Aerie Peak 10v10 Premade - Setting up teams! Details inside!

I think it's fine. Just another way to uneven the playing field for players who don't have the time or inclination to farm for hours to get enough rum. Leave it how it is.
I think it's fine. Just another way to uneven the playing field for players who don't have the time or inclination to farm for hours to get enough rum. Leave it how it is.

Same could be said for anything though, including the AGM. Horde has faster queue times, which arguably puts them in BoAs faster, where Alliance has time in between matches to do things like fish for rum or get their AGM. This is an argument that does not have a definitive end-point. I'm just waiting for some smart-aleck to make a comment about the eyepatch, at which point I will throw my hands up and be done with this experiment.

I would propose that we give everyone two choices: Choice one is to follow the RBG rules exactly how they are, no modifications, and choice two is that anyone can bring and use anything as long as it is within F2P restrictions. Take those two choices, put them to a vote of the people who are actually participating, and just go with it. That seems the only way we're going to come to a resolution.

So RBG (rated battleground) or BYB (bring your best)? Choose, and let's pull the trigger on this and get it done already.
Same could be said for anything though, including the AGM. Horde has faster queue times, which arguably puts them in BoAs faster, where Alliance has time in between matches to do things like fish for rum or get their AGM. This is an argument that does not have a definitive end-point. I'm just waiting for some smart-aleck to make a comment about the eyepatch, at which point I will throw my hands up and be done with this experiment.

I would propose that we give everyone two choices: Choice one is to follow the RBG rules exactly how they are, no modifications, and choice two is that anyone can bring and use anything as long as it is within F2P restrictions. Take those two choices, put them to a vote of the people who are actually participating, and just go with it. That seems the only way we're going to come to a resolution.

So RBG (rated battleground) or BYB (bring your best)? Choose, and let's pull the trigger on this and get it done already.

Let me just make a few points here regarding faction imbalances and consumables.

1. Gear (Crutchpatch, etc): Horde has it's own set of gear that is unobtainable to Alliance, so I don't propose any gear limits as both sides have some good gear. For example, Alliance has NO faction-specific Cloth gear whatsoever that they benefit from.

2. BoA/AGM: Compared to things like AGM/BoA which are standard practice, most people will have them by now. That is, if they AREN'T on AP. AGM is not something handed out on our realm so limiting this I believe is a must in order to even the playing field.

3. Rum/Whiskey: The rum takes time to fish up and is NOT a part of most twink's standard F2P agenda. Whiskey, however, is more common, easier to get, and helps everyone last a little longer. In a bracket as bursty as 20s, I believe having an extra 200+ HP is very helpful, and only having 3 forces the decision of when to use it upon you.

4. Consumables: I'm fine with NO consumables, but I really want an agreement on excepting profession consumables and the whiskey. For the obvious reason of benefiting all professions and not just passive ones. However, I am keen on allowing Swiftness pots if we allow any consumables at all.

TL;DR I base my consumable rule and stand by it based on standard practice vs deviation.
I set up a poll regarding consumables. If you vote please take the time to post your vote here and why you chose it.
I voted none - why? This process is already needlessly overcomplicated - no consumables just makes things easy and forces healers to stay on point and excludes any potential unfair consumable advantages.


Frankly I'd take it offboard if I were the Captain. But I'm always the Captain in my mind
Well I tried to advocate for simplicity, but... I'm going to sit back and wait for you guys to argue over the minutiae, and just wake me up when it's time to melt some faces. I never use consumables as it is, and yet I still do as well as I do, so all the negotiation seems needless and overcomplicated to me as well. I feel like there is a difference between what is even, and what is fair. I don't think it's necessarily fair to make things perfectly even, as some people have worked very hard to get where they are and get what resources they have. Let's just play a game, for the love of all that is precious.
Guess I'm changing it to profession consumables only. NO extras but I don't want to make it biased towards passive professions.
I voted any and all, because IMHO, all or nothing are the only two viable choices. To try and craft a middle ground would be time-consuming and ridiculous.

I like Kincaides idea, just bring your best.

...and in my opinion, the caliber players that are involved in this have no excuse NOT to have an AGM. If they don't have one then they are just lazy.
Explaining my vote as requested in poll, but I should express that I consider this a pretty minor issue and will be fine with whatever rules are opposed. I'm more afraid of accidentally violating them than I am concerned about the merits of whatever we choose.

I voted none of the above, by which I mean self-buffs plus engineering bombs. My understanding is that this is different from "professions minus swiftness pots", which would include stockpiled holy protection potions, etc.

Engineering bombs should be allowed since they are the only perk of the profession; goggles are a sub-BiS and shouldn't really be considered a perk so much as a stopgap until LFH. Bombs are good but not really overpowered, being a 1s cast for a 1s incapacitate with a short range.

Swiftness pots I am opposed to. It seems like 75% of the pots used are used for solo flag running, which is fine in pugs but shouldn't be encouraged in the AP v AP game. The rest are used as gap closers and openers, which further breaks the closer-opener pvp arms race. In particular, classes with snares (ahem) can't really be swift-potted away from, but classes without snares can be escaped trivially.

Additionally, alchemy also already the strongest prof with 4 stam plus 6 agi, 13 str, or 11 int. Alchemists really don't need swiftness pots, holy protection pots, and rage potions on top of this. And non-alchemists shouldn't have to burn stockpiles to keep up.

Random other consumables, like rum/whiskey, parachutes, arcane cores, sharpening stones, thistle tea, and health pots I would ban for simplicity reasons and to reduce the barrier for entry. I'd like to see this be more about skill and cooperation, not about who has the sickest stockpiles.

Though I reiterate, I don't really care a ton.
...and in my opinion, the caliber players that are involved in this have no excuse NOT to have an AGM. If they don't have one then they are just lazy.

Overgeneralization, imo. Some of us have been sitting back and letting, even helping, others get AGM. Others like shft have been rolling alts instead. He and I have been playing for months and are reasonably skilled and well known, but have had our own reasons for letting the rest of the community get it instead. Doesn't mean we're lazy.

AGM is scarce, requires cooperation, and can be "bought" from 85s to the exclusion and detriment of the rest of the server. Without taking a position on the AP v. AP premade, I wholly agree that it deserves special consideration.

And name-calling towards people without one is unnecessary and unconstructive.
I voted any and all, because IMHO, all or nothing are the only two viable choices. To try and craft a middle ground would be time-consuming and ridiculous.

I like Kincaides idea, just bring your best.

...and in my opinion, the caliber players that are involved in this have no excuse NOT to have an AGM. If they don't have one then they are just lazy.

I have never actually tried for AGM. 1. It does not matter. 2. I've helped multiple people to earn more than 12 arena masters

I also find it funny that you call out others for being lazy, when you used a loldk to get yours
why would i get an AGM? it doesn't have spell pen, it doesn't have damage like the BOA trinket, no one uses AGM in arenas out of courtesy, and if i want stamina in BGs, i just use consumables

there are plenty of other people on aerie peak who feel very strongly that they *need* to have an AGM. i figure that if they want it that bad, they should have it. i'm not going to go down there and fuck with them when i don't want or need it

i have gotten literally dozens of AGMs over the years on my twinks. it is not special or unique, it's just another situational twink item
Thats all I'm trying to point out:

Those who have AGM, are happy because they have it. Those who don't have one, are happy because they don't have it. There's no issue here. Everyone with an AGM wants them in, and anyone who doesn't have one has a moral or philosophical reason for not getting it, so everyone is seemingly in agreement, yes?

...and COTUS is just an a-hole in general anyways, so /ignore...

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