Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

^ makes about as much sense as the people on bwl do :)
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

I am the original shaman! :p

Just kidding, but my shaman is my only toon. </3

I think a suitable fix for this Lenny is that you only play your hordies <3
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

some day . ill have a bis glass cannon troll ele shaman and ima poop on kids. i just goat get around to finishing botting it. and i goat get a job for next semester
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

On the look out for more bads on BWL. Join us! Heals and DPS needed
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Super late post, but with the upcoming changes to heirlooms I can start using my currently geared characters on AP to start farming for Cloth looms and such, so maybe sometime after WoD I'll bring a Lock onto the server. Seems like a hella long time, but honestly, starting fresh as a clothie is about as fun as getting an indian burn from someone with rough hands.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

I think in bwl we could do 10man shammy, lock or mage..

i have a bwl shammy... lets do it!

10 shaman WSG / AB.
After Agrammar EU's post about 10 boomies, Hindu made a post bout this idea and frankly I think it should happen. I'm gonna start leveling a shammy and she'll be ready by this coming weekend. 10x TS inc

Good luck with the tourney today!

edit: quoting
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Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

I only play underpowered classes so i'll be glad to join BWL, When Irrational comes back too of course :p
So, What class are you looking for.... Thus far my best class would be a Enhancement Shammy.... but i can play any and all classes but! i wont play hunter or rouge.... sorry its nothing personal but i dont like em anymoar...
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Enhancement guys are popping in BwL, and thats really nice. This spec geared is way more underplayed than underpowered and I find it fun as hell. When I get agm and lhf I'll be unstoppable. Unless by huntards. Huntards are ridiculous.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Enhancement guys are popping in BwL, and thats really nice. This spec geared is way more underplayed than underpowered and I find it fun as hell. When I get agm and lhf I'll be unstoppable. Unless by huntards. Huntards are ridiculous.

Oh Hey Hindu :D
Your the reason why im kinda wanting to join Blackwing Lair, SOmeone plays Enhancement almost as good as me xD lol jk i was queueing all day after i saw you on my worlock

Dumäss @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
and i haven't seeen you to try and get you 1 on 1 with my shammy.

Ghostling @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Anyone want an acct with BWL goblin lock? LFH! DPR!
Secretsalem @ Blackwing Lair - Community - World of Warcraft
has 3000 honor, 132 dmf tix (and all the drops - you'd be able to get pve staff right away, and the boa robe w/o too much hassle). the only useful satchel tht she doesn't have is stam cloak.

acct also has, on BWL:
lvl 9 panda warrior

Steelproo @ Blackwing Lair - Community - World of Warcraft not geared, i got bored while gearing. only one that doesn't have LFH

and some very well geared toons on VeCo

a lvl 1 nelf rogue w/ 12 arena trinkets (i didn't turn them in to avoid dinging. and i eventually realized i didn't want a 20 rogue. or any rogue)

Styliyistii @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have stillwater's signet (haven't done the quest), RoP (if you wanted to go feral . . has plenty of JP and honor for agi spec boas). otherwise BiS except for profs. has 2 swift pot recipes. and tons of spirit gear for hit (wbfh, darkweaves, etc), 2nd agm, foreman's glvoes

Nononono @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft BiS hunter, except no agi recipe (has swift recipe) or RoP

Tonesontail @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have MtB or BoA trinkets. has 2nd AGM

Leautekno @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have MtB or BoA trinkets

Mscoolice @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft you could get a refund for JP and DMF tickets on this guy's robe and staff. in case the boa thing happens in 6.0. refund still possible b/c I hate him and stopped playing the guy. he also has devout hammer and inscription off hand. . . many of the vecos have lots of boas and rare mogs that i forgot wehn i first posted.

I don't want anything for it, except to not play this game anymore.

Posted here b/c I figure there'd be more interest for a BWl toon.

Probably way too late (early 5.2), but you might be able to persuade a GM to restore a Human Protadin (Cementaassht@VentureCo), a nelf bdruid and a human mage. I can't remember the names of the last two, but maybe I will now that I'm thinking of them.

And another acct w/a BiS Mexican Nelf hunter (drakkari), AP Belf Paladin that I meant to delete. LFH, gf'd cloak enchant, 2 arena trinks. and 14 or 15 deleted toons w/ all kinds of gear. I remember some, but not all, of their names. Oh, yeah, some of 'em are in my outdated sig.

Oh, and kind of a lot of pets on the veco/bwl acct.
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Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Another jam dedicated to my homies at BWL

Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Anyone want an acct with BWL goblin lock? LFH! DPR!
Secretsalem @ Blackwing Lair - Community - World of Warcraft
has 3000 honor, 132 dmf tix (and all the drops - you'd be able to get pve staff right away, and the boa robe w/o too much hassle). the only useful satchel tht she doesn't have is stam cloak.

acct also has, on BWL:
lvl 9 panda warrior

Steelproo @ Blackwing Lair - Community - World of Warcraft not geared, i got bored while gearing. only one that doesn't have LFH

and some very well geared toons on VeCo

a lvl 1 nelf rogue w/ 12 arena trinkets (i didn't turn them in to avoid dinging. and i eventually realized i didn't want a 20 rogue. or any rogue)

Styliyistii @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have stillwater's signet (haven't done the quest), RoP (if you wanted to go feral . . has plenty of JP and honor for agi spec boas). otherwise BiS except for profs. has 2 swift pot recipes. and tons of spirit gear for hit (wbfh, darkweaves, etc), 2nd agm, foreman's glvoes

Nononono @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft BiS hunter, except no agi recipe (has swift recipe) or RoP

Tonesontail @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have MtB or BoA trinkets. has 2nd AGM

Leautekno @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft doesn't have MtB or BoA trinkets

Mscoolice @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft you could get a refund for JP and DMF tickets on this guy's robe and staff. in case the boa thing happens in 6.0. refund still possible b/c I hate him and stopped playing the guy. he also has devout hammer and inscription off hand. . . many of the vecos have lots of boas and rare mogs that i forgot wehn i first posted.

I don't want anything for it, except to not play this game anymore.

Posted here b/c I figure there'd be more interest for a BWl toon.

Probably way too late (early 5.2), but you might be able to persuade a GM to restore a Human Protadin (Cementaassht@VentureCo), a nelf bdruid and a human mage. I can't remember the names of the last two, but maybe I will now that I'm thinking of them.

And another acct w/a BiS Mexican Nelf hunter (drakkari), AP Belf Paladin that I meant to delete. LFH, gf'd cloak enchant, 2 arena trinks. and 14 or 15 deleted toons w/ all kinds of gear. I remember some, but not all, of their names. Oh, yeah, some of 'em are in my outdated sig.

Oh, and kind of a lot of pets on the veco/bwl acct.

wow your styliyistii !!! now thats the toon i want to play! geared boomkin troll with a nice ring.

well whoever gets these toons will be lucky.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Then i guess i'll be joining BWL as soon as WoD drops, when i'm bored i can do some world pvp :D

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