Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com
So I quit this game, for good.
If you haven't seen me for the past month that's what been going on. I got another 10 day so I'm back for this week. I'm offering my 2 man rocket services and the like. If anyone wants to BG come on over, I'll be officially done next Monday. Things are good, I'm just busy and don't have time for it. Long story short I end up playing too much and it causes trouble and tbh after 7 years I'm ready to be done.
But on that note I wanted to say the games and people I played with on BWL have been nothing but fucking rock stars. I've had some cool moments in this game (which I'll share below) but who would have ever thought a bunch of trials could make the list...
1.) Grinding my Merc Glad lock set on my first character
2.) Guardain Druid tanking UBRS to the LoTR soundtrack (navigating the tunnels and bridges, it was awesome)
3.) My first serious raiding: LK and the Sindragosa fight and clearing that place.
4.) This server and the 24 premades we overcame!
Anyways... It's late. I'm sure I could have wrote this much better in the morning but oh well. I'll be around TI and probably doing F2PDev still. Thanks for being awesome. You guys rock.