Re: Blackwing Lair Small Community Start!!!!!
Hi my name is Jur a belf rogue who was recommended to this site and to the blackwing lair server by Riptides a resto shammy who i enjoy to BG with as well as others i'd like to contact that I'm not sure how to do. Could i please get help on this matter?
Hey [MENTION=21540]Jur[/MENTION] nice to see you could make it

I sent you a friend request so we could keep in touch.
On an additional note, you should search the f2p forums for details on the
f2p addon i was telling you about.
If you have any questions please refer to the threads or shoot me a inbox.
Welcome to Twink Info.
Lastly, anyone interested in joining up at BWL, should read [MENTION=6328]Snowjobs[/MENTION] previous post. I've been on BWL for about a year now and it really is the most fun i have had as a f2p. Great group of players to surround yourself with, and they are very generous and have open arms for new comers.
Don't quote me on this, but i don't think we have any rules on our server, or any dictators. Just be mature, polite, and be willing to have a laugh, and your BWL life should be prosperous.
We have a very low drama rate as of now, this could be partly because of a small community, but recently we've had an average of 10-15 players on at peak hours. Which is good for us, and it's been a while since i have seen so many people on.
We are predominately horde, so i can't guarantee that if you roll ally any of the above comments would apply.