How the hell did you do Respect Your elders alone? Chains of ice and some fancy kiting, or just zerg?
I tanked him at the maximum range I could without berserking him (a little past the bottom of the steps in
this screenshot) and started kiting him further once he hit 50% (at which point the add spawns). That gave him a 500% damage + 150% attack speed buff, so I popped defensive cooldowns to survive and offensive ones to get him down fast. Thinking about it, I should have anti-magic shelled that nasty debuff >_<
As for the 277 pieces, I've considered them (and probably have most of them in my bank) but I really struggled to decide if the loss in strength/mastery would be worth it. In the end I just gave up trying to make the choice and opted for full Cata gear, as I wanted to get out there and start soloing again
I'm still toying with the idea of using the 2t10 dps set bonus, but again I'm not sure which items I'd replace and whether the stat difference would be worth it.
Quick question, is it possible to do what Feaire has done on an 83/84 twink DK? As far as I can see the only advantage of an 80 over 83/84 is mastery scaling, is that the key to soloing things?
Aye, it should all be doable on an 83/84 as the hp per point of stam increases at those levels if I remember right, which would equal a higher vengeance cap and bigger minimum death strike heals and rune tap heals. The problem is, there's also the haste scaling to take into account, although the increase in strength might account for that. That's all just guesses though, as I've only soloed on an 80 and 85 DK (though I have been tempted to make an 83 one
Edit: Oh and yeh, I'll hit up some of those vanilla raids sometime, but I have bigger plans right now hehe
I saw the intellect gloves but felt the loss in strength wouldn't be worth it (unless I had Blacksmithing for the extra socket).