantage as possible over other players.

However, there are plenty of others who do it to minimise any disadvantage they might have, so that they aren't the ones being facerolled.


No need to complain that you're dumb when you make it so obvious. It never occured to you before writing that that if you want competition you could roll a F2P? Or maybe that's just too much competition for you.

Yada, yada, ToS, EULA, get it in your heads that having money =/= rights.

Wake up, try actually thinking about the world you live in, and realise that half the crap going down in the world today is because people with money have far more power than the vast majority, and because so many dumb people in that majority are lusting after wealth too, that they keep on defending the 'right' of the wealthy to s*** on everyone else.



When you act disrespectfully to others, you are showing them what you consider to be appropriate behaviour, so you have no right at all to complain when they disrespect you in return.

Empathy is seeing that what you do to another person is what justifies how they act in return.


tl;dr for the tl;dr

Don't be a dick.

As a owner of a 24 and a F2P twink, who plays mostly F2P, I fully agree with everything stated here.

I <3 you, Yasueh bb.

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