A guide to HASTE and its benefits

On affl locks, reaching a new haste breakpoint does not increase the dispell dmg. and bump :p
can you offer any reason as to why it doesn't . on the wow head link it had like some number *29%sp* 8 which was the number of ticks so i figured as the ticks increased the corresponding number would as well . i guess i could check in game.
can you offer any reason as to why it doesn't . on the wow head link it had like some number *29%sp* 8 which was the number of ticks so i figured as the ticks increased the corresponding number would as well . i guess i could check in game.
I personally checked in game at multiple levels, as well as talked to many end game raiding affl locks. It only scales with sp and mastery(@80+). As for the equation for ua, i believe it would only scales with an increase of an additional dot if the equation had that as a variable. Since it is just the number 8, it won't change. There has to be something that can change due to haste
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So... I'm bored at work. Screwing around with haste for a priest.

Flash Heal (cause lets be honest, your bubble is gone) over a 20 sec fight:
Just looking at the lowest amount
HASTE: (467+169*1.314)=689 flash heal over 20 seconds with full haste yields 14 casts=9648 healing done
SP: (467+192*1.314)=719 flash heal over 20 seconds with max SP yields 13 casts=9347 healing done

So there you go, for what it's worth. You do lose like 300 health with the haste build. But in my experience you are struggling to get the cast off after bubble drops and sometimes miss it by a fraction of a second.
Also Inner Will adds 8% damage reduction from physical. And seriously dem rogus and 100% armor bypass is ridiclous...
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And then the math exploded and I died...


Crit wins a 30 second fight.

Edi: 31 seconds grants another cast of Flash Heal which edges the 3. So in short, it really doesn't matter. It's very situational. I did another with a mix of crit and Int and that's topping all 3.
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Math went super nova and I died again:

Disc Flash Heal

So... haste wins. It starts to pull away at the 30 sec mark. If you were to cast the entire battleground and had infinite mana these would be your healing dones:

Haste: 507,848
Mix: 494,485
Spell Power: 494,250
Crit: 493,441
(no battle fatigue factored)

It probably doesn't make 1 bit of difference. If you had to pick one I'd say haste; to react quickly to the burst of this bracket.

Edit: Done with a Human priest, so no cc trinket. Haste build uses full haste gear and double haste trinkets. Everything else is 1 AGM 1 Int. Healths are within 80 of each other, so it's mostly fair.

Edit: How's that for balance, nice job Blizzard
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Yes, that is exactly how you determine the value of stats in PvP, by calculating the healing done in 30 seconds of spam healing.

If by "value" you are referring to if you think it helps your particular situation and not actual numbers then I leave that up to you to make that conclusion. All I can do is present the numbers, you decide how you want to play. Shit happens, sometime a lucky crit saves someone. Or you get a Flash Heal off the last second. It's all situational. From a pure numbers standpoint this is what I've found.
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