US Bracket Queue Thread

Taking a long time to gear but I should be done in a week and ready! I'm going to go hunter since I don't see alot of them. Also thinking of making a ele shaman.
O damn not alot of healers on Horde?

90% of healers that horde get will like get baited away going for a KB or sit in mid getting some sick EF damage.

The amount of effective healers on horde side is probably in the single digits. Rarely will they ever acknowlege that their FC is slowly dying to dots and rarely will they change their focuses to play objectively.

I sound negative but i really don't think I'm exaggerating much here.

[MENTION=65]Pizza[/MENTION] is probably the most objectively focused player I've seen lately. He'll be mid for the start of the game and then immediately break off to escort FC or he'll break off to FC himself.
90% of healers that horde get will like get baited away going for a KB or sit in mid getting some sick EF damage.

The amount of effective healers on horde side is probably in the single digits. Rarely will they ever acknowlege that their FC is slowly dying to dots and rarely will they change their focuses to play objectively.

I sound negative but i really don't think I'm exaggerating much here.

[MENTION=65]Pizza[/MENTION] is probably the most objectively focused player I've seen lately. He'll be mid for the start of the game and then immediately break off to escort FC or he'll break off to FC himself.

Damn. I'm hearing alot of mid farming and gy farming. Do people not enjoy playing the game lol?
Damn. I'm hearing alot of mid farming and gy farming. Do people not enjoy playing the game lol?

It's at a weird point right now. In cata the "mid chop" and "containment" strategies were really brought into the community but I honestly feel as though people have gotten carried away with their relevance to winning a game. Lots of efcs escaping through mid unscathed kind of thing without Horde even picking the flag.

It can be extremely frustrating... As primarily a Horde player, I really feel as though Alliance do not get this nearly as badly as we do. It's not all that terrible and some games are great, but I remember why I stopped playing rogue... Too much time wasted sitting for some sort of "offense". As an objective player I spend a lot of time on my rogue sitting in FR waiting for an EFC or sitting on Ally roof waiting for our offense (or lack thereof) and unfortunately, I can only take so much of sitting there watching people fail at moving north on my zone map before I get extremely frustrated with my team. I'm not the "you guys suck /afk" kind of person but I definitely have to give a "wtb offense" and "run around the ally in mid please, don't just go charging into them" every once in a while (which still does literally nothing).

I have several twinks of every class, but I've mainly been playing healers and having to unfortunately carry the flags as well in 90% of the games that I'm in. It can be equally frustrating when you have 6-10 stacks and you're moving around the Horde base at RP walk speed trying to dodge the 3-5 Ally that have been on to you since the 3rd stack. Especially when any sort of organized offense has yet to even enter the Alliance keep in attempts at returning the flag and efc has to keep hitting jump before he gets auto flagged afk. With the luck that I've had lately, this is not an exaggeration and I still haven't seen a single warning of our team returning our flag at any point before the few times that they have done so. That can be extremely relevant towards your positioning when trying to FC and secure a cap. Sure EFC is set to focus, but you really don't know what kind of pressure they're under or how the CC is up field unless you're there. Yesterday there were 3 caps that would have been made, had a warning of EFC dropping gone out beforehand.

I understand that these are just PUGs and are not competitive in nature as anyone levels 10-19 in any gear have the right to queue and play games regardless of class composition, but in a world where the only members in our queue are 19 twinks, I would expect more of a focus on objectives over sitting in mid the whole game padding charts. As an offensive coordinator for many premades in the past, nothing drives me crazy more than me having to wait on an offense that's 3 minutes behind where they need to be.

Unfortunately, those who play objectively are not equally rewarded on scoreboards the same way that those who sit in mid padding are recognized. Lots of healers dotting targets with elemental force (breaking CC etc) trying to get some damage racked up for the charts. Lots of priests spam bubbling everyone debuffing them for crucial burst moments who are trying to get some ridiculous amount of healing due to absorbs now counting as healing done.

If I'm on Shammy, I have to FC and heal or nobody touches the flag, and nobody focuses on healing. Unfortunately, nobody focuses on returning flags either.

If I'm on Druid, I obviously have to FC and again, nobody focuses on returning flags.

If I'm on Warrior, I have to try to get people to come help with returns and to push up onto EFC.

If I'm on Monk, I have to FC, obviously nobody focusing on returning flags either and I usually don't have any support.

If I'm on Hunter, I have to basically sit afk in Ally base waiting for horde to just not run directly into the ally in mid as they love to do.

If I'm on Rogue, I have to sit in ally base for days waiting for someone to come right click efc with me.

You get the idea.

With that being said (and I know a lot of members on these forums who will read this will be all "QQ etc", even though they're exactly the type of padders that I'm referring to) There's still a moment every few games where I remember why I loved twinking. I really have put the competitive nature aside years ago and just wanted fair and even pugs that were fun, but there have been a few really awesome plays in the past few days that have just been great. Most games that I enter that do not have 3-5 of the big guild names have been absolutely extremely close 1-0 games, regardless of the horrible comps that these games usually have. These 1-0 games are so much fun and it's great to see so many new names. When I've been in the games that have been kind of premade vs premade, those too usually end in a steamroll because one has a better comp over the other so those aren't fun for me either.

TLDR Check it out yourself. You can have horrible games all night and then one amazing game with no name players that comes down to the wire and is absolutely intense.

From my experiences, Ally have better comps and focus on objectives much more than Horde have lately. Horde seem to always be lacking real healers there to perform their roles, real FCs looking to carry flags, and real DPS looking to drop EFCs asap. Lots of people sitting mid field padding charts.

Just my 2c and quick reminder, some people (most likely many people) may have completely different experiences from mine as games really are unpredictable and class compositions are as well. I have been queueing nearly every day for the past 2 weeks or so, from nearly the start of pops each night to the end of pops each night.

This is not meant to be a deterrence or anything... More of a rise to the challenge and focus on objectives if you're interested in experiencing 19s right now, kind of thing!
It's at a weird point right now. In cata the "mid chop" and "containment" strategies were really brought into the community but I honestly feel as though people have gotten carried away with their relevance to winning a game. Lots of efcs escaping through mid unscathed kind of thing without Horde even picking the flag.

It can be extremely frustrating... As primarily a Horde player, I really feel as though Alliance do not get this nearly as badly as we do. It's not all that terrible and some games are great, but I remember why I stopped playing rogue... Too much time wasted sitting for some sort of "offense". As an objective player I spend a lot of time on my rogue sitting in FR waiting for an EFC or sitting on Ally roof waiting for our offense (or lack thereof) and unfortunately, I can only take so much of sitting there watching people fail at moving north on my zone map before I get extremely frustrated with my team. I'm not the "you guys suck /afk" kind of person but I definitely have to give a "wtb offense" and "run around the ally in mid please, don't just go charging into them" every once in a while (which still does literally nothing).

I have several twinks of every class, but I've mainly been playing healers and having to unfortunately carry the flags as well in 90% of the games that I'm in. It can be equally frustrating when you have 6-10 stacks and you're moving around the Horde base at RP walk speed trying to dodge the 3-5 Ally that have been on to you since the 3rd stack. Especially when any sort of organized offense has yet to even enter the Alliance keep in attempts at returning the flag and efc has to keep hitting jump before he gets auto flagged afk. With the luck that I've had lately, this is not an exaggeration and I still haven't seen a single warning of our team returning our flag at any point before the few times that they have done so. That can be extremely relevant towards your positioning when trying to FC and secure a cap. Sure EFC is set to focus, but you really don't know what kind of pressure they're under or how the CC is up field unless you're there. Yesterday there were 3 caps that would have been made, had a warning of EFC dropping gone out beforehand.

I understand that these are just PUGs and are not competitive in nature as anyone levels 10-19 in any gear have the right to queue and play games regardless of class composition, but in a world where the only members in our queue are 19 twinks, I would expect more of a focus on objectives over sitting in mid the whole game padding charts. As an offensive coordinator for many premades in the past, nothing drives me crazy more than me having to wait on an offense that's 3 minutes behind where they need to be.

Unfortunately, those who play objectively are not equally rewarded on scoreboards the same way that those who sit in mid padding are recognized. Lots of healers dotting targets with elemental force (breaking CC etc) trying to get some damage racked up for the charts. Lots of priests spam bubbling everyone debuffing them for crucial burst moments who are trying to get some ridiculous amount of healing due to absorbs now counting as healing done.

If I'm on Shammy, I have to FC and heal or nobody touches the flag, and nobody focuses on healing. Unfortunately, nobody focuses on returning flags either.

If I'm on Druid, I obviously have to FC and again, nobody focuses on returning flags.

If I'm on Warrior, I have to try to get people to come help with returns and to push up onto EFC.

If I'm on Monk, I have to FC, obviously nobody focusing on returning flags either and I usually don't have any support.

If I'm on Hunter, I have to basically sit afk in Ally base waiting for horde to just not run directly into the ally in mid as they love to do.

If I'm on Rogue, I have to sit in ally base for days waiting for someone to come right click efc with me.

You get the idea.

With that being said (and I know a lot of members on these forums who will read this will be all "QQ etc", even though they're exactly the type of padders that I'm referring to) There's still a moment every few games where I remember why I loved twinking. I really have put the competitive nature aside years ago and just wanted fair and even pugs that were fun, but there have been a few really awesome plays in the past few days that have just been great. Most games that I enter that do not have 3-5 of the big guild names have been absolutely extremely close 1-0 games, regardless of the horrible comps that these games usually have. These 1-0 games are so much fun and it's great to see so many new names. When I've been in the games that have been kind of premade vs premade, those too usually end in a steamroll because one has a better comp over the other so those aren't fun for me either.

TLDR Check it out yourself. You can have horrible games all night and then one amazing game with no name players that comes down to the wire and is absolutely intense.

From my experiences, Ally have better comps and focus on objectives much more than Horde have lately. Horde seem to always be lacking real healers there to perform their roles, real FCs looking to carry flags, and real DPS looking to drop EFCs asap. Lots of people sitting mid field padding charts.

Just my 2c and quick reminder, some people (most likely many people) may have completely different experiences from mine as games really are unpredictable and class compositions are as well. I have been queueing nearly every day for the past 2 weeks or so, from nearly the start of pops each night to the end of pops each night.

This is not meant to be a deterrence or anything... More of a rise to the challenge and focus on objectives if you're interested in experiencing 19s right now, kind of thing!

Wow, really useful information. Thank you for going to an effort to write for me. I will focus on the objectives haha!
Games so far have not been good. We've been having to wait roughly 40 minutes in between the end of one game and the start of the next.

Just got out of a game on Ally where the Alliance were keeping horde GY.

I believe 5 people afkd and Alliance refused to back out of the GY. Reasoning I was given was "gotta win homie" and that the person would "feel good" if all of the "horde skum" didn't queue again.

The amount of logic just makes me want to ram my head against my desk.
had the 1st pop of the day about 20 min ago:


que up!

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