Arathi Basin. Commence Discussion.

Always found WSG superior to AB as all I do there is afk at farm or LM for 20 min while team is road farming... so I am exploring now while the rest is playing AB and then go back for some WSGs :)
I'm probably an exception, but I prefer AB to WSG by far. More diversity, more places where you can be and contribute, more strategy as opposed to tactics, much easier to avoid unwanted 24s. AB has always been particularly delightful from a rogue point of view. Much fun with sap-caps, ninjaing bases and ambushing lone defenders. I find it curious that during quite a number of pug games, farm turns out controlled by the allies and stables - by the horde.
I love ab way more because I don't have to worry about carrying a damn flag I can just set up a picnic on the st roof or lm roof and sip my fruity drink while spam healing in my max spirit set and never going oom my current record is 223k healing in one ab but that's cause after a lil they just stopped attacking my base :(
I played about 10 games yesterday. I won about 8 of them and 2 or 3 of them were with AP premades. However, out of the 3 premades I was in, only one of the them was 100% successful.
In the first one, everyone played the strategy of defending 3 bases and then going for other bases once we were secure. We won by a long shot.
By the second premade, there was a huge lack of communication. Everyone felt that since it was an AP premade, they could just zerg a base without much defense and we'd win. However, we started losing, but once I asked everyone to stay put, we won by about a 150 points difference.
The last premade I was in was just bad. Mostly because the other team had more superior healers and were more organized. They only kept 3 bases and kept 5 people in each, which is a terrific strategy. Farm even only had one mage and they didn't bother going for it.

Therefore, my advice to other people farming their daily honor for CtA:
Don't be greedy, defend at least 3 bases.
Call incomings before it's too late. (See someone a mile away? Call it anyway)
Make sure there's always at least 2 people at a base. Don't assume one rogue can get the job done.

Good luck to everyone. Cheers.
Played 5 or 6 pugs so far and won every game.

Premades are overrated, especially when - no offense to anybody - I dont recognize 99% of the people in the channel.
Had fun. Tried ele for the first time at f2p today. Was dissapointed with the non crit damage, but still super fun and useful. It seems like a lot of people have forgotten the strategy of having a couple people spam capping the flag with a lot of people fighting around if it's being fought over. I had a huge amount of flags capped today by doing that. Alliance needs to chill with the prots of both classes, seriously obnoxious. Also hunters.
He must not have played AB recently. Horde has around a 70/30 in my experience.

I used to like AB and used it to get away from the 3-10 24s per bg but now recently they are queuing for AB as well and it hasn't been as fun lately. Still better then wsg though...

Hmmmmm.... seems that horde winning ab is the exeption to the rule, out of the like 4 games I played today I won 2.

So here is my rough hypothesis as to why horde loses AB (trying to be more scientific then 'HORDE SUCKS')

2 random screenshots from some games today to try and support my claim.

View attachment 1912

View attachment 1913

It would seem in general that the horde has better dps for these 2 games (going to extend it to all ab games), and in general the alliance in these 2 games have better healers (extended to all games).

What does this mean? The alliance is in general good at keeping its players alive, which is very beneficial for ab, because you can just cap a flag and throw down damaging attacks of 17 every once in a while and still hold the flag. And since the horde is more dps heavy they dont want to defend because they then arent hitting anything to do/ keep their damage up. You can also go into the standard route that the alliance take and that the horde take (stereotypicaly in my experience the alliance take the stables, then go lm and take that, then go farm and take that, where as the orde takes the farm, which they will later lose, get the BS which they can hold, and then have no real place to go for a 3rd or even 2nd base.) but this is just my hypothesis.
I've seen a bg with 9 healers, 3 prot wars and 3 prot pals.. I kid you not

Another bg had 8 healers, 5 prot wars and a rogue n lock

Just lost another game. Horde side had 10 healers.....and 9 24s.... We had 2 healers and 0 24s..... lost by about 1,000 points )-=
Hmmmmm.... seems that horde winning ab is the exeption to the rule, out of the like 4 games I played today I won 2.
A 50% win ratio isn't actually that bad, just saying. And the results of 4 games do not prove a rule, that's just the composition that was on at the time. If you want to make a trend out of it you'd need a lot more dataz. A 4 bg sample extended to all games is laughable.

I don't know what you mean about horde doing badly, I've had plenty of good games and the majority seem to have been wins during the call to arms. Does that mean that horde is better all the time? No. It's all about team composition and the luck of the draw, and I have seen nothing to indicate that both sides have any composition that benefits them exclusively aside from cloth casters being easier to gear on horde, and the eyepatch for the allies.
A 50% win ratio isn't actually that bad, just saying. And the results of 4 games do not prove a rule, that's just the composition that was on at the time. If you want to make a trend out of it you'd need a lot more dataz. A 4 bg sample extended to all games is laughable.

I think my sample size is enough? This is from 1/17-tonight. This isn't some random number or exaggeration. This is my luck in bgs and what happens when you pug 95% of your bgs on ally. Lets see someone argue with me now about how bad ally pugs are since these numbers can't be made up.


Last 3 months numbers on bgs.


CTA weekend 8 wins 7 loses in AB.

Honestly if the group can just do gm/lm/st and keep 5 at each base I have yet to lose a bg. It's the groups that stay at farm all bg or keep going for 4 caps instead of being on D when we lose
I think my sample size is enough? This is from 1/17-tonight. This isn't some random number or exaggeration. This is my luck in bgs and what happens when you pug 95% of your bgs on ally. Lets see someone argue with me now about how bad ally pugs are since these numbers can't be made up.

-Picture snip-

Honestly if the group can just do gm/lm/st and keep 5 at each base I have yet to lose a bg. It's the groups that stay at farm all bg or keep going for 4 caps instead of being on D when we lose

Ouch D:

Well mostly I just meant that horde wasn't losing all the time which was the main assertion of the post I quoted. There's still no reason for ally pugs to be performing worse that I can think of, mb too many noobs rolling for the easy headslot?

I started playing horde cause it was the underdog, might be time to go alliance lol.
I think it would be really helpful if people include the time(s) they play as well as their results. You can't make the same generalizations about totally different player bases.

In my experience playing yesterday on and off from around 9a-12p est, horde side won 3/11 games, including once by 10 points. Thanks for the "we had it all along" chieve :p

The three greatest and most consistant contributors to our loses were:

1) fighting on the road and leaving the flag open to ninjas
2) under-defended flags. 90% of the time two or less people defending
3) more druids alli-side.....

Lastly, they often seemed to have better team work but this wasn't consistent. It's just when I saw teamwork, it was nearly always on their side.

I'm a returning player and am new to paladins and healing in general. Still trying to learn how to play this thing properly while I gear up. Fun so far. Honor is so easy now!

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