Don't feel bad about being a 24.

And the larger part of those P2Ps will go back to 10-14 when they can no longer faceroll, leaving the extreme few who might actually play a fair game high and dry. People don't play this bracket on a P2P for fair games, it's either for the queues, the facerolling, or a proper challenge if they're going by f2p rules. Those people who do want fair games are already doing so at 19, 70, or any one of the other brackets that a P2P account already has access to.

Just look at the activity on these forums for the 15-19 bracket, and compare that to forum activity for 20-24 (which includes several f2ps). What might 20-24 queue times be with f2ps taken out of the 20-24 bracket, considering the actvity for 15-19 and their queues?

Why you quoting and asking me a question I already offered my opinion on?

If F2Ps all stopped queueing, then we would see the 19 bracket level of activity. There are enough P2Ps supporting this bracket now to get pops. Based on my 19s experience, the queues would be instant to 20 mins at primetime. Whether or not the activity would be sustainable is up in the air still. The pace of P2P games in this bracket is far more enjoyable than any F2P game (imo). So wargames/premades still could offer a real draw.

The only people who would be really hurt would be the ones who play to roll scrubs. And to be perfectly honest, they could just go back to the 10-14 leveling bracket. So I don't see that phasing them.

To rehash:

The immediate would result in 19 bracket activity at primetime. Is that sustainable? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the reasons people play their characters.

What happens next could be:

A) Bracket stops popping regularly. Scheduled games or nothing at all.
B) Continues popping a la 19.
C) Levelers get harassed even more in 10-14.

Also, Metro, starting to pick up pace now!
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I play(ed) this game for free because it's not worth paying for. I could easily sub 6 or so accounts per month and still be living the same life I live right now. I just choose not to because the game is complete shit.
My friend I've never flamed anyone on this forum, but your comparison...really...seriously? The Olympics..... I'd spend way more time seeking some sort of viable friendship outside of this game and reinsert yourself into reality somehow. This is a game. Taking it way to seriously and and obviously investing this much emotion into flaming and walling text is well ...just pretty sad. Beyond that we (the 24 community PAY for this game), Guess what that means... I think you can! If it hurts that badly and keeps you up late at night...well my friend...look else where for fulfillment. Good Day to you...and best regards...your friendly neighborhood nontalent steamrolling 24...Cheers Mate

Way to miss a point dude! 10/10
Where in my post did I claim it was my bracket or even p2p's? It's blizzard's bracket. If any group could claim it as their own, it would now be the Brazilian bracket lol

Anyone with any common sense whatsoever realizes this still is very much a subscription based game. The starter edition is simply a very limited ongoing trial.
LOL a 24 goes into the F2P section to post an opinion and gets deleted....a F2P goes to the 20-24 section and does the same thing and gets "liked" by moderator...too funny
LOL a 24 goes into the F2P section to post an opinion and gets deleted....a F2P goes to the 20-24 section and does the same thing and gets "liked" by moderator...too funny

That is interesting.

Without F2P, the bracket wouldn't exsist.
Without F2P, this site would be dead.

I don't have any issues with the moderation.
LOL a 24 goes into the F2P section to post an opinion and gets deleted....a F2P goes to the 20-24 section and does the same thing and gets "liked" by moderator...too funny
People aren't F2P or P2P. It's about the content of the posts. Posts deemed too off topic or lacking content will sometimes be deleted, and people can always PM a mod and (politely) discuss any actions taken that they don't agree with. :)

I liked Yasueh's post because I agree with most points he made, but don't care enough to join the discussion.

If you thought any part of his post was off topic in regards to this thread or bracket, you could have reported it. :)
People aren't F2P or P2P. It's about the content of the posts. Posts deemed too off topic or lacking content will sometimes be deleted, and people can always PM a mod and (politely) discuss any actions taken that they don't agree with. :)

I liked Yasueh's post because I agree with most points he made, but don't care enough to join the discussion.

If you thought any part of his post was off topic in regards to this thread or bracket, you could have reported it. :)

The fact that moderators are generally supposed to be neutral parties makes you liking any post kinda shitty. You come across as having favorites which then makes you an untrustworthy mod. ImHo if you're wanting to like posts don't do it as a mod. Instead have a second acct separate from your mod acct to like stuff on.

On topic: While everything that has been posted by the F2Ps is good and all, especially when you keep coming in and saying "This our bracket because we keep it alive!!!!!" you might want to stop and realize that if WE the people who pay for this game all stopped paying....there would be no game. Oh and Yesueh, you might want to read that TOS yourself. It says just as much about you not having any special privileges as it does us.

Now I'm sure there will be another F2P (or 20) come in and say how stupid this post is, but just remember this: I really couldn't care any less if you hate me playing in "your" bracket. If anything it makes every time I kill or help kill you even sweeter.
I want to formally withdraw any comments I have made in this thread. I am not part of this bracket anymore. Too much drama. I have to pull a Lil and bow out... well that and I can't afford $15/mo to play this game anymore and I am not a student with all summer to waste opening chests for the gear I need to legitimately roll a F2P.

Edit: I can afford $15/mo easily. I was just trolling.
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The fact that moderators are generally supposed to be neutral parties makes you liking any post kinda shitty. You come across as having favorites which then makes you an untrustworthy mod. ImHo if you're wanting to like posts don't do it as a mod. Instead have a second acct separate from your mod acct to like stuff on.

Moderators aren't allowed to have opinions or participate in discussions?
lilhunter did have a 24 rogue at some point in time

Again, while I am not defending anyone it is very obvious to see the average 24's attitude
I want to formally withdraw any comments I have made in this thread. I am not part of this bracket anymore. Too much drama. I have to pull a Lil and bow out... well that and I can't afford $15/mo to play this game anymore and I am not a student with all summer to waste opening chests for the gear I need to legitimately roll a F2P.

I'm confused... Are you a different Drayner from old Drayner? I thought you had a wife and kids, a good sysad job etc.?
I'm confused... Are you a different Drayner from old Drayner? I thought you had a wife and kids, a good sysad job etc.?

The old Drayner was all a lie. I am 41, unmarried, no kids, living in mom's basement. My mom gets $100/mo from obama to support me.

EDIT: I was just trolling here. I am 41, but I am married, have kids, own a nice home in a nice neighborhood, and have a great job.
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you should feel bad for being 24 tbh.

p2p 20s have way better stats

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