A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Dragonflight

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Paladins now have https://www.wowhead.com/spell=1044/blessing-of-freedom if they have a spec at level 1.



Be on the lookout for mentions of "starting talent", "default" and "baseline" in future patches.


Blizzard doesn't seem to use consistent language (the above screenshot for warriors was in the notes for 10.0.5) but it always seems to be mentioned in the notes if an ability is changed like this.
Are there any neck and weapon enchants for healers that work <10?
There's an enchanting section for the guide, but what are you asking specifically? For enchants that are only for healing and not for damage proccing? You could try Mark of the Ancient Priestess for neck, as for weapon I'm not really sure. Level one characters don't have healing spells outside of Draenei and specced priests (which I don't play), so I haven't messed with them.
Is it me or has the loot table % rate greatly reduced in Legion? During shadowlands I could easily grind a few hours for BiS, but after Dragon Isles it's like the well has dried up on my level 10 and after weeks of grinding I have only 3 BiS and not anything I can use? Am I missing something? I used to score big in High Mountain but it's different now. Seems like a waste of time.
I checked some of my accounts and noticed some differences from the screenshots & listing for classes with specs.

My Level 1 Druid with Balance also have Starfire & Starsurge (in addition to wrath) all for zero mana.

My Level 1 Hunter with Beast Mastery also has the Kill Command.

My Level 1 Rogue with Assassination also has Shiv

My Level 1 Mage with Frost spec also has Ice Barrier.

I will try to upload screenshots if that will help.


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I checked some of my accounts and noticed some differences from the screenshots & listing for classes with specs.

My Level 1 Druid with Balance also have Starfire & Starsurge (in addition to wrath) all for zero mana.

My Level 1 Hunter with Beast Mastery also has the Kill Command.

My Level 1 Rogue with Assassination also has Shiv

My Level 1 Mage with Frost spec also has Ice Barrier.

I will try to upload screenshots if that will help.
The screenshots in that part of the guide are only there to show differences in damage for the same abilities between non spec and specced level ones. They're not there to show the new abilities; those are just shown via the links and descriptions that are already there on the class section.
The screenshots in that part of the guide are only there to show differences in damage for the same abilities between non spec and specced level ones. They're not there to show the new abilities; those are just shown via the links and descriptions that are already there on the class section.
Ah OK. Is the a listing anywhere that has all the differences? Seems like the extra abilities could make pretty huge differences on some classes.

Regarding the abilities it seems they vary somewhat based on when the characters were created. For example I think so far I have found I have at least 3 different types of level 1 Night Elf (NE) Hunters across my accounts:

- Lv 1 NE Hunter no-spec with no pet;
- Lv 1 NE Hunter no-spec WITH pet;
- Lv 1 NE Hunter BM spec with pet with Kill command;

Both the the BM & non-spec'ed Hunters that had a pet had some of the pet abilities (whistle to call pet & the revive pet ability if I recall correctly) but only the BM Hunter had the Kill command...

Between the 3 hunters the one who could issue the Kill command may be a much more powerful level 1 Twink as in a little testing that is the only thing I can spend Focus on of any of the 3 varients...

The Balance Druid with Starfire may spend no mana to even do more single target damage than a druid with only Wrath but also gets AoE damage to all targets within 10 yards (& then periodically get a free instant StarSurge) which seems much better...
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Ah OK. Is the a listing anywhere that has all the differences? Seems like the extra abilities could make pretty huge differences on some classes.

Regarding the abilities it seems they vary somewhat based on when the characters were created. For example I think found I have at least 3 different types of level 1 Night Elf (NE) Hunters:

- Lv 1 NE Hunter no-spec with no pet;
- Lv 1 NE Hunter no-spec WITH pet;
- Lv 1 NE Hunter BM spec with pet with Kill command;

Both the the BM & non-spec'ed Hunters that had a pet had some of the pet abilities (whistle to call pet & the revive pet ability if I recall correctly) but no Kill command.

Between the 2 hunters the one who could issue the kill command may be a much more powerful level 1 Twink as in a little testing that is the only thing I can spend Focus on...
Yes. It's all in the class section of the guide.
Yes. It's all in the class section of the guide.
Ah OK I see that now. I think first looking at the SL version and seeing the screenshots in both I missed the additional abilities in the DF version.

I am glad that I found I have some GF spec'ed toons but sorta sad that so far I haven't found any GF spec'ed level 1 Paladins, nor Warriors, nor Monks on my accounts...

Great guide. Appreciate all your hard work as it is really helping me learn about 1's.
Great guide... Note that I am not experienced with Level 1 Twinks but, based on reading the guide & reflecting, were I to rate the relative power deficiency of non-GrandFathered (nGF) level 1 Twinks to Lv1 Twinks with GF Specializations I would think off the cuff:

Lv 1 Warriors get HUGE benefits via Arms spec as they should be the best Tanks with 20% damage reduction in Defensive Stance, can deal more damage than non-spec'ed Warriors & can likely hit 2 targets simultaneously with 100% of their Slams if they build up their Rage and then dump it all with repeated slams while Sweeping Strikes is active...

Lv 1 Priests get LARGE benefits via Discipline spec as they are the only Lv1 Twinks who can Heal someone else & get Shadowfiend though they do less damage with their Smites... Priests are also the only Lv1s who can raise a fallen character though it may be that non-spec'ed Priests can also do that...

Lv 1 Druids get Large benefits via Balance spec as they get free Starfire which does 10 yard radius AoE damage & powers periodic Starsurges for extra burst & all cost NO mana...

Lv 1 Shaman get Large benefits via Elemental Spec as they pickup Lava Burst & Chain Lightning. Shaman are also the only Lv1s with built in speed via Ghost Wolf.

Lv 1 Monks get Large benefits from Windwalker spec as they can dual wield & hit both harder and more frequently & also generate chi to power Rising Sun Kicks...

Lv 1 Rogues get Large benefits via Assassiation spec as they have 20 extra Energy & hit harder with their Sinister Strikes & can use Shiv to cancel mob Enrages & maybe apply posion (if they can get posion)...

Lv 1 Paladins get Large benefit via Retribution spec as, while they do less damage from Crusader Strike they pick up an execute via Hammer of Wrath & get Blessing of Freedom & both Retribution Aura and Crusader Aura.

Lv 1 Hunters get Large benefit via Beast Mastry spec as they get a pet & can issue the Kill Command which causes the pet to get to & damage the target really fast. They and their pet also get self-healing via Leech for 10% of the damage they do via Predator's Thirst.

Lv 1 Warlocks get NO benefit from Affliction spec.

Lv 1 Mages get negative benefit from a DPS perspective though they do pick up Ice Barrier for a self shield so maybe it is a wash...

Pretty crazy stuff... Makes me want to create a bunch of levels 1s just in case there are more/future changes ;-)
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