Arathi Basin. Commence Discussion.

A 50% win ratio isn't actually that bad, just saying. And the results of 4 games do not prove a rule, that's just the composition that was on at the time. If you want to make a trend out of it you'd need a lot more dataz. A 4 bg sample extended to all games is laughable.

I don't know what you mean about horde doing badly, I've had plenty of good games and the majority seem to have been wins during the call to arms. Does that mean that horde is better all the time? No. It's all about team composition and the luck of the draw, and I have seen nothing to indicate that both sides have any composition that benefits them exclusively aside from cloth casters being easier to gear on horde, and the eyepatch for the allies.

Yea I get what you mean, and If I wanted to make a more scientific clame I should use like 50 games or something like that, but these 4 seemed to me a perfect sample of the trend from alot more ab's that I have done.
2 for 3 in pugs today. Lost came because we were facing a 5 man elune 24 premade. Wins probably came due to us having the 24s.

I still struggle to imagine why ppl would bother playing this bracket of all things if they have access to p2p but whatever.
I think my sample size is enough? This is from 1/17-tonight. This isn't some random number or exaggeration. This is my luck in bgs and what happens when you pug 95% of your bgs on ally. Lets see someone argue with me now about how bad ally pugs are since these numbers can't be made up.

I'd be happy to argue with you about how good/bad ally PuGs are since my experience is not the same. There are many things that come into play (your play times, your character/class/gear, your playstyle/how you contribute, etc). Considering it's the same quality of people on both sides, you can't really say one side has better PuGs.

You may have bad luck, your playstyle may not be great for a team environment, you may only play when Horde 24s are on... Who knows! There are so many things to consider.
Vashj did a simulque with whoever was on. We ran with 6 or 7 dps. No healers. I end up with top heals just barely ahead of the horde's resto druid for a good while. Horde got zerged at a base and that druid did 17k heals while i was defending something, so I ended up as 2nd heals and 6th dmg. On an enh shaman. out of 30 people. Insanely fun.

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