An Honest Question

Are you worried?

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If I didn't try them how would I know I don't like them... psychology?

But you do have a small point. It's like a moron that keep crying about 24s, but has one in their sig, and keeps bragging what his gonna do with his 29s if they get merged... A real clown indeed!

So this is the 1st time you're trying to premade? Until 20-24 bracket you've never been into premades, right? Cuz if you didn't premade before you might have a point there, but if you did you should know what to expect from a premade vs PUGS and you're no more that I actually know you are, just a tool and a troll.

And I strongly believe you did premade, 20-24 it's not your 1st bracket to "try" and premade into. But even so, "I've premaded with almost all EU players on TI", that long took you to dislike premades and solo que?

And now you don't premade anymore right? You hypocrite.
ITT: trolls feeding trolls.

I will admit, the debate is getting boring now gentlemen. Please take it to PM if you want to continue your little bickering session.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
ITT: trolls feeding trolls.

I will admit, the debate is getting boring now gentlemen. Please take it to PM if you want to continue your little bickering session.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Well, you're no fun.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here: picking apart other people's minor syntax errors on a multinational forum, is hardly fair play. Most of the 24s are at the bottom-left of the bell curve, we all know that, so there is no need to bash them when they are trying to use their words.

English is hard enough to understand that most Americans haven't mastered it. Most non-primary, English-speakers from other countries amaze me with their knowledge of English, when all I can retain from my Spanish training is, "Vámonos!", and "Chupalo!" (jajaja). Idioms, like "Make do", are by damn near untranslatable. Take into consideration that "due" and "do", are homonyms, and that makes it doubly hard.

Try swedish, tomten and tomten are pretty hard to separate if you aren't a native :p
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The "gear" difference isn't a huge issue between free to play, and pay to play. Just wanted to point that out. It's normally the difference of 5-10 points on the gear itself that is the difference.

The huge real advantage, is the power of the enchantments and professions a paid account has,access to. (No, enchantments should not be counted in the gear section. That's like saying one cake is better than the other because it has icing.)

Oh well. Endless bickering is why people like forum sites.

Sent from my HUAWEI H881C using Tapatalk

yeah I was using gear as a general term encompassing enchants etc.
Then you're incorrect.

Sent from my HUAWEI H881C using Tapatalk
yeah I was using gear as a general term encompassing enchants etc.

Yeah but that would make sense and he wouldn't have an argument. That's why you always assume the worst out of someone's post; so you can strawman it to death.
I'm quite aware of that.

Enchantments are additional stats or abilities added on to the gear: they are not part of the gear itself.

I'm not trying to nitpick someones post, I'm stating an obvious and overlooked fact.

The gear a 24 uses itself has only a few more stats than that a 20 uses, paid, or not. The enchantments are where all the major differences from. Dancing Steel on a pair of Rogue starting daggers is still devastating.

Oh well, I'll abandon my point now.

Sent from my HUAWEI H881C using Tapatalk
Reading the arguments on here is fun?

The Saint and Achmed should have their own thread in the tavern ;)

Fun fact, my posts covered 11% of the old Q&A thread (389 pages long thread). Try that ;).

And btw, that might be a good idea.

Saint vs Achmed the standoff.
I'm quite aware of that.

Enchantments are additional stats or abilities added on to the gear: they are not part of the gear itself.

I'm not trying to nitpick someones post, I'm stating an obvious and overlooked fact.

The gear a 24 uses itself has only a few more stats than that a 20 uses, paid, or not. The enchantments are where all the major differences from. Dancing Steel on a pair of Rogue starting daggers is still devastating.

Oh well, I'll abandon my point now.

Sent from my HUAWEI H881C using Tapatalk

I think everyone knew what he meant by gear.
Though i dont recommend anyone to get on gear, drugs are bad for ur health.

Even like that cuz of lvl scaling our secondary stats get squished.
Having 2-5 f2p players premading still doesnt compares to 2-5 24s.
I agree with leotseddap, this bracket is terrible for twinking. Blizzard isn't going to segregate trials. Ironically it was [MENTION=11098]Honey badger[/MENTION] who opened my eyes to the broader perspective. In my experience the rift between trials and everyone else is toxic and ever prevalent. There is no silver bullet response to the hands we choose to accept from Blizzard. I'm done rationalizing to myself while participating in the negativity. Time is too precious. Perhaps I'll try another bracket, endgame or leave this game behind altogether. I don't really have any regrets though.
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I agree with leotseddap, this bracket is terrible for twinking. Blizzard isn't going to segregate trials. Ironically it was [MENTION=11098]Honey badger[/MENTION] who opened my eyes to the broader perspective. In my experience the rift between trials and everyone else is toxic and ever prevalent. There is no silver bullet response to the hands we choose to accept from Blizzard. I'm done rationalizing to myself while participating in the negativity. Time is too precious. Perhaps I'll try another bracket, endgame or leave this game behind altogether. I don't really have any regrets though.

Jadyne is having success with her 39 bracket approach at molten. Maybe you should check it out?

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