Don't feel bad about being a 24.

You are playing in our bracket and making sure to pay to faceroll.

I play 20s as well as I do 24s, but just curious....... What makes this the 20s bracket? Thought it was 20-24?

Really not trying to be a smart ass or anything. I really respect you as a player, you are really good. I hate when people say that though...
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This thread has brought out the inner douchbag of the 20s and 24s.

I truly feel sorry for the people that don't have 15 bucks of spare income.
Such an ignorant fucking statement.

I never really gave a shit until I actually met some real F2P's. They highlighted every negative aspect of playing to an advantage, and countered every argument I had for being pro 24. In the end all you can do is agree. Ok, so you pay.. But can you justify that by effortlessly mowing down weaker players? I used to stand behind that logic; that paying for something entitled me to do as I pleased. Well yeah sure it does, but it won't earn you respect. If you really don't care about respect from either party, why come to the forums to announce it? :p
Best post in this thread.

That old and continuous F2P QQ will never stop.. It's quite clear that we (F2Ps) are right and that 24s for the most part really don't care about the F2Ps opinion. You are playing in our bracket and making sure to pay to faceroll. If you don't care about respect then that's fine but if you want respect don't expect it playing a 24 until you prove you're not crutching but instead are part of the small population of great 24s. I know alot of 24s. I know alot of crutching 24s. I know a few skillful 24s. I respect a few 24s.
<<<---- Crutches on my enchants. I say crutches on enchants since being 24 doesn't really matter anymore. My 20 hunter hits harder than my 24 hunter.

Damn... I said I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore and here I am.

BTW. The draw I have to this bracket is not so much destroying 20s, because it's not that simple anymore, it's more because of the activity. The activity is off the hook. I don't have to wait 5-20 minutes for a WSG like the 19 bracket. Of course that's not the only thing, but that is a big draw for me. Here's a list of positives for me in this bracket.

  • Super Fast Queues on both sides.
  • Easy to get a toon ready for the bracket and even easier for someone with existing 19s.
  • Less asshats. Well maybe there are just as many, but diluted by the sheer numbers in the bracket.
  • Varied playstyles. When I get into a 20-24 WSG... I don't know exactly how the game will play out like I do in the 19 bracket, everyone stand mid all game and fight. BORING.
There are more reasons, but I have to get back to work. :)
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How is it an ignorant statement? You must be implying one of two things:

1) That 15 dollars is actually a lot (which it shouldn't be since you're posting on the Internet)

or 2) That they simply choose not to pay for the game, thereby forfeiting all rights to bitch at 24s since it's a privilege to even let them play.
How is it an ignorant statement? You must be implying one of two things:

1) That 15 dollars is actually a lot (which it shouldn't be since you're posting on the Internet)

or 2) That they simply choose not to pay for the game, thereby forfeiting all rights to bitch at 24s since it's a privilege to even let them play.

$15 dollars is lunch each day. $15 dollars is nothing at all.

The ignorance in your statement is the "I pay, you lose" mentality. There are tons of F2P players that can't afford $15, sure... but there are a lot of F2P players that choose not to pay for various reasons. I know a few that F2P for the challenge only.

Anyhow. I am not going to get through to everyone.
$15 dollars is lunch each day. $15 dollars is nothing at all.

The ignorance in your statement is the "I pay, you lose" mentality. There are tons of F2P players that can't afford $15, sure... but there are a lot of F2P players that choose not to pay for various reasons. I know a few that F2P for the challenge only.

Anyhow. I am not going to get through to everyone.

That's not even my mentality. 24s have an advantage, but these F2P kids crying about "getting steamrolled" just doesn't work anymore.

Basically, if they have the option and ability to pay and don't, they need to stop crying about the injustice of the 20-24 bracket. Being 24 isn't that huge an advantage anymore.
That's not even my mentality. 24s have an advantage, but these F2P kids crying about "getting steamrolled" just doesn't work anymore.

Basically, if they have the option and ability to pay and don't, they need to stop crying about the injustice of the 20-24 bracket. Being 24 isn't that huge an advantage anymore.

I can agree on being 24 isn't a huge advantage anymore. That's about it. I don't like the whiny 20s, but there are way more cool 20s than whiny ones.
Why would you feel bad for me? I can afford to play the game, and play at max level, as well as enjoy my twinks. I truly feel sorry for the people that don't have 15 bucks of spare income.

I like how everyone assumes "F2Pers" cant afford the game. Because after paying off that PC/monthly internet bill, money is really tight /sarcasm
Most of us have subbed accounts along with our trials. It's not about the money silly, its about the challenge.
If you truly feel sorry for people who can't spare 15$ a month you should look into a Charity firm American Red Cross | Disaster Relief, CPR Certification, Donate Blood is a good one. This one is really dope too Clean Water | Our Impact on Safe Drinking Water | World Vision
That's not even my mentality. 24s have an advantage, but these F2P kids crying about "getting steamrolled" just doesn't work anymore.

Basically, if they have the option and ability to pay and don't, they need to stop crying about the injustice of the 20-24 bracket. Being 24 isn't that huge an advantage anymore.

I play both F2P and 24, mainly F2P and when you say F2Ps don't work anymore, that's kinda funny. It can take months to be completely BiS on a F2P and that's usually without the assistance of high levels, whereas you can create a decent 24 twink in just a few hours.

You're steamrolling the people who make this bracket possible, and the people who put a month into their character to become BiS on their own. They usually don't have 90s to run them, they have to deal with bullshit ninjas in dungeons instead of getting a friend to help them, they can't mail, trade, use the AH. Everything you see comes from weeks, or months of hardwork.

Then you see a 24, and even as I'm a 24, I'll just say this. It takes little to no effort to make a BiS 24 or near BiS. When Grinding Gnomer, just sit back and relax and let a 90 help. No effort.

F2Ps play F2P for the different play style and the challenge. Many F2Ps own a P2P account as well but just choose the challenge instead of the world handed to them on a platter.

Just saying.
Most of the F2Ps that come to Twinkinfo more than likely have subbed accounts.

The VAST majority of people you come in contact with, though? They have no active account.

Regardless, a hunter with the best pre-heirloom gear can be MORE than competitive in the bracket and could get that gear in a day or 2 max.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that most of the F2P people you run into are children that cannot get their parents to pay for the game. They whine like children so I only assume they are. Heirlooms aren't the deal-breaker anymore, 20s are more than viable and I happily queue with them all day long.

tl;dr get over it guys.
Most of the F2Ps that come to Twinkinfo more than likely have subbed accounts.

The VAST majority of people you come in contact with, though? They have no active account.

Regardless, a hunter with the best pre-heirloom gear can be MORE than competitive in the bracket and could get that gear in a day or 2 max.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that most of the F2P people you run into are children that cannot get their parents to pay for the game. They whine like children so I only assume they are. Heirlooms aren't the deal-breaker anymore, 20s are more than viable and I happily queue with them all day long.

tl;dr get over it guys.

You are now just assuming. Most F2Ps probably aren't children, they are just ticked off that someone has the nerve to come into their bracket and farm them the entire game.

I barely see whiners when I'm on my F2P and there's a 24 in the group, or a 24 on their team. One whiner per team doesn't equal the whole bracket, newfriend.
they could stop getting beat on a constant basis by the "poor" kids.

Kinda reminds me how on my F2P arms warrior, me and two F2Ps from my realm premaded and got into a WSG at the last 6 minutes. We were losing 2/0 when we entered, and a BiS 24 premade of 4 was farming our GY, right? Just the 3 of us managed to 2 cap and fend off the 24s easily in the base.

24s that bad (Only the bad ones who play 24 to steamroll) deserve to be steamrolled, not the other way around.
Eh sallyg it picked up a bit. Still 4/10 @ best.

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I'd love to know the amount of people that can afford an Internet connection, a viable computer that can play WoW, and not afford a $15 a month subscription. I imagine that the number is very, very low.

I never once insinuated that F2P's are bad. I honestly think you're retarded because you're gleaning random shit from what I've said. I've said that 24s don't have much of an advantage anymore and that I'd happily queue with good F2P players all day long.

You really ought to read the thread before spewing literal retardation from your mouth.

EDIT: And like I said, I'll never feel ashamed for doing what a twink does: Maximizing your character to the fullest, and gaining every advantage you possibly can. I owe absolutely no moral obligation to you or any other F2P player to stay out of the bracket. If you don't like it, deal with it. Nerd rage all you want, and I'll go to sleep content.
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Lol @ all the people saying they don't care about what people think about them for being a lvl 24 twink, but care enough to create a thread/post to defend the fact that they don't care. Just play the game lol.
Metro...when you break a 100 replies on this thread I'm sending cookies /hat tip

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