Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com
Damn it, you beat me to it lol. GratsPM'd
Damn it, you beat me to it lol. GratsPM'd
Oops, I did it again
Mongrelii @ Blackwing Lair - Community - World of Warcraft
After giving my other acct to Phron, I wondered if I could catch a Keefer's again. And got an itch to try, so I made this shaman.
Don't want anything for it
Doesn't have that much stuff: mystic's robe, find fish once fishing is leveled to 100, 2 of the race rep bags, about 200 light leather and LW is at 40 now. I didn't take the SFK quest reward, in case whoever gets her wants to go enh (pre boa sholders). Completed all but the last in the chain for Shield of teh Barrens.
Also, I guess i need to set parental controls on time played (can u set it to, like, 2 minutes?) and delete wow from my computer for the 3rd time.
no idea how many times I've deleted this stupid game off my computer and it always ends up right back on it .-.-
need more ele shamans for next gnomeball event
Team bwl num 1 wurldd
Caught a keefer in the vile reefer; my 10th LFH!
dammit, now I want to keep the toon. honestly, I was curious to see if having the hat would get ppl to want her. but now . . . well, hopefully I won't play as much. but of course it's DMF right now and that means grinding tickets. and boring, boring, booooring archaeology.
I am the original shaman!
Just kidding, but my shaman is my only toon. </3
I think a suitable fix for this Lenny is that you only play your hordies <3
I mean there can be a shaman or two , but not 4.
BUT , when im in my balacne druid and got buffs like arcane intelect i have to avoid them , wich is Frustrating . For example , when i see a sham without his team and im Solo too i would like to crit for 1.5k on him but thats impossible cause PURGE PURGE PURGE PURGE and Purge , when i see a hunter and a sham with him i would like to 2shoot the hunter and kill the shammy. Wich is impossible cause shamans PURGE EVERYTHING. Theyre like Trolling people! Im like Yay i didnt die when i get the arc intelect buff and then a sham can just purge it. >.< .
One of the main reasons i made a shaman in the first place was to purge resto druids and priests.
Turned out nicely i can purge these new scrolls & arcane intellect buff.![]()
Learned on BWL that the best shammy weapon is Purge.
If someone never Purged a Speed of Light buff, he didn't live enough.
Diggin' the signature mon!