5 hours of wiping. best try.
naga. gives expertise hard cap, so no parry at all -> 7.5% dps increase from soft cap. still experimenting
Psssst, Aelo cheated.
Seems like the Malygos phase 3 drakes scale with item level, which means the 1-1-2-3 rotation won't workMy drake only had 201k health whereas I've seen videos of 85s doing it with 325k-360k.
Can anyone think of another rotation that might work? I tried switching to 1-1-4-3 when I started dropping but it wasn't enough to keep me up.
Oh it's OK babe. We'll cuddle tonight, that always soothes you.
I don't know whether I should be more worried about the title, description or music <_>
Nothing's worse than running out of consumables in the middle of a bunch of soloing attempts. So when that happened, it was time to restock...
om nom nom
This was probably one of the most difficult things I've soloed to date, and I'd encourage any 80 DK twinks who enjoy a challenge to give it a shot.
80 DK, DK, Death Knight, Twink, 80 Death Knight Twink... Enjoys a challenge, enjoys a challenge and rolls a DK. DOES NOT COMPUTE!