80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

Kt down from 2nd try
So guys, today ive tried Instructor. Melee hits ~15-20k, strikes up to 67k WITH bone shield on me. On the best try i've survived like 12 unbalancing strike's including dodge/parry/miss.

instructor.avi - YouTube

That looks impossible to survive, but here is my theory:

kill 2 adds,
17k melee , deathstrike heal 5600 + 12k absorb.
17k melee (12k absorbed), another DS 7k heal + 15k absorb. using rune tap to get 100% hp.
-- runestrike, blood tap, heart strikes from blood only runes, horn, blablabla etc to keep UH/FR runes up - keep it as always --
~50k Unbalancing Strike (10k absorb) -> HP is around 12k, ~16k DS heal, 35k absorb. HP is 28k, use rune tap, 38k
17k melee, 18k left on shield, 2nd DS, counting 60+15k inc damage-> ~20k heal, 42k to shield-> its 60k. 58k HP
17k melee, 43k left on shield, Ds will heal something like 10k -> 78k HP, 63k on shield
60k strike absorbed, 80k+ HP, ready for the next melee hit, "GOTO start".

The only problem is to keep bone shield AND diseases up on the boss all the time and still be ready for 1x DS after each imbalancing strike and in 5s range of its "heals you for 20% of the damage you have sustained during the preceding 5 sec",- for another one healing MORE because more damage will be taken in those 5 sec.

So, from the "math" side ( or as i think ) it should be okay . With no boneshield up and no scarlet fever his strike hits up to 90k- more than my max HP without cd's. Your ideas?
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So, from the "math" side ( or as i think ) it should be okay . With no boneshield up and no scarlet fever his strike hits up to 90k- more than my max HP without cd's. Your ideas?

If defense skill debuffs still work the same way they did in WotLK (when defense rating existed on gear), then you'll need to factor in the chance of being crit by the boss for those 6 seconds after taking the big hit.
If defense skill debuffs still work the same way they did in WotLK (when defense rating existed on gear), then you'll need to factor in the chance of being crit by the boss for those 6 seconds after taking the big hit.

As far as I know, the unbalancing strike only reduces your defense skill. It's a superfluous mechanic now, and we presumably should be immune to such mechanics. (I remember on the cataclysm beta, the stats page had defense listed as (-1).

@ Tetarius:

There's two things you can do to push your survival higher. MC the 2nd add, you can taunt instructor and use him to kill it. free damage.

Use the 292 ilevel weapon (Rage possessed greatsword I think it's called). Free mastery is free. Instructor hits very, very hard (as you know), so it might be worth trying to pick up some more mastery, even if it costs you stamina (I'd use swordshattering too). Perhaps swapping a couple gems + using mastery/armor elixirs will help. Dks with a different arrangement of gear to you can get 40+ mastery unbuffed, which is pretty outstanding. Mastery is likely still your strongest survival stat, despite how powerful haste is (You can't worry about the enrage timer just yet).

Don't cast heart strike more than you have to. only keeping 1 blood rune on cd is a greater survival boost than using a 2nd heart strike. The reason for this is fairly simple; It forces Runic empowerment to give you frost/unholy runes. Sitting on blood runes is just as bad, since you're losing out on potential runic power -> more death strikes.

Army of the dead is two cooldowns in one (essentially). Use it well (it's better if you have more avoidance). Dancing rune weapon is also likely one of your best cooldowns here.

However, if what Aelo says is true, your endeavor is somewhat half-useful, simply because when he hits you hardest, you have a % chance to be basically killed. Let's hope it doesn't eh?
If defense skill debuffs still work the same way they did in WotLK (when defense rating existed on gear), then you'll need to factor in the chance of being crit by the boss for those 6 seconds after taking the big hit.

defense skill debuffs should do nothing since defense is not longer a stat, meaning you should remain uncritable barring a weird mechanic
the unbalancing strike debuff still shows as -defense on wowhead, and 100 - a nonexistant # shouldnt matter
is ur DK 100% BiS geared?
1)- whats that black screen at 2:00-2:06?
2)- 2:35- resetting berserk timer isnt cool bro

Not sure what the black screen was, I've been struggling all day with vegas, but if you want me to re-upload it without, I will.

As for the enrage timer, I never reset it, he just simply didn't cast the spell. I've some idea that it's related to how he casts things. He has a priority to channel the rocks, and if the cast of berserk comes during that channel, it simply doesn't happen (There was a particular t11 heroic boss I remember doing similar). Outside of that, the only way I can kill him before the berserk timer, is by using gear I don't have access to.

However, I managed it, and whilst I'll never do what the DKs can (Without a 0-sec cooldown WoG, like at the start of cata), I can at least progress like this, right?
Whilst this isn't strictly on-topic, I managed this yesterday:

Took me quite some attempts, although I had no access to runescrolls. Next up: Sartharion!

Aelo told me you had done this, so I done it too! Enrage timer was too hard to beat as a prot pally, I used mostly dps gear from my old retri set to up my crit, but I still couldn't beat it. Instead I got lucky like you and the enrage bugged because he was casting his spikey thingies.

Don't have a video or screenshot mind you, mainly because I forgot... But I did do this instead! :D

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