80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

about blood DPSing- the prio is str>exp+hit cap>crit>agi>haste.

I'm interested to hear where you got this stat priority from, mainly why you prioritise agi over haste.

Haste is most likely the best DPS stat we can get as blood DKs, apart from maybe strength (check Mione's blog). It also acts as a strong survival stat at the same time (more runes = more death strikes = more heals + blood shields), especially on fights with high magical damage that our physical mitigation/avoidance won't save us from.

Edit: Started some soloing of my own today (only self buffed, no outside help). Managed to down Archavon, Anub'rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina and Sapphiron, each on the first attempt. Wiped at about 75% on Emalon and 12% on Kel'Thuzad, but I think they're both doable if geared specifically for them.
ookaaay, didnt realise that haste can be something useful when i was doing calculations. n1 on Anub- how did you deal with silence? just ran away when he was casting it? and n1 on KT- did you get frozen because of worms/ghoul and how was the trash on p0 ?

and give me chardev of your gear plx

oh and about rune of swordshattering- its nothing compared to rune of the fallen crusader healing- it procs around each 10 sec and heals for 3%. 10 mins, 70k hp= 126k healed - thats my very old sart kill in 4.1 patch on other 80 http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4053/wowscrnshot060411091551.jpg
I think you may have seen me logged out in my tank gear, as I've been using Rune of the Fallen Crusader on my soloing gear too: http://chardev.org/?profile=310954. I still need to sort out a proper soloing spec, and I think I'll stack a bit more mastery for fights such as KT and Emalon. Hoping to replace the belt with a direforge haste/mastery one

For Anub, I used glyph of Bone Shield (15% runspeed when it's up) and started running around the outside of the green stuff about 1 second before DBM said he was about to cast it.

For KT, the boss won't use the ice tomb ability, even if you have worms/ghouls out. The adds in the first phase didn't hit too hard, so long as you can take down the abominations before they give you more than 2 stacks of the debuff. I tanked the abominations very close to the caster mobs (can't remember their name, the ones that knock you back) and heart striked to kill those. Went into the next phase with about 6 caster adds alive, so I kited them (interrupting KT to move him) and used Death and Decay / Heart Strike to kill them (although I think putting your back to a wall would work just as well). The 2 adds that spawn in the last phase aren't classed as bosses, so your army ghouls can taunt them (I just popped army for a DPS increase as soon as they spawned, so maybe I could delay that until they have more stacks).

Edit: Soloed Noth, Heigan, Loatheb and Grobbulus. Also managed to get Patchwerk to 75%, which I think would be doable if I stacked avoidance and a bit of mastery.

Edit2: Soloed Gothik.

Edit3: Soloed Kel'Thuzad. (Just realised I had Recount set to "Overall Data", so here's the damage meter for that fight).

Edit4: Soloed Maexxna (without any venom sac dispels).
you cant beat the enrage timer on patchwerk anyway. unless you do 12k dps which is impossible in tank gear that needed to survive his melee hits.

another question- about Gothik- how did you survive ~8th wave ?

and thanks for chardev

PS: get belt of thousand deaths and mentalist's protective bottle - the last one is way better than the sindragosa one vs pure melee bosses
Thanks for really nice tips. Anub down with blood and bone shield 99% uptime. I will use Runescroll-2 + darkmoon buff + Omen worldbuff ( if it wont go off at fight start) and maybe will kill Kaelthas on 80 (the tempest keep one)

PS: 37% haste and 6 sec rune speed with haste elixir. GCD seems to be near 1.2 sec
For Gothik, I just popped Army as soon as the gate opened, then cycled CDs and dps'ed as hard as I could.

I have Belt of a Thousand Deaths, but I'm using it for my DPS gear set so I don't really want to replace the 50str gem in it
As for the trinket, it has a nice portion of mastery but I like how the Sindy one increases my vengeance cap, blood shield cap, DS min heals and rune tap heals. For mastery stacking fights, I'll definitely give it a try

I'll be keeping a list of my solos at: http://www.legacygui....php?f=6&t=1107

Edit: Sartharion (+0 drakes) soloed. Managed to get Sarth (+1 drake) to 65%, but I don't think it's gonna be doable.

Edit2: Halls of Reflection heroic soloed (including all trash).
Added [Watch Him Die], [Respect Your Elders] and [On The Rocks] to my list of soloed dungeon achievements. The only ones in [Glory of the Hero] that I haven't done are [Share The Love] and the Oculus achievements.

How the hell did you do Respect Your elders alone? Chains of ice and some fancy kiting, or just zerg?

About your chardev. Would any of the 277 ICC pieces fare better for a dps perspective for this purpose? Fleshrending Gauntlets are a fantastic example, they have more haste and two nice gemslots for customisation. Considering the importance of haste, are these not worth it? Similar could be said for the dps t10 2set, the damage buff that provides to heart strike is rather substantial (Since all three death knight specs could be considered DPS at the time, and the set bonuses have not changed). I'm not sure how fantastic crafted greens are, considering the stat itemisation given to epics compared to greens, and just how close they are in ilevel.

This topic however, keeps getting better and better. You're making me want another dk
How the hell did you do Respect Your elders alone? Chains of ice and some fancy kiting, or just zerg?

I tanked him at the maximum range I could without berserking him (a little past the bottom of the steps in this screenshot) and started kiting him further once he hit 50% (at which point the add spawns). That gave him a 500% damage + 150% attack speed buff, so I popped defensive cooldowns to survive and offensive ones to get him down fast. Thinking about it, I should have anti-magic shelled that nasty debuff >_<

As for the 277 pieces, I've considered them (and probably have most of them in my bank) but I really struggled to decide if the loss in strength/mastery would be worth it. In the end I just gave up trying to make the choice and opted for full Cata gear, as I wanted to get out there and start soloing again
I'm still toying with the idea of using the 2t10 dps set bonus, but again I'm not sure which items I'd replace and whether the stat difference would be worth it.

Quick question, is it possible to do what Feaire has done on an 83/84 twink DK? As far as I can see the only advantage of an 80 over 83/84 is mastery scaling, is that the key to soloing things?

Aye, it should all be doable on an 83/84 as the hp per point of stam increases at those levels if I remember right, which would equal a higher vengeance cap and bigger minimum death strike heals and rune tap heals. The problem is, there's also the haste scaling to take into account, although the increase in strength might account for that. That's all just guesses though, as I've only soloed on an 80 and 85 DK (though I have been tempted to make an 83 one

Edit: Oh and yeh, I'll hit up some of those vanilla raids sometime, but I have bigger plans right now hehe
I saw the intellect gloves but felt the loss in strength wouldn't be worth it (unless I had Blacksmithing for the extra socket).
Hey Feaire looking at your armory I realized that you are stacking haste instead of mastery. Mainly for better rune regeneration I suppose?

There must be a maximum point for haste/mastery vs healing where you adjust those two and get the most healing out of your runes. might worth trying to switch/reforge some gears see if you can find that sweet spot.
There must be a maximum point for haste/mastery vs healing where you adjust those two and get the most healing out of your runes. might worth trying to switch/reforge some gears see if you can find that sweet spot.

Possibly, although the haste is mainly for the dps to meet enrage timers (or getting adds down quick enough) and for healing through magical damage.

Got Kael'thas to 81% whilst keeping the fight in his room. I'm convinced he's killable if I time my cooldowns better >_<

Edit: Got him to 66%, but I give up for today. The RNG is just too frustrating in large doses (remote toy can chain stun me or he can disorient me and then put an aoe down that will 1 shot me if I'm in the middle of it).
Soloed all 3 Vortex Pinnacle bosses: Grand Vizier Ertan, Altairus and Asaad. The first boss was by far the most healing intensive fight I've tried, due to all the damage being magical. Thanks to Druoll for helping me clear the trash, I highly doubt I could have soloed all of it.

Edit: Regarding the gloves, it comes down to a choice between (12str + 52mastery + 14haste) vs (66sta + 54crit + 89armor). I guess Fleshrending might be better for DPS race fights (link to comparison)

Edit2: Marrowgar is a tough cookie
When I was doing enough DPS to beat the enrage timer (11.6k required) I didn't survive past 63%. When I survived to the end of the enrage timer with tank gear, the boss still had 38% left. Just like with Kael'thas, I'm convinced he is soloable as an 80 DK, but it's gonna take some gear balancing and luck with the RNG (avoidance and runic empowerment).

Edit3: Soloed Flame Leviathan. Really easy fight (been soloed by many people before). Simply stack pyrite to 10 with one demolisher, use a chopper to rush to a distant demo, then stack pyrite to 10 again.
i like solos, keep them coming.
since you didn't die during the fight, it's time to put on a few dps-pieces.

38.5% overhealing too, so definitely doable if you trade some health for some dps stats.

35k over 600 seconds means if you did 60 more dps, you would have killed him.

don't give up!
since you didn't die during the fight, it's time to put on a few dps-pieces.

38.5% overhealing too, so definitely doable if you trade some health for some dps stats.

35k over 600 seconds means if you did 60 more dps, you would have killed him.

don't give up!

Blood shield says hi. You need to overheal to stack the shield for timpanic tantrum casts.

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