Aerie Peak 10v10 Premade - Setting up teams! Details inside!

As requested by IAT some off-topics posts have been deleted. Future off-topic posts will also be deleted please keep this topic about the 10 vs. 10 premade. If you wish discuss other matters such as horde vs. alliance, playing time, and personal conversations please create threads or send private messages.

And out of curiosity, what's your opinion on that? The complete destruction of the balance of skill between AP Horde and Alliance caused by a number of people for whom faster queues was more important than maintaining the community, I mean. Not to mention the demoralization of the remaining AP Alliance at now having essentially no P2Ps to help them group up even for dungeon runs. I'm just curious how it feels to the old original Horde players, to have gained a few more faces but completely lost our community.

It fucking sucks man. I told everyone the INSTANT we saw the first Alliance rolling over that this would be at terrible thing. Everyone disagreed - but hey, here it comes.
Im gonna be straight up, I play both sides, go through phases of which sides I play more often, first alliance, then horde when i made my spriest and enh shaman, then back to alliance, and now horde again, its not like I wont come back! Im just gearing some toons up on horde side since i have so many alliance toons!

edit: im still playing alliance for the premade...
Not enough Alliance players.


Edit: This isn't a jab or poke towards anyone who switched, it's just a fact :( We had trouble getting 10 players before.
Thirk, this isn't gunna happen unless people take lead. Start actively recruiting get your ten together and list em here. If you're missing a few don't wait for "full BiS." Don't worry about Beef's double agm and stuff like that. I'm fine with running no AGMs at all just because it makes it so much simpler. Someone needs to do the same thing with alliance side. I wouldn't mind and I know I can get ten together rather quickly. For people to gain interest in this they need to know that its going to happen sometime soon.

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