I wish I had teammates /cry
Couple things that I'm unclear about.
-1 resist chant allowed or no?
-P2P with F2P gear but P2P mog allowed or no?
-What exactly determines the bracket order?
-Anyway you could update the OP with your team? I'd like to know who you have atleast
-Any chance for the 2nd place team to get some kind of smaller reward? I know it's your money but just something small would be neat for the effort of getting #2
-Bandages allowed or no?
-mog shouldnt be a huge deal unless ur pmsing
-would be nice
You're out of your mind if you think im farming another soldier cloak.
I'm not out of my mind Kahr. I'm going off of what BB said.
so that's why I was trying to make sure or not cause after that it wasn't mentioned again if it is banned or notBB/trollin said:Never mind what I said >.< My thoughts behind the idea were basically caster cleaves get shut down easily. I'd like to see more of them. So every little buff is a plus, not that someone would create a caster comp because 1 resist is banned lol but you get my point.
-mog shouldnt be a huge deal unless ur pmsing
You're out of your mind if you think im farming another soldier cloak.
-What exactly determines the bracket order?
so the tournament will be played in 5.2 .... waoooow, ok
You all are waiting way too long for this tournament. You know when the next patch is coming, because they'll give a 2 week warning to PvP'ers at 90 that the season will be ending. That 2 week warning hasn't even been given yet. You're already waiting another half a month.
BB is probably just waiting to see what classes will be the strongest in 5.2, then host tourny once he can get the comp with 3 FOTM classes![]()