US Bracket Queue Thread

I highly doubt it o.o it's way too early

edit: I can see a game going atm from btags
That's what every individual thinks. It adds up and then you end up in the GY.

For starters, I was building sets on my Pally when I got a pop unexpectedly,

We had 1 healer (me) and several new community members. Let's welcome them to the community by ripping their faces off and then laughing when they afk.
Here's the issue: If your team is clearly more dominant than the other team, back the fuck off of their GY and stop forcing people to afk out of games. Stand on the road. Don't push up into their GY spamming your quick target moonfire macros trying to get as many kbs as possible. Definitely don't drop your battle standards and sit IN their GY.

When people afk out, It ruins queues for EVERYBODY. Notice how we've dropped down from 2 games constantly every night for the past month to just 1 with wait times in between pops?

The issue is that it takes balls to step off of GY and perhaps stand on or behind the road and not just go KB hungry looking to "pwn some noobs".

Jesus this community is so far gone I swear to god. Let's ignore taking responsibility for our mistakes in the past that lead us to not getting consistent pops for years. Cataclysm 2.0 right here.

Games may not die any time in the next few weeks and up to the Twink Cup, but I promise you we are going to have to go back to scheduling games again if we want to play WSG any time after that. The problem is people will read this as "oh well then I can "contain" all I want and games won't die". In reality, you should be considering that if we build our community now and rid the toxic gameplay out now, we will have multiple games going 24/7 with a flourishing community with multiple new guilds for months and months to come. But your own selfish ego to "wrek" people is more important and as a result the entire community is going to suffer once again. May not be today, may not be next week, but it will happen again as our community cannot keep a steady population because of this garbage gameplay and these toxic attitudes. I was right about it 4 years ago, and I'm right about it now. Laugh and mock all you want because that's what's cool these days, then deny any responsibility and go play in a different bracket until we finally get 19s to pop again down the road and then just do the same thing over and over again.
I'm referring to people who have been in our community rolling shadow just to troll their team.

First of all, I am one of the biggest assets to the Horde. I constantly play objectives and when I play SPriest I am usually #1 or #2 on damage. I'm not trolling, I'm winning.
First of all, I am one of the biggest assets to the Horde. I constantly play objectives and when I play SPriest I am usually #1 or #2 on damage. I'm not trolling, I'm winning.

Because scoreboard statistics show your value to the team. Fuck it I'm playing dps disc from now just for stats so I can feel as if I contributed.
Because scoreboard statistics show your value to the team. Fuck it I'm playing dps disc from now just for stats so I can feel as if I contributed.

You completely ignored what I wrote. I said that I am foremost an objective player. It just so happens that I play objectives while maintaining high damage on one of the WORST classes at 19.
You completely ignored what I wrote. I said that I am foremost an objective player. It just so happens that I play objectives while maintaining high damage on one of the WORST classes at 19.

I'd argue that you are not maintaining high damage as I only see you roughly mid pack of the damage charts when I check them.

Priests are one of the best classes at 19, if not the best. You gimping yourself by playing the worst possible spec, doesn't make the class any less effective, it only makes you as a player less effective.

Honestly for this self suggested high damage, I've only seen you fall half in the damage charts. I'm sure there's games where you've been able to do 70k+ damage but from what I've seen, I haven't seen you do over 45k falling mid pack. On my hunter, I'm pretty comparable in damage even with me focusing on CC and only focusing down targets as opposed to keeping and spreading damage across an entire opposing team.

As for the objective gameplay, I admit I've seen you aiding in objectives on your druid and when you're disc, but I have not seen anything relative to that as shadow in the 8 games or so that I've seen you as shadow. I believe all of us on H would much rather have a disc priest. In terms of objectives, just being present for the kill when we've been on EFC for minutes isn't exactly objective what I'd call objective gameplay. The only things I've really seen is you being mid, we're on EFC who is heading mid and by the time he gets to the mid fight, he's pretty much dead. Or our FC will be trying to cross mid and if he runs directly through our pack of mid fighters, you hit a few points of damage and then our FC continues on and you stay mid... Even if no one is with our FC and our D needs a DPS.

Play what you want, but racking up EF damage on pets and random dudes in mid isn't really helping us win the mid chop any. We would much rather have a Disc priest than a Shadow priest on Horde. However, coming from someone threatening me in game with a DDos attack, posting threads about offering game throwing services, and the creepy fanboying in trying to drag my real life into gaming by posting my pictures, I can't say as though I'd expect anything less. I'm sure you're a great player, but why waste that on something that's pretty ignorable like a Shadow priest when right now Horde is severely lacking potent players.

Just my 2c.

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