An Honest Question

Are you worried?

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Well aren't you stubborn. You sound like Duo, "I'm right and you're wrong because I say so".
Blablabla and insult some more is what you are good at. Also the comparison between duo and me is stupid, there is a very huge big difference. It is not about I am right and you are wrong or the other way around, that is your departement and blow up posts with stuff there was not even talked about to makes you look more honorable? I make my conclusions from the facts there are and not like you hanging on old one sided arguments and not look further. Maby you will be like me some day but I doubt that :)
Blablabla and insult some more is what you are good at. Also the comparison between duo and me is stupid, there is a very huge big difference. It is not about I am right and you are wrong or the other way around, that is your departement and blow up posts with stuff there was not even talked about to makes you look more honorable? I make my conclusions from the facts there are and not like you hanging on old one sided arguments and not look further. Maby you will be like me some day but I doubt that :)

If I feel such is needed, most of the time it's not. Right now I do see similarities. Oh please, I'm totally on topic here. You and Conq brought up what happend years ago not me, a very popular justification among 24s. And what do you mean by that, play F2P for some time but when it gets a bit rough do an Exorcist head spin and go 24?

Does it makes you feel good to play in groups or small premades when the rest of the bracket pugs?

Stupid arguments Goesid.

There we go. Yes, I tend to have more fun with atleast one more person in my group, I feel I've said this a number of time though. Who is bringing up old topics now?
2) People that just love to have fun (torturing small animals).

I'm glad we agree (F2P are animals)

If there were no 24s that does what I've already stated then yes there would be.

Why should F2Ps have their own bracket though?

There we go. Yes, I tend to have more fun with atleast one more person in my group, I feel I've said this a number of time though. Who is bringing up old topics now?

I tend to have more fun not having to premade, not being raped by f2p hunters or premades.
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Honestly both F2P's and P2P's would have a better overall experience if they weren't constantly butting heads.
An alternate way of twinking.

That's not an answer man. Why should none paying customers be treated better than paying ones? 60s wanted 64s out of their bracket because of socket OL gear. Eventually it killed it.

Dasha you know i like you, but your argument is completely bias. I want, I think I need, what about others wants, thoughts , needs?

I want no premades (At ANY level. Rated is there for a reason), I think that wow in general is unfair, I need people to let me play my own way.

That's my last word. GL, have fun /salute.
p2p noobs, i have a 24 rogue ready to non-stop farm and gy camp you.

Dw, i only 2 rogue premade. Should be fun to make your BG experience a real pain.

Be ready! ;))

Ps: let the flamefest begin!

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Not in this bracket. There is plenty of brackets to play it that way. F2P bracket is the only way to twink in that way, you came to the bracket cause you wanted to destroy the joy for them nothing else.

Don't worry "this bracket" will be going away soon. It will soon be back to 20-29. One less argument to worry about. I am sure non-subscribers will dig up many many more. That is what they are best at after all. Toxic replies, name calling, personal attacks, etc...
Have a wonderful day

Yeah, non-subscribers are to blame, the rest of you are angels :))

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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That's not an answer man. Why should none paying customers be treated better than paying ones? 60s wanted 64s out of their bracket because of socket OL gear. Eventually it killed it.

Dasha you know i like you, but your argument is completely bias. I want, I think I need, what about others wants, thoughts , needs?

I want no premades (At ANY level. Rated is there for a reason), I think that wow in general is unfair, I need people to let me play my own way.

That's my last word. GL, have fun /salute.

Well, Blizzard doesn't like any twinks, the way I see it, they don't care if we pay or not. Endgame or scum. There's multiple brackets out there for low level twinking, only one has the alternative of F2P. You have your moments too. Not really.

Don't worry "this bracket" will be going away soon. It will soon be back to 20-29. One less argument to worry about. I am sure non-subscribers will dig up many many more. That is what they are best at after all. Toxic replies, name calling, personal attacks, etc...
Have a wonderful day


Why are you in this subforum? Got lost and daren't ask for directions?
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That's not an answer man. Why should none paying customers be treated better than paying ones? 60s wanted 64s out of their bracket because of socket OL gear. Eventually it killed it.

Dasha you know i like you, but your argument is completely bias. I want, I think I need, what about others wants, thoughts , needs?

I want no premades (At ANY level. Rated is there for a reason), I think that wow in general is unfair, I need people to let me play my own way.

That's my last word. GL, have fun /salute.

Treated better? To no be treated like garbage, you mean, for sure? If you look at the topics on F2P forum here, you'll notice that most of the hunters wanted the MoP 5.0 version of the class back. A master of the CC, without damage.

We want fair. We don't want hunters globaling crap, neither. We don't want 1,4k shatters on Frost mages 24s. We don't want Shadow Priests killing everything in sight with their 2k Devouring Plagues.

You guys think we twink at f2p, with the restrictions cuz we're poor and don't have a choice. While this is true for random people, most of people HERE, in TI have paid accounts and CHOOSE to play with restrictions, to balance the already destroyed bracked.

What do a 24 chooses when he 24s? To balance itself against...what? 2k Prot warriors with 1k crits? While SPs crit 1.5k/2k each MB? Rogues with 1k ambushes? When you have 3k hp?

I do agree the bracket is broken. But there's no reason for us to BREAK IT EVEN MORE. For the record i don't even play prot or rogue. I like Afflilocks, and i'm waiting for WoD so i can make my orc look awesome.

Pretend it's not true if you want but, and this is already a staple on games: If you don't treat your f2p consumer right, he's not joining your game. You must always work with the mind set on losing, not winning. A faithful client is better than a dissatisfied one.

No one is asking for blizz to give us things for free. We're asking for balance amongst all brackets, including f2p. So when their f2p customer logs, and see how awesome is pvp at 20, he'll think how WAY "awesomer" is pvp at endgame.

PS: WoW is a F2P-to-20 game now. So, saying that the bracket belongs to the paying customers is not true. It belongs to Blizz, and you RENT the right to play on it.

Neither f2p nor p2p are right in this point.
Honestly both F2P's and P2P's would have a better overall experience if they weren't constantly butting heads.

You're talking to people who have heavily experience both P2P and F2P. You have experience in only the former and so you have no context to discuss either.

And also, pray tell, what would be better for the P2P experience? If all the F2Ps pretended like you were actually just really skilled and not the absurd gear advantages that lead you to doing better in BGs? That we treat you like you're one of us even though you're quite literally the opposite? What exactly do you think would make your P2P experience better and then PUT ON OUR SHOES and tell us why we would in any way be motivated to do that?
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Well, Blizzard doesn't like any twinks, the way I see it,
Yes but it is not the correct view because they actually love twinks and our money. This whole game is about min/maxing. There are also other numerous facts pointing at that they actually do like twinking... alot. 1 Very strong one is heirlooms just to mention 1 and what about enchants and the making of xp-on and xp-off aka more ways to twink. And don't come and tell me that only the people who xp-lock and play xp-locked twinks are the only twinks out there.

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