Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Not to bump things that aren't done but everyone was so cool last time I wanted to show you guys some progress:

Clicking the slot buttons will populate the gear list toward the right. You can select gear with the Select button and it will drop it into slots. Just added the ability to pick you class/spec/race and the program will now pull gear of correct armor types and faction. I need to look into two-handed, main-hand, and off-hand weps and when to makes these available (based on spec/what you can carry/etc.). Lot's of work to do on wow stat scaling... Done some baseline stuff with Stamina and it's working nicely but I need the formulas for everything else... Fit and finish and it will be out; hopefully before 2014 ;)
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

ooooo fun fun . any good games recently ?
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

dub hpal dub p2p hunt is hip. i should stop talking shit lmao
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

dub hpal dub p2p hunt is hip. i should stop talking shit lmao

Is this really necessary?

BWL is going through a rebuilding of sorts, a lot of people have maxed their characters and are trying other classes. The intent is to never roll OP but if their are only 4 people online sometimes you go with what you have.

Class restrictions have been lessened in this 1.5k ambush battlegrounds we all find ourselves in now. But hunters are still very much discouraged.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Yo baddies can I get a few of you to post some screenshots of yourself in BGs. I'm looking for your health (unbuffed) and your character window open showing your stats/equiped gear. Need casters, melee, ALL. I want to test the scaling aspects of this F2PDev thing. Thank youuuuuu
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

dub hpal dub p2p hunt is hip. i should stop talking shit lmao
you remind me of this girl on Facebook i know . All she ever does is whine, complain, and try to start shit. Total waste of space……….. TRISH is that YOU ?
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

you remind me of this girl on Facebook i know . All she ever does is whine, complain, and try to start shit. Total waste of space……….. TRISH is that YOU ?
i come here to vent. i'm just looking at thread title then at who i'm stuck playing against
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

you remind me of this girl on Facebook i know . All she ever does is whine, complain, and try to start shit. Total waste of space……….. TRISH is that YOU ?

He's right. I faced the double Hpal and double P2P hunts a few times. Kinda overkill already but them abusing scrolls and having 5k hp each while killing a BiS trial with one explosive shot is even worse.

Maybe you should check our "your" realm before you defend them because I've been seeing alot of premades like these lately and are in noway underpowered/underplayed
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Please stop fucking whining and complaining. The P2P is a friend to the people on the server, he isn't going whether you want him to or not.

He's been on this server longer than some of you and he's friends with the older members therefore he stays.

If you have a problem with it, leave.

BWL doesn't follow much of a hipster policy anymore anyways.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

BWL doesn't follow much of a hipster policy anymore anyways.
^^^ Well said Bellybutton.
Both of the most active P2P's on our server were former F2P's from the server or F2P in general.

Do you really think we'd outcast them because they want to play P2P? This is BWL, not AP.

It sounds more to me like you'd rather complain about a old thread name, then anything else, would you rather it be called, "we do premades with our friends and don't gimp them for the satisifaction of others"?

Even if we are supposed to be an under powered realm, we aren't going to deny our friends the right to premade with us, just because they rolled something OP?
Get over yourself and get with the progam, this thread name was made a long time ago and this is 5.4.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

He's right. I faced the double Hpal and double P2P hunts a few times. Kinda overkill already but them abusing scrolls and having 5k hp each while killing a BiS trial with one explosive shot is even worse.

Maybe you should check our "your" realm before you defend them because I've been seeing alot of premades like these lately and are in noway underpowered/underplayed

To be honest this was Rome and I queuing with Humantrafkr and his brother. I feel your pain that this bracket is becoming more and more imbalanced. I also don't like going up against teams that have ridiculously better gear than us, it feels like we're wasting our time feeding people just because they sub. Human and his brother are here to stay though. They have recently contributed a lot for our little communities activity; grouping and lending a hand when they can. It was their choice to roll on BWL and download the f2p addon which I think is two steps further than most p2ps take. They also play objectively. So why should we deny them into our groups when they are being so generous and keeping the community active? There are many more OP p2p comps on other realms, take your issue to the 20-24 bracket. If this is a problem to you, don't blame it on BWL bads on the f2p forum. This is not the right thread.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com


Also, if you are newer to the server, don't try to 'enforce' the rules. It makes you look like a dick.

BWL is generally carefree, we're not a strict server. Heck, almost all of the 'hipsters' have OP alts. We usually just play classes that aren't OP but we're doing it for fun, not to protest the OP classes.

The rules were written over a year ago. Lighten up ffs.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

He's right. I faced the double Hpal and double P2P hunts a few times. Kinda overkill already but them abusing scrolls and having 5k hp each while killing a BiS trial with one explosive shot is even worse.

Maybe you should check our "your" realm before you defend them because I've been seeing alot of premades like these lately and are in noway underpowered/underplayed

No.... no you haven't. Shut your moronic face, look around and realize you have 4 hunters and 4 rogues on your team, 4 of which will be 24.
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

I see no conflict with our title, I have never seen anyone form a group with the thought of "oh man we have 4 hunts and a resto, let's go rape!!". We've always been about outplaying the competition and winning with skill rather then smashing our face on the keyboard and staring at damage done. I like to think we try and improve every day and I think playing with a fair comp is still a noble cause. But tbh sometimes it feels we lack some burst. I crit for 400, and that's if I blow my freezes... I obviously have no problem with human or our maybe 2 other hunters on the realm. They play objectively and the p2ps have always been a tremendous help.

I mean really what started this all was 2 games one night...2. Out of the countless others... I mean come on, let's not take the bait lol
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

To be honest this was Rome and I queuing with Humantrafkr and his brother. I feel your pain that this bracket is becoming more and more imbalanced. I also don't like going up against teams that have ridiculously better gear than us, it feels like we're wasting our time feeding people just because they sub. Human and his brother are here to stay though. They have recently contributed a lot for our little communities activity; grouping and lending a hand when they can. It was their choice to roll on BWL and download the f2p addon which I think is two steps further than most p2ps take. They also play objectively. So why should we deny them into our groups when they are being so generous and keeping the community active? There are many more OP p2p comps on other realms, take your issue to the 20-24 bracket. If this is a problem to you, don't blame it on BWL bads on the f2p forum. This is not the right thread.

Thank you for being the only one who replied like an adult and not some whiny brat. (can check other replies if you don't believe me) P2P hunts are already strong enough but put those ridiculously strong scrolls on top of a pocket per person it mine as well be a 10 man as nothing will kill you all and you can kill anything in 2 shots and 2 p2p hunts even if they are skeyers without pockets could completely control mid (which you did... everytime).

All I said was how I faced a few very OP premades and not UP or underplayed in anyway including P2P hunts which are supposed to be stiffly banned. I understand he(they) may have helped you with your realm but honestly if you roll a double P2P hunt double Hpal comp you know it's going to be an easy win and make everyone's gameplay in the bg boring so if you want to play with friends it might be best for everyone if you went to try and beat gnomer or some higher level place. If this is just another realm that doesn't care about anyone's gameplay but their own then ignore everything I've said and continue with said premades. I've just seen as of late alot of AP looking premades from BWL (that is in NOway a compliment) and decided to voice it on a thread where apparently people aren't allowed to voice their experience. If you feel like replying go ahead however if anyone else who has already replied replies it will be ignored :)
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Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

I've just seen as of late alot of AP looking premades from BWL (that is in NOway a compliment) and decided to voice it on a thread where apparently people aren't allowed to voice their experience. If you feel like replying go ahead however if anyone else who has already replied replies it will be ignored :)

I don't know what you mean by alot of "AP looking premades" cause tbh we've only played a few games with Humantrafkr and his brother. I'll ask you again to please take this to a different forum. If you want to complain about the injustice you feel about the scroll bug this is not the right place
Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com

Thank you for being the only one who replied like an adult and not some whiny brat. (can check other replies if you don't believe me) P2P hunts are already strong enough but put those ridiculously strong scrolls on top of a pocket per person it mine as well be a 10 man as nothing will kill you all and you can kill anything in 2 shots and 2 p2p hunts even if they are skeyers without pockets could completely control mid (which you did... everytime).

All I said was how I faced a few very OP premades and not UP or underplayed in anyway including P2P hunts which are supposed to be stiffly banned. I understand he(they) may have helped you with your realm but honestly if you roll a double P2P hunt double Hpal comp you know it's going to be an easy win and make everyone's gameplay in the bg boring so if you want to play with friends it might be best for everyone if you went to try and beat gnomer or some higher level place. If this is just another realm that doesn't care about anyone's gameplay but their own then ignore everything I've said and continue with said premades. I've just seen as of late alot of AP looking premades from BWL (that is in NOway a compliment) and decided to voice it on a thread where apparently people aren't allowed to voice their experience. If you feel like replying go ahead however if anyone else who has already replied replies it will be ignored :)

I don't know why you think us being pissed off that you're trashtalking one of our friends is being a whiny brat.

If anything, you're the one whining. I'd be more pissed off if someone DIDN'T stand up for their friends. Just because we disagree with you and we're somewhat upset does not mean we're whiny brats. He's a good friend of ours and that's it. You have no say over what he can play and what he can't.

You are allowed to voice your experience, but you're not allowed to bring down another member of the server in such a way you did. We are nothing like AP and I'm sorry you feel that.

But to come to our server, bitch about our P2P friends, and calling us whiny brats for sticking up for him is uncalled for. What do you want us to do, stand behind you and say you're right?

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