Bracket Consolidation Vote - Part 2

Where should we make our new home?

  • 40-49

    Votes: 32 42.1%
  • 70-79

    Votes: 44 57.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How is 59 on the EU side? @jwl

59 on EU isnt doing that great ATM. I personally, haven't branched over yet but I have quite a few friends there.

I don’t see how 59s are “obviously the bracket” they are popular now, but there are more overall twinks in many other brackets

If there are "more twinks" in other brackets then its pretty sad nobody in them has the leadership to make said brackets worth playing.

So many people “voting” for 59 but if that bracket is having daily war games they don’t need consolidation. Don’t get the need to come on this post to say you think everyone should reroll 59 just because they’re already popping.

That isnt the point of this thread.
The point, is to get everybody to agree on a bracket for the majority of twink players to participate in. Which ultimately, is an unrealistic goal, given that a great deal of committed players will not leave their respected brackets for "popular" ones. While I do agree that either 49 or 59 would most definitely be the best twink brackets for this, 59 has been the only one meeting realistic expectations.
That isnt the point of this thread.
The point, is to get everybody to agree on a bracket for the majority of twink players to participate in. Which ultimately, is an unrealistic goal, given that a great deal of committed players will not leave their respected brackets for "popular" ones. While I do agree that either 49 or 59 would most definitely be the best twink brackets for this, 59 has been the only one meeting realistic expectations.

Maybe that was the point of part 1, but I’m pretty sure the point of this thread, part 2, was to vote between the 2 finalists.
Maybe that was the point of part 1, but I’m pretty sure the point of this thread, part 2, was to vote between the 2 finalists.

It most definitely is.
I never argued otherwise.
I just disproved your previous statement and questioned blueberry's with a logical response.

However, when a fair percentage of the comments are about neither of the two brackets suggested, maybe the poll isnt too credible.
I've placed my vote at 49. 70 will never realistically be the most popular/go-to bracket for obvious reasons. 49 however, can be.
But truth be told, nobody will leave their respected bracket to reroll in either 49, 59, or 70 unless said bracket actually offers something. And if we are being real, 59 is the only bracket realistically offering something right now.
No need for the biased statements.
However, when a fair percentage of the comments are about neither of the two brackets suggested

This would not be an issue if the supposed multitude of 59s had shown up to vote, but they didn’t, so the lack of credibility is on them. It’s odd to me that there are so many naysayers still pleading their case, even though their bracket of choice didn’t make it through the first round.

Unfortunately, it seems too many on this site are so comfortable with wargames in less popular brackets that they aren’t willing to fight for popping random queues in one of the popular ones. I'd be happy to join whatever bracket people agree on, if any, but I think these threads have proven that too many are too stubborn to bring about any real change, which is a shame. I just want to give a big thanks to those who participated...I tried, but it seems my attempt to start something new after the debacle caused by 8.1.5 has fallen flat. Best wishes for whatever comes next. Cheers.
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These guys can have the answer to consolidating into a twink bracket and having daily bg’s staring them in the face and will literally say “oh that’s not the point blah blah blah” or “what matters is what goes on in some forum in our minds not in the actual game”... wtf ever man. I was trying to invite you all to a popping bracket so we can all pvp daily on twinks and get bg pops going... apparently some of ya’ll don’t acutually want that, you want to sit here and ponder and vote and what not. That’s cool. Have fun. Peace. :) I’ll be pvping.
I am intrigued by wargames, but my assumption is the problem in wargames, is that it takes a dedicated amount of time vs a random bg. As a dad/hubby irl, there are times when i simply have to walk away from the keyboard and I dont mind doing that in a random bg, but doing that in a fully managed wargame seems like it would be a very bad idea and just not fair to the other fully competitive guys in the group. I have found that there are a TON of people that are in a similar situation to mine with kids/wife aggro etc. Wow has been around a long time now and there are tons of younger people that play, but there are also LOTS of older people like myself that arent able to carve out time where this game we love is a priority over all else for any given time. This is the same reason i have never been able to raid vs dungeon. I always enjoyed random bg pops and especially when i see a competitive twink team on the other side! I have never wargame'd, but i have watched some streams of a wargame, and havent even been able to sit through the entire stream without being interrupted by irl stuff. I may be wrong, but it seems that wargames last a LOT longer than bg pops. So although im glad to hear wargames are popping at 59s, it doesnt help my dilemma. I currently have resigned to endgame because i can pop random with the ability to just walk away and handle irl stuff at a moments notice. Just voicing my opinion, and my side of the story.

I got a little triggered by a few opinions on here from some guys that are REALLY great twinks...but they held the assumption that if you want to play random bg pops, it MUST be because "you suck at life and just want to rofl stomp lvlers". That might be true in some cases, but ive played with a ton of guys that love it MOST when we queue into a group of twinks from the other side and get competitive games. I know this would fit exactly into the description of wargames, however, try to think of the time commitment that comes along with wargames. :)

I hope we find a bracket to make randoms pop. :(
I've been following the Bracket Consolidation threads everyday. High hopes everyone in dead brackets could make a super bracket. United we stand, divided we play 19s & WGs.
59 on EU isnt doing that great ATM. I personally, haven't branched over yet but I have quite a few friends there.

If there are "more twinks" in other brackets then its pretty sad nobody in them has the leadership to make said brackets worth playing.

That isnt the point of this thread.
The point, is to get everybody to agree on a bracket for the majority of twink players to participate in. Which ultimately, is an unrealistic goal, given that a great deal of committed players will not leave their respected brackets for "popular" ones. While I do agree that either 49 or 59 would most definitely be the best twink brackets for this, 59 has been the only one meeting realistic expectations.
It’s not anyone’s responsibility to encourage players to play. So saying it’s sad is a bit of a stretch. As brackets progress it gets harder to organize events and keep the daily activity going. Being as you’re such an old twink I know you’ve seen these highs and lows. And realistically any bracket can be the obvious choice, I’ve seen them all fluctuate. I personally stand by the op in saying the vote has won 70. 70 has some of the most diverse questing, dungeon, and raiding experience. With a great variety of zones to world pvp in and a great character proggression system in the form of enchants and gem choices for all slots, trinkets are very open and allow for all sorts of play styles. I think everyone playing the 49+ brackets would find that if you levels to 70 you would actually see that it has much more to offer and is still very bursts with fast paced games that are an absolute blast. Right now 70s is in need of some cross faction coordination, but once that is established war games will be easy
It’s not anyone’s responsibility to encourage players to play.

I agree. However, that's not the point I was trying to make.

So saying it’s sad is a bit of a stretch.

Not really. Everybody wants an improved community yet nobody takes the liberty of improving it. It is rather sad that a bracket that's been alive for 1 expansion has more activity in it than brackets that have been populated for many years. Its simply a lack of coordination & leadership.

And realistically any bracket can be the obvious choice, I’ve seen them all fluctuate.

By which efforts do you believe the community will actually come together and participate in a single bracket as a whole? I've twinked for a really long time and I've never seen an evident movement, suggesting this would be realistic.
And I disagree; 70 is my all-time favorite bracket, but lets be real, nobody wants to level multiple characters to 70. It takes too long. Not to mention the gearing process is much longer than that of a pre-60 character.

70 has some of the most diverse questing, dungeon, and raiding experience. With a great variety of zones to world pvp in and a great character proggression system in the form of enchants and gem choices for all slots, trinkets are very open and allow for all sorts of play styles.

You dont have to convince me, I've likely had over 20 level 70s & am well aware of what the bracket offers.
Yes, 70s have access to both TBC/WOTLK content as far as dungeons & quest, but nobody is really interested in that. While twink raiding does sparks my interest, the majority of twink players are in it for the PVP.

I think everyone playing the 49+ brackets would find that if you levels to 70 you would actually see that it has much more to offer and is still very bursts with fast paced games that are an absolute blast. Right now 70s is in need of some cross faction coordination, but once that is established war games will be easy

70 has a lot to offer.
As far as content goes, it holds more than any previous bracket. However, I just dont see it growing for obvious reasons. Even 49, I see being overshadowed right now. People are going to play brackets for one of two reasons:
1) They enjoy the bracket
2) The bracket is popular

While I would like to see either of the two brackets thrive, neither will unless people actually contribute & participate. And if I am being honest, we should have the numbers in a majority of brackets to pull off activity.
59 on EU isnt doing that great ATM. I personally, haven't branched over yet but I have quite a few friends there.

If there are "more twinks" in other brackets then its pretty sad nobody in them has the leadership to make said brackets worth playing.

That isnt the point of this thread.
The point, is to get everybody to agree on a bracket for the majority of twink players to participate in. Which ultimately, is an unrealistic goal, given that a great deal of committed players will not leave their respected brackets for "popular" ones. While I do agree that either 49 or 59 would most definitely be the best twink brackets for this, 59 has been the only one meeting realistic expectations.

Not to mention people can twink a 59 DK in one night and be a help to the BG group. Can’t say that about 49
Not to mention people can twink a 59 DK in one night and be a help to the BG group. Can’t say that about 49

Eh, arguable. I've leveled and geared a 39 to 33% versatility in a day.
I've leveled and geared a 59 to 450 agility in a day.

I believe that its more than realistic to hit 49, and gear up for wargames in due time. Just a matter of effort & know-how. Especially with allied races - the gap between 20 & 49 can be just a few hour TBH.
The problem y'all are having is you're reading this poll as a vote of "this is a bracket I'd be willing to move to" instead of what it is: "this is the bracket I play and think other people should move to"

People are more inclined to help something along rather than build it from scratch. Especially when building it from scratch can require days and days of free time.

FWIW, I think it'd obvious that although they didn't grab a high vote total that 59s and 19s are the only XP off brackets getting games. If you want to consolidate, it's gonna be easier to get folks to go there than try to fire up a bracket who's own community doesn't seem to interested in saving it
The problem y'all are having is you're reading this poll as a vote of "this is a bracket I'd be willing to move to" instead of what it is: "this is the bracket I play and think other people should move to"

People are more inclined to help something along rather than build it from scratch. Especially when building it from scratch can require days and days of free time.

FWIW, I think it'd obvious that although they didn't grab a high vote total that 59s and 19s are the only XP off brackets getting games. If you want to consolidate, it's gonna be easier to get folks to go there than try to fire up a bracket who's own community doesn't seem to interested in saving it

I experienced this exact phenomenon in the 39 bracket. Myself and a few other dedicated players tried to revitalize the bracket, but I quickly realized that I was only attempting to dam the flood of players moving into 59s, and that it would only hurt the community at large to stop a migration from a bracket I truly love. Instead of serving my own interests, I encouraged everyone to go to these other brackets, and even offered assistance where I can.

The ugly truth is, you either go where the masses go to get the games you want, or you stand alone on your kingdom of ash and pretend it's still there.
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So really what I want to know, from following this, is should I be rerolling to 59 or 70. Or is the community for 49s still popular.

I get that people are opinionated and favor their post-29 brackets, but I really would like to know where exactly stuff is happening.

That being said, I would like random queues (and I like the idea of wargames but normally I work when most people are most free) popping. I'm not against the idea of pve either (in the case of 70s).

If any major people in any of these communities would be willing to reach out to me I'd appreciate it.

Epic#12313 is my tag.
So really what I want to know, from following this, is should I be rerolling to 59 or 70. Or is the community for 49s still popular.

I get that people are opinionated and favor their post-29 brackets, but I really would like to know where exactly stuff is happening.

That being said, I would like random queues (and I like the idea of wargames but normally I work when most people are most free) popping. I'm not against the idea of pve either (in the case of 70s).

If any major people in any of these communities would be willing to reach out to me I'd appreciate it.

Epic#12313 is my tag.

Sounds like 20 or 70 are what you're looking for.

20 has battleground pops all day, every day. Your work schedule wouldn't be conflicting.
70 has weekly raids (If I am correct*) every Friday.
Sounds like 20 or 70 are what you're looking for.

20 has battleground pops all day, every day. Your work schedule wouldn't be conflicting.
70 has weekly raids (If I am correct*) every Friday.

Well post-29 is what I'm looking for so then 70s would be the choice I suppose? It just sounded like there was activity in 59s as well. I'm all for condensing to a different (post-29) bracket for more playability and actual queues, just wanna know where really.

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