About to roll a 19 trial hunter, please comment.

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All F2P twinks should play on a specific server (doesn't matter if US or EU cause it's free).

The downside is that everyone wants AGM tho.

I was going to say guild but you can't. Maybe pick 2 servers to make it more even.
All F2P twinks should play on a specific server (doesn't matter if US or EU cause it's free).

The downside is that everyone wants AGM tho.


Im on 9 trinks so far, i think its going pretty well on this low populated US server im on atm.

But EU/US does matter actually for latency :) Im having higher on this US server but its pretty fine having 90ms and 150 for world. Not sure how it will turn out in battlegrounds but that wont take long for me to get in and try. I guess ill get my 1st agm today it seems, its pretty quiet here and i reached 10g :D

But yeah you are perhaps right, then i would suggest going US. If you are planning for EU, i dont mind helping out on gear and gold boosts on a realm where i can still use a main up till the 23rd.
I would even do this on my regular account and follow the rules. Would be a neat little project for anyone, but obviously not as rewarding or hard to obtain.
Hm who says we actually have to play with the big bad 19s. Isnt it possible to do wargames? Then yeah defenately all to 1 server ><

Edit. i was actually a bit confused since people invited me on the server to kill a certain boss but i am not able to create a group as a trail myself. Then we would need an active account to setup a wargame? Not sure about this if wargames are even possible this way.
You know a side benefit of a bunch of people creating trials and never buying the game may lead to blizz giving trials more privilages
Rivfader said:
You know a side benefit of a bunch of people creating trials and never buying the game may lead to blizz giving trials more privilages

Or less, depend the way you see this.
After reading through this thread, I think 20 exp off twinks would be amazing. You wouldnt have to pay for WoW unless you wanted to play a higher bracket. What I think we should do is have one sever for Ally and one for Horde. On low pop severs so its easy to get agm without have griefers. And for the guild "dilemma" we could just make our own chat channel. Which I think we are able to do the on the trial. So the 20 twinks on that server would just join the channel. Has for 24s we will just shun like what the 60s do to the 64s..

Thoughts? Sever suggestions!
Im not a huge fan of cripling poison (and mounts) at the lower levels, its allready so annoying to fight rogues in an op state and cripling would just make it worse. At higher levels its doable. Everyone will roll a rogue at 20 and matchels would last very long due to it.

Think a better idea is to go all to 1 server, allies and horde, and make wargames possible through someone on an payed account who can make a party and make sure only f2p twinks play versus eachother ^^
But then you're relying on a select bunch to fund your entertainment. Let's slow down and theorycraft the 20-24 bracket. What other abilities are gained at 20? ALSO, tons of quests and new BiS gear opens up at that level.
I was going to post a list of level 20 abilities for each class but there are a lot of discrepancies between wowwiki and wowhead. Not sure which source is more accurate, though I would guess wowhead.
Make a level one of each class. Check the spellbook for each spec. Look for any level twenty abilities.
Shaman healing looks viable?

Locks look fun xD

Druid gets some stuff.

But I think the classes that need buffs get them.

Dual wield with a hunter would be decent with two +15 agis
20-24 Bracket it is in my Opinion.

inc. 20 twink (i won't use anything trials can't use <3)
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