A guide to HASTE and its benefits

Really interesting work here. Got me thinking about haste on my upcoming boomkin. Thanks for this.
glad to help . pm me any questions u have. if ur going horde GO TROLL i promise its the best thing ever if ur set on it being balance or rest druid
rest druid

Okay I don't know if I missed it or what. I read the entire thread. How much haste and what % do I need to get another tick in Rejuvenation. I have also heard it is good to get a bit of spirit in there when stacking haste cuz of spamming heals, but I need your opinion. Magefist Gloves or Serpentis' Gloves. I'd be using MTB, Sandals of sacrifice, and spirit rings (6 on each). What do ya say?
12.5 % If you look at the Druid section . Near the end there is a list of the prices of gear u can use as well . And the percent they get . All these numbers are for in bg's though so the gear will have a slightly different effect out of bg's . If your focusing on pve and fun pieces of gear magefist gloves can be super swaggy and so are mind thrust bracers .

hey so can you tell me how fast a night elf rdruid will cast regrowth in 4 different ways?

1st way: geared with musty tome, belt of vision, and cape of sorcerer. (12 haste)

2nd way: same as 1st way but with 1 haste trinket. (19 haste)

3rd way: same as 1st way but with rank 2 lifeblood popped. (27 haste)

4th way: same as 2nd way but with rank 2 lifeblood popped. (34 haste)

If I am not mistaken I did my adding correctly. But I ask of you may you tell the speed of my regrowth casts in there 4 diff ways?

Thanks, rapido

P.S.: I'm talking about in bgs.
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In bgs. 1 haste = .325 %. So for a formula u can use ( Cast time of spell)*(1.0 - (haste rating*.325/100))

assuming regrowth is a 1.5 sec cast time spell At 35 haste. Cast time is 1.32 ish

Not quite, haste technically modifies your casting speed, not the cast time. So like with 20% haste you cast 20% faster instead of having 20% shorter casts.


0% haste = 100% cast speed = 1 base cast second/second
50% haste = 150% cast speed = 1.5 base cast seconds/second
100% haste = 200% cast speed = 2 base cast seconds/second

So the way you calculate it with this is

(cast time) = (base cast time)/(casting speed), with:
(casting speed) = (100+haste %)/100 or (1+haste*.325/100)

Its not a big difference at low haste, but it's huge at higher haste levels. At 35 haste, Regrowth would be (1.5)/(1 + 35*.325/100) = 1.34 seconds


This doesn't happen when you go over 100% haste:

Bump for haste love

Boom with full haste gear + herb


+20% for Troll is 55.28% Why no one do this in all of f2p wow? :(

Yo dawg imma let you finish but my Eclipse procs so hard you already dead.

Edit: forgot tome, it's even higher now lol

New cast times:
Starfire: 2.7 to 1.74
Starsurge: 2 to 1.23
Wrath: 2 to 1.23
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As a troll I top out around 76% haste in my set . It's fantastic for mid fights where you can just spam your dots because the gcd is almost 1 due to haste . In my haste set I thin I have base like 15% haste with moonkins aura and 15% crit with decent sp Maybey 127. Only for 1o sec but it's really nice for bursting a healer down as well
In wod I will remove breakpoint data but I will include all the new haste peices and their gearing posabilities / statistics . Off the top of my head I know that foremans goes to haste , a lot of mail pants go to haste hovel diggers as well.
Question : Why at higher haste's, specifically enveloping mists, does the each haste break point seem to actually become very short. Example, at 154% haste, I'm getting 15 tics. According to your formula shouldn't every haste break point increases dramatically making it harder and harder to reach?
FYI : enveloping mist's breakpoint is ~8%, and starts with 6 tics. That's 9 break points.
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if the first tick is like you mentioned then for each additional breakpoint u should add double that so if it is in fact 8 percent then
8% = 1 tick
24%=2 ticks

you get the idea . the first one is 8 % but to get to the next one each time u gotta add 16 so at 154% haste i would say u could very reasonably get 15 ticks in the span of the buff
As a troll I top out around 76% haste in my set . It's fantastic for mid fights where you can just spam your dots because the gcd is almost 1 due to haste . In my haste set I thin I have base like 15% haste with moonkins aura and 15% crit with decent sp Maybey 127. Only for 1o sec but it's really nice for bursting a healer down as well

76%?! Is haste not a linear increase? i have 1 point of haste granting .325%. Does it grant more the higher you go?
In wod I will remove breakpoint data but I will include all the new haste peices and their gearing posabilities / statistics . Off the top of my head I know that foremans goes to haste , a lot of mail pants go to haste hovel diggers as well.

Oh and the ever so glorious DPR
i think the 20 % troll racial gives a lil more than 20 %

That's interesting and incredibly overpowered if that's the case. Have you really seen numbers that high? According to a patch in WoTLK:

Patch 3.2.0 (04-Aug-2009): Now gives flat 20% haste. Same duration and cooldown as before. 10 seconds and 3 minutes respectively.

But you are saying it's not flat... I'm not even sure how that would work. I'd love to see a screen shot of this^
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View attachment 3935
its 67 percent if u can see. ( 76 outside bgs)
iirc the way zerker works is u like multiply the haste u got atm by 1.2 and then add the 20 or something like that its weird but its deffinatelymore than just pure addition


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It's a flat 20%. The fixed the modifier bug in Wrath.

For MW Monks: Haste RATING is additive, haste itself is a percentage. That means while the former is linear, the latter is close but not always perfect. For EM your breakpoints are 8.29%, 24.92, 41.75%, 58.35% etc. Take that ~ +17 and start it at 8 etc. 75 (12), 92 (13), 109 (14), 126 (15) etc.

Edit: How haste works, for fun, from a raiding perspective.

Haste is pretty obvious as a state from a hands-off approach. Most spells (being either not a HoT or a DoT) interact pretty obviously with haste. More haste, faster cast. You can calculate this by a simple equation:

Spell Casting Time
1 + Haste

I'm not going to explain GCD's because frankly if it matters to you, you already know what needs to be known. If you don't, don't worry about it.

HoT's (Heals over Times, Dots over Time blah blah) are different because it doesn't affect the time of the spell but the interval. That means if a spell is 6 ticks over 8 seconds, you will now get more TICKS over 8 seconds (ie 8,10, 14 ticks over 8 seconds) but the 8 seconds itself won't change. This is obviously good because now instead of 8 ticks for 100 damage each over 8 seconds (800 damage total) you are doing 15 ticks for 100 damage total over 8 seconds (1500 damage).

Now why does this work this way? It's because of the way WoW works. When you get enough haste that you go half a tick OVER the initial value (meaning if you were supposed to get 6.5 ticks and not 6 ticks because you have enough haste, it will push it over to 7 ticks); that's referred to as the breakpoint.

So essentially, you are aiming to reach for that extra percentage necessary for that extra tick. If you can get there, this is almost always a better value than ANY OTHER STAT that you have over LONG TERM healing.

So for example, if you're a mistweaver using Renewing Mist, there are two things coming into play here. First, tick intervals and second the method by which ReM works. ReM only jumps to
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