Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com
Not to bump things that aren't done but everyone was so cool last time I wanted to show you guys some progress:
Clicking the slot buttons will populate the gear list toward the right. You can select gear with the Select button and it will drop it into slots. Just added the ability to pick you class/spec/race and the program will now pull gear of correct armor types and faction. I need to look into two-handed, main-hand, and off-hand weps and when to makes these available (based on spec/what you can carry/etc.). Lot's of work to do on wow stat scaling... Done some baseline stuff with Stamina and it's working nicely but I need the formulas for everything else... Fit and finish and it will be out; hopefully before 2014
Not to bump things that aren't done but everyone was so cool last time I wanted to show you guys some progress:
Clicking the slot buttons will populate the gear list toward the right. You can select gear with the Select button and it will drop it into slots. Just added the ability to pick you class/spec/race and the program will now pull gear of correct armor types and faction. I need to look into two-handed, main-hand, and off-hand weps and when to makes these available (based on spec/what you can carry/etc.). Lot's of work to do on wow stat scaling... Done some baseline stuff with Stamina and it's working nicely but I need the formulas for everything else... Fit and finish and it will be out; hopefully before 2014