@walle 's point is basically this: cool bro you can occasionally win pugs, you can occasionally beat some grouped guilds 5mans or x amount of guildmates qing together... that's a small bit of what makes an FC good. Where are your premade games? Wins OR losses? You're at 0.
I personally think you're bang average on 19 druid because you rely too much on jumps. FCing in a premade is much more than jumping. You're inept in the listening category, and you would cost your team the game every single time because your tendency when in trouble is to go and jump. If you disagree, prove me wrong - field a 10 man or join a 10 man. Use your mighty twitch following to make a guild to compete.
Hiding behind the excuse of "my guild doesn't wanna premade" isn't a sentence a top 19 FC would say, period.