BiS Gear Lists?

if anything you are at more of a disadvantage now untill the existing helm and shoulders get a level 40 req

Yeah but I guess I have a month till their subs run out and hopefully by then, those will be addressed as well. What level are the azerite shoulders/chest, out of curiousity?
Yeah but I guess I have a month till their subs run out and hopefully by then, those will be addressed as well. What level are the azerite shoulders/chest, out of curiousity?

my head is 64, shoulders is 63

head + shoulders = 59 int, 71 stam
My god y'all are so damn whiny.. Clearly too many BFA "twinks" that have no clue about this brackets history in this thread. Pretty sure if y'all were around the legion invasion times where titanforged gear remained BIS for 5 YEARS (lawl) you would have tried cancelling blizz for ruining your fun.

Farm WoD rares for Ilv 44 gear that everyone can still do. Go questing and get Ilv 50 gear that everyone can still do. Go farm BC dungeons for socket gear that'll likely be BIS in a week that everyone can still do. Quit crying about ONE, I repeat ONE grandfathered thing from a prepatch.

Lastly, if you are a "twink" that wants everyone to have the same cookie cutter gear where you can go buy vendor crap or put no effort into gearing please go play some pserver in whatever dogshit xpac it was that white vendor-gear was BIS.

@OP this isn't directed towards you. If you're still reading this thread, your best bet is to look up all WoD rares that drop apexis crystals to see what gear is best for your class. Make one run looking for all of the rares (can only loot once a day) then go start questing in legion for the Ilv 50 gear. While questing Q for BC dungeons (look up loot so you know which ones you actually need to q for) as socket gear will likely be BIS in a week.
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Hearing the epic staff druids get is hotfixed as well, unequipping it won't allow you to re equip
My god y'all are so damn whiny.. Clearly too many BFA "twinks" that have no clue about this brackets history in this thread. Pretty sure if y'all were around the legion invasion times where titanforged gear remained BIS for 5 YEARS (lawl) you would have tried cancelling blizz for ruining your fun.

Farm WoD rares for Ilv 44 gear that everyone can still do. Go questing and get Ilv 50 gear that everyone can still do. Go farm BC dungeons for socket gear that'll likely be BIS in a week that everyone can still do. Quit crying about ONE, I repeat ONE grandfathered thing from a prepatch.

Lastly, if you are a "twink" that wants everyone to have the same cookie cutter gear where you can go buy vendor crap or put no effort into gearing please go play some pserver in whatever dogshit xpac it was that white vendor-gear was BIS.

@OP this isn't directed towards you. If you're still reading this thread, your best bet is to look up all WoD rares that drop apexis crystals to see what gear is best for your class. Make one run looking for all of the rares (can only loot once a day) then go start questing in legion for the Ilv 50 gear. While questing Q for BC dungeons (look up loot so you know which ones you actually need to q for) as socket gear will likely be BIS in a week.

This is the most whinny post in here so far.

1) The gear is too good.
2) how long it took you to farm it is irrelevant.
3) How much time you spent on the PTR farming data is irrelevant.
4) Any elitists' notions you have are irrelevant.
5) Your comment about cookie cutter is COMPLETELY F ****ING IGNORANT, right now everybody IS cookie cutter, you might have 2 pieces of azerite and full power artifacts, but you are wearing EXACTLY what somebody who just did the Legion quests outside of that. If that goes away you can choose from a wide variety of options, glass cannon with gems, haste, verse, main stat, crit, mastery.
i was talking about making a 2nd priest with them 5 days ago wish i made it to compare but o well
just to further burst you and others' idealistic dreams you do realise if everything that's 'unintended' and 'broken' gets fixed it wont bring about customisation or secondary stat sets, it'll just force everyone to pick whatever has the most gem slots on every piece, it'll be just as cookie-cutter as this

you surely realised this right?

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