US Bracket Queue Thread

i believe

i dont even understand my statement after re-reading what i said. must be the crack

but thanks for believing in me

n that screenshot was just to show the disbalance in healers, not to show off stats....idk why ppl always wanna compete for stats, 99.9% sure ive not been in a game with any priest thats done higher # total besides one game with livingforce, theres probably going to be isolated situations where people can even heal as high as 450k being 100% focused into that and being only priest on heals in a team.

focusing on one aspect of game heals or damage always seemed alot simpler to do imo, ive not even tried it one game yet cuz ive rathered help team with burst often to help get kills on targets getting pressured.. and heal as much as i feel i need to at the moment... priority changing depending on what i think is more beneficial in that encounter.


then again it seems like only the priests haste build r doing both sides of it atm rather than just 1/predominantly 1side.. living had a sick game yesterday hopefully he ss'd was near a 400k total, big chunk was dmg, his 1 there im quite sure is the best current game # wise anyone has on priest n there was multiple priests in it(on one side, so bubbles not all from 1) one of those fun games where theres that much dmg to heal

the #'s will always vary though depending on many factors, like how much supporting heals to make sure the person has continual uptime, how much damage there is to heal incoming, enemies range positioning, other team's cc usage into healers among more things.
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Seems like because 90% of games are a ridiculous ally comp with a FC, healers, ranged dps and coordination and it's just a solo queued FC trying to steal some flags.

The depressing fact is, this is the truth. We have the same people running Skype groups every game, which isn't always a bad thing and can be incredibly rewarding to everyone involved, wether with or against, but right now that isn't the case.

Each night we get a few games, and the games are rarely "balanced" for lack of a more descriptive word. They don't need perfect balance but they do need basic eveners.

There is too wide of an inherent inequality between 5 man groups and the coordination and comps those bring, compared to 10 randomly tossed people.
Vast inequality kills new additions and growth in the bracket, and erodes peoples will to keep queuing.

But I feel like a fucking record on loop. We all know this shit. I think everyone knows that running premades when there is no plausible other premade competition that will be queuing against you is a little bit self centered and altogether detrimental to the growth and continuation of games.
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We also shouldn't be queueing 2 5 mans in Skype on the same faction >.>

All I have to say is, if you're trying to queue your 5 man into someone else, just step up and challenge them to do wargames so you don't destroy queue times for everyone.
wouldnt queue times be fucked anyway if people stopped to do wargames?
Good games tonight.

Both sides had ups and downs. There wasn't a specific faction that was jacked, it was just back and forth from who had more healers and dot spammers.

I don't know how I feel about the use of GY farming/"containment" in this bracket. I get its strategic and keeps people away from the flag carrier. But that is because the opposing team AFKs out. Not too sure who we'll be playing once you BH premades make everyone leave the bracket cuz of it. There are many other ways to escort a FC that might be healthier to everyone.
Good games tonight.

Both sides had ups and downs. There wasn't a specific faction that was jacked, it was just back and forth from who had more healers and dot spammers.

I don't know how I feel about the use of GY farming/"containment" in this bracket. I get its strategic and keeps people away from the flag carrier. But that is because the opposing team AFKs out. Not too sure who we'll be playing once you BH premades make everyone leave the bracket cuz of it. There are many other ways to escort a FC that might be healthier to everyone.


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