I played about 10 games yesterday. I won about 8 of them and 2 or 3 of them were with AP premades. However, out of the 3 premades I was in, only one of the them was 100% successful.
In the first one, everyone played the strategy of defending 3 bases and then going for other bases once we were secure. We won by a long shot.
By the second premade, there was a huge lack of communication. Everyone felt that since it was an AP premade, they could just zerg a base without much defense and we'd win. However, we started losing, but once I asked everyone to stay put, we won by about a 150 points difference.
The last premade I was in was just bad. Mostly because the other team had more superior healers and were more organized. They only kept 3 bases and kept 5 people in each, which is a terrific strategy. Farm even only had one mage and they didn't bother going for it.
Therefore, my advice to other people farming their daily honor for CtA:
Don't be greedy, defend at least 3 bases.
Call incomings before it's too late. (See someone a mile away? Call it anyway)
Make sure there's always at least 2 people at a base. Don't assume one rogue can get the job done.
Good luck to everyone. Cheers.