80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

Here's the video (at about double speed). Watch in fullscreen HD if you want to see that health bar hit rock bottom at times, which explains why I was reluctant to switch out any tanking items


I'm on the search for an EU player who has a geared 80 horde DK twink and knows how to play it. So if you do and you wanna 2man some stuff when the cross-realm raiding is released, let me know
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Hey Feaire, what gear do you go with for DPS? (or at least, what offensive stats do you have unbuffed?) Thinking of putting a blood set together for when I'm bored
I'm on the search for an EU player who has a geared 80 horde DK twink and knows how to play it. So if you do and you wanna 2man some stuff when the cross-realm raiding is released, let me know

Go create a DK on my realm (ally) ;p im better geared anyway and can help with some goldz
Here's the Rotface video, although the fight is so boring I wouldn't blame you if you didn't watch it


Hey Feaire, what gear do you go with for DPS? (or at least, what offensive stats do you have unbuffed?) Thinking of putting a blood set together for when I'm bored

Self buffed offensive stats (no consumables): 7068 AP (2365 str), 8.00% hit, 26 expertise, 32.91% haste (6.27s rune speed / 2.71 weapon speed), 11.70% crit

Self buffed defensive stats (no consumables): 64021 HP (5608 stam), 29.39 mastery, 7.19% dodge, 19.50% parry, 64.95% armor (28227)

CharDev of the gear I've been using: http://chardev.org/?profile=310954

Go create a DK on my realm (ally) ;p im better geared anyway and can help with some goldz

Thanks, but I don't think I have the motivation to make another 80 DK twink (levelling, farming 5man dungeons, doing the Vash'jir quests, levelling professions, getting into ICC25hc pugs for the Sindy trinket and other items, getting epic gems and enchants for all my gear). I'm not sure who is better geared out of the 2 of us, not that it matters tbh
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Soloed Kologarn. This guy was fairly tough, so hats off to Tet for his kill. However, I'd like to offer him a friendly challenge to solo it without having an 85 eating the first few eye beams and using only self buffs (Runescroll of Fortitude rank 1, not 2). The reason being, after experiencing the fight myself I have a feeling those would have had quite a big effect overall.


or go FC to alliance ;p

That aint an option I'm afraid, due to the friends I play/raid with being on horde side.
Got Razorscale to 38% (log), but I'm not sure if it's gonna be possible. Depends on whether my ghoul can survive long enough whilst I have 5 stacks of Fuse Armor, or if I can kill her before the second 5 stack (by using Army of the Dead on the first).

Edit: Got Lord Jaraxxus to 60% (log). He's gonna be impossible to solo due to the enrage timer, but I'd like to survive until the end (had 2:18mins left on that attempt but I dc'ed just after screenshotting
Got Razorscale to 38% (log), but I'm not sure if it's gonna be possible. Depends on whether my ghoul can survive long enough whilst I have 5 stacks of Fuse Armor, or if I can kill her before the second 5 stack (by using Army of the Dead on the first).

Edit: Got Lord Jaraxxus to 60% (log). He's gonna be impossible to solo due to the enrage timer, but I'd like to survive until the end (had 2:18mins left on that attempt but I dc'ed just after screenshotting

Have you considered using npcs to counter the 5 stack? I've heard that a kill used that tactic before. Nice job regardless.
Have you considered using npcs to counter the 5 stack? I've heard that a kill used that tactic before. Nice job regardless.

The NPCs have already taken quite a battering by the time I reach that phase, but yeh it might work. The air phase just takes so long that it's hard to maintain motivation to give it another go XD
The NPCs have already taken quite a battering by the time I reach that phase, but yeh it might work. The air phase just takes so long that it's hard to maintain motivation to give it another go XD

Haha, truth. I've been running some ulduar 25 runs for fragments since cataclysm started, and for razorscale we just wait til the enrage to get the achievement for killing dwaraves. 15 minutes is a damn long time it seems.
Haha, truth. I've been running some ulduar 25 runs for fragments since cataclysm started, and for razorscale we just wait til the enrage to get the achievement for killing dwaraves. 15 minutes is a damn long time it seems.

Hmm that's just given me the idea of using her breath to help dps the adds down quicker, with AMS up to protect myself
Haha, truth. I've been running some ulduar 25 runs for fragments since cataclysm started, and for razorscale we just wait til the enrage to get the achievement for killing dwaraves. 15 minutes is a damn long time it seems.

Off topic : how many runs did it take you for fragments ? I'm currently sitting at 6 runs and 13 gathered.

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