Aerie Peak 10v10 Premade - Setting up teams! Details inside!

Thanks Pookums. It seems to me both should be allowed. There is no advantage to using Rum, it is harder to get, by your explanation, and not as good. Just limit it to 3 uses. )

I didn't even think about 20s taking Halaa on their own. Very cool. Thanks for the tip.
Rumsey requires hours of fishing to accumulate, Whiskey merely requires a run to Outlands and your faction controlling Halaa. Fyi 20's can take Halaa, we have done it many times.

With all due respect, saying that rum takes hours to obtain is stupid, I used to fish for it in between AB games, and have enough to last Me though that match... so that's roughly 3-4 per 15 minutes... Just go fish from wreckage, rum even has a drop chance from the fish pools in STV.... But honestly i don't plan on dying more than 3 times anyways... So whatever.

and preez, not sure who we are gonna use but ill let you know in game
Thanks Pookums. It seems to me both should be allowed. There is no advantage to using Rum, it is harder to get, by your explanation, and not as good. Just limit it to 3 uses. )

I didn't even think about 20s taking Halaa on their own. Very cool. Thanks for the tip.

There is a good reason to disallow Rumsey and allow Haalani. 3 uses is a BIG choice to make in a premade, and I think it's one that will make the game more interesting.

That and Consumables are non-permanent and we can't expect everyone to have them for the premade, which is why certain huge buffs like Rumsey are disallowed.

I plan on summoning everyone to Haala before the premade to pick up the whiskey.
Rumsey rum included, I find it a bit odd that nobody has questioned the fact that a horde player wrote and decided all the rules. We should go over the rules in vent together some time. I'm not quite sure why this hasn't been brought up before, but if the purpose of these rules is to balance the teams, why not have balance in creating the rules?
Rumsey rum included, I find it a bit odd that nobody has questioned the fact that a horde player wrote and decided all the rules. We should go over the rules in vent together some time. I'm not quite sure why this hasn't been brought up before, but if the purpose of these rules is to balance the teams, why not have balance in creating the rules?

Of course, I believe in the OP I did say the rules are up for discussion, but with Haalani available to everyone quite easily I see no reason to not use it exclusively as it'll also add fun and another choice to our premade.
Of course, I believe in the OP I did say the rules are up for discussion, but with Haalani available to everyone quite easily I see no reason to not use it exclusively as it'll also add fun and another choice to our premade.

With rum also available being quite easy to fish for, i see no reason not to use IT exculsively. Choice are comps, strats, and other consumables, rum should be automatic

my reason for rum being automatic lies in the stupid AF damage to health ratio.. you want to get whisky for the extra 5 stam, then be my guest! make that your choice "hmm this is pretty clutch moment right now i should use my 20 stam drink instead of my 15"
With rum also available being quite easy to fish for, i see no reason not to use IT exculsively. Choice are comps, strats, and other consumables, rum should be automatic

my reason for rum being automatic lies in the stupid AF damage to health ratio.. you want to get whisky for the extra 5 stam, then be my guest! make that your choice "hmm this is pretty clutch moment right now i should use my 20 stam drink instead of my 15"

Having everyone farm enough rum for 3 or so games will be difficult.

As long as everyone can get at least a stack or two I guess we can use it.
Spending in hour with a fishing pole isn't too much to ask, considering the time it takes to farm BoA, Hat, etc....

but the real question is, why waste hours of everyone's time when you can just.....not use rum or whiskey at all, and then nobody has to waste any time

consumables have ruined premade WSG matches in this game since battlegrounds came out. not only is everyone wasting time that could otherwise be spent actually playing more games, but stacking HP on players in no way makes the game more fun, enjoyable, or strategic - if anything, it does the exact opposite

healing in this bracket is plenty powerful enough to keep players up except when they are focused by many players at once, and when someone is focused by many players at once in a coordinated fashion, they should die. i'm sorry, but capture the flag is not fun when it's 2 groups grabbing the flag and instantly starting to roof turtle as the default starting point of the game
but the real question is, why waste hours of everyone's time when you can just.....not use rum or whiskey at all, and then nobody has to waste any time

oh wow

someone else has asked this question in almost exactly the same way I have

well I never
No consumables besides profession consumables? Or no consumables period?

Oil, bombs, pots, scrolls, foods, stones, bandages, etc?
No consumables besides profession consumables? Or no consumables period?

Oil, bombs, pots, scrolls, foods, stones, bandages, etc?

I'd go strictly by the arena sanctions, with the exception of allowing drinking of melon juice (since you can use PvP and conjured water in RBG, we just aren't at a level to use them).

That means bandages (start stockpiling that mageweave) and melon juice. The standard is okay, but nothing else (grenades, oils, scrolls, stones, pots all banned).
I prefer that to nothing but whiskey..... No consumables FTW.

This would make it "less" fair for those who have those professions... While others have Mining/Herbalism for example, and benefit from these both, other may have another combo, and lose some stats this way. I don't really see why we wouldn't be allowed to use Halaani Whiskey. It increases healthpools, making the fights more versatile and fun.

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