Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com
That better be a bm melee hunt
Time to start leveling!
That better be a bm melee hunt
Time to start leveling!
who wants me and what toon
i think alli hunter. who wants meh
Time to start leveling!
Thank you for being the only one who replied like an adult and not some whiny brat. (can check other replies if you don't believe me) P2P hunts are already strong enough but put those ridiculously strong scrolls on top of a pocket per person it mine as well be a 10 man as nothing will kill you all and you can kill anything in 2 shots and 2 p2p hunts even if they are skeyers without pockets could completely control mid (which you did... everytime).
All I said was how I faced a few very OP premades and not UP or underplayed in anyway including P2P hunts which are supposed to be stiffly banned. I understand he(they) may have helped you with your realm but honestly if you roll a double P2P hunt double Hpal comp you know it's going to be an easy win and make everyone's gameplay in the bg boring so if you want to play with friends it might be best for everyone if you went to try and beat gnomer or some higher level place. If this is just another realm that doesn't care about anyone's gameplay but their own then ignore everything I've said and continue with said premades. I've just seen as of late alot of AP looking premades from BWL (that is in NOway a compliment) and decided to voice it on a thread where apparently people aren't allowed to voice their experience. If you feel like replying go ahead however if anyone else who has already replied replies it will be ignored![]()
sorry wrong realm . bwl iz horde. and we'd prefer other classes.
snowjobs what class ill reroll the toon
i can play most classes
small note. at least for the games i played a week of two ago . ever time i ran into an ap pre made it was a bunch of old friends rolling very non op classes 2 demo locks a priest mage and i think a shaman . then here i was on my destro lock just spamming incinerate and watching damage done . ( screw cursing healers and fearing ima top dps ).
<3 ap fwiends
if i remember right monk healz are awesome?
but rdruids are sick
but i can always hpally so many hard choices
Priests are in a very good spot right now, holy or disc works. its a pretty squishy class, but has a really solid set of moves like psycic scream.
i have quit wow and won't come back till somebody finds me a mm or i find a engineering job :O haha we will see what comes first!
I'm taking a semester off to work and get job experience . also working for a semester will get me in state rates without having to keep a 3.0 gpa which can be a lil tough in engineering . once i am working and stuff ill probably re download it though .Did you graduate? You are doing mechanical yea?
just got out of court with 530 $ in fines and that managed to put a smile on my face![]()
under age drinking is equivalent to murder bro you are lucky you aren't in prison