An Honest Question

Are you worried?

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belongs to Blizz, and you RENT the right to play on it.

But you don't even do that.

I have no doubt some free to plays want balance, but most don't care. Remember, most aren't TI members. Now, you must realize not all 24s just want to come grief you. Go ahead, ask people if i go around griefing.

And i also play F2P.

Get down off your high horses, you Don't own the 20-24 bracket, in fact you don't even own your account.

Most (Most arent TI members) would do the same if they wasn't so cheap. Actually, they're a few threads on here with those guys who "wouldn't do such a thing" trying to come up with ways to get p2p items.
rofl this guy is trolling or is incredible ...

Blizz made looms for twinks? Made enchants the way they are now for twinks? XpON-OFF for twinks?

They made all that to make leveling easier than ever. That's the whole point.

Also, they made XPONOFF because they wanted to boost levellers interest in bg's also as an alternative of questing/instances.

They also thought about those that twinked and gave them the XPOFF option so they wont whine much and actually meet equally geared ppl instead of undergeared levellers, that's the only thing they did for twinks.

Most of XPOFF brackets are dead now. That much Blizz cares about twinks.

Ps: read the damn tooltips on those looms before coming with such silly statements.

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You're talking to people who have heavily experience both P2P and F2P. You have experience in only the former and so you have no context to discuss either.

o/ was playing f2p before you knew it existed.

And also, pray tell, what would be better for the P2P experience?

Being able to press more than 4 buttons for a start.

If all the F2Ps pretended like you were actually just really skilled and not the absurd gear advantages that lead you to doing better in BGs? That we treat you like you're one of us

Please don't pretend I'm one of you, I've been here way longer than that.

Anything else you wanna know? Why i play 24 perhaps?

I got sick of being farmed by you fair play advocates. 6+ hunters vs my Rshammy, no thanks. Pass me my crutch, I need to kick some peoples out from under them.
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rofl this guy is trolling or is incredible ...

Blizz made looms for twinks? Made enchants the way they are now for twinks? XpON-OFF for twinks?

They made all that to make leveling easier than ever. That's the whole point.

Also, they made XPONOFF because they wanted to boost levellers interest in bg's also as an alternative of questing/instances.

They also thought about those that twinked and gave them the XPOFF option so they wont whine much and actually meet equally geared ppl instead of undergeared levellers, that's the only thing they did for twinks.

Ps: read the damn tooltips on those looms before coming with such silly statements.

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Wait, that's to far fetched, but you telling us the holocaust didnt happen is believable?

PS: read your history books before coming to such stupid conclusions.
Don't worry "this bracket" will be going away soon. It will soon be back to 20-29. One less argument to worry about. I am sure non-subscribers will dig up many many more. That is what they are best at after all. Toxic replies, name calling, personal attacks, etc...
Have a wonderful day


There are some who who actually do this, probably to make 24s look bad. To be honest the majority of F2P's arn't like that
rofl this guy is trolling or is incredible ...

Blizz made looms for twinks? Made enchants the way they are now for twinks? XpON-OFF for twinks?

They made all that to make leveling easier than ever. That's the whole point.

Also, they made XPONOFF because they wanted to boost levellers interest in bg's also as an alternative of questing/instances.

They also thought about those that twinked and gave them the XPOFF option so they wont whine much and actually meet equally geared ppl instead of undergeared levellers, that's the only thing they did for twinks.

Most of XPOFF brackets are dead now. That much Blizz cares about twinks.

Ps: read the damn tooltips on those looms before coming with such silly statements.

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Xp off brackets died cuz most p2ps dont want to play on equal lvl, thats why 20-24 is active so they can pwn worst geared ppl like be4 xp on/xp off
Go to 20-24 section and u will see 24s shit talking about f2ps too.

But with people like you and achmed, around it's understandable. Between you, you have more 24s than any of us, yet you still come here being self righteous. You both do premades and both play the most OP classes you can.

If you two are trolling i take my hat off to you. personally i think you're just that daft.
There is not such a thing as a f2p bracket nor another bracket where p2p players can play low level battlegrounds. You know this; why do you continue holding on to this is a mistery. Just stop this nonsense.
Just kind of hoping the slut-shaming would work.

Stop with these stupid arguments, there are counters for all and you will never win this argument because this is a p2p game.
Reminds me of the kid that thinks he owns the pick-up game because he brought the ball.
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If you don't want to stop doing drugs, you don't stop shooting heroin?

This doesn't apply to you my friend. you obviously need your medication.
Conq, man, just roll a f2p. Or at least a p2p 20 with f2p restricted gear/items. More of a challenge, and you should like that.

Also, can you people stop talking so much crap and stay on topic?! This thread really shouldn't even make it to 5 pages...

See you on a F2P, Conq. Hopefully.
But with people like you and achmed, around it's understandable. Between you, you have more 24s than any of us, yet you still come here being self righteous. You both do premades and both play the most OP classes you can.

If you two are trolling i take my hat off to you. personally i think you're just that daft.

I only had 3x24twinks, dont think thats much.
Neither achmed or I have any active 24 and its been over a year since i last played a 24 twink, and i still dont regret it, it was great experience, the only thing i would have changed is rolled 24 on ravencrest.
We always played same class even when it wasnt OP or most OP, cuz we like it.
premading? I rarely premade and whats probelm with that? i think its good thing that f2p get together and play organisated to beat others that depend on gear :rolleyes:
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It's a serious source of anxiety

Coz none would pick that. You ppl should not be racist to a poll <3
I got sick of being farmed by you fair play advocates. 6+ hunters vs my Rshammy, no thanks. Pass me my crutch, I need to kick some peoples out from under them.

I will take an old school wooden crutch, for my Rshaman as well.
In one thread the trials bitch and complain about five man premades while creating another thread how to make premades of their own. Talk about hypocrisy.


I'm not saying 24s are perfect either.

Almost purrfukt...

Why are you in this subforum? Got lost and daren't ask for directions?

Come one you can do better that. But you just did confirm my earlier post. Thank you for the proof.
Here is some additional reading I would recommend. Book of Etiquette and Manners - Nimeran Sahukar & Prem P.Bhalla - Google Books
Have a wonderful day.
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