BB is probably just waiting to see what classes will be the strongest in 5.2, then host tourny once he can get the comp with 3 FOTM classes![]()
Says the cata hunter.
BB is probably just waiting to see what classes will be the strongest in 5.2, then host tourny once he can get the comp with 3 FOTM classes![]()
-AllowedCouple things that I'm unclear about.
-1 resist chant allowed or no?
-P2P with F2P gear but P2P mog allowed or no?
-What exactly determines the bracket order?
-Anyway you could update the OP with your team? I'd like to know who you have atleast
-Any chance for the 2nd place team to get some kind of smaller reward? I know it's your money but just something small would be neat for the effort of getting #2
-Bandages allowed or no?
BB/Trollin could you answer my couple questions on the last page? Mrcer did but I'd like it more if you did yourself to be sure. Also since this will be so far away could we make it a bigger tourny? I'm not sure what the nxt lowest could be but maybe 24? That could let more people in and more teams for people interested if there is any
I love this ideaWhy not do have all teams play each other, and once that is done have the teams with the best two records do a best two out of three match. This way you don't need to have a specific number of teams.
I love this idea
I like verh's Idea. It would make it more fair since everyone plays everyone as well as having more matches and would allow more teams in and more funOf course it couldn't all be in one day though and it could also help if someone is busy one day they could cancel their match without being kicked out of the tourny and just take one loss. I'd think the top 4 would be better though not just top 2.
Verh's idea would also solve the seeding problem completely.
I fully support Verh's idea. It should be more of a round robin format, that way the best teams really do advance. The way its set up now is good and all, but you'll have a ton of teams that will never face off. There is a rather simple way to set it up, took me about 4 minutes. Found a round robin generator online, place in the teams, and it randomly sets it up. Up to BB though. If you were to stay with your bracketed style as it is, you can still use a generator that randomly sets it up for you. Example here: Round Robin ScheduleWhy not do have all teams play each other, and once that is done have the teams with the best two records do a best two out of three match. This way you don't need to have a specific number of teams.
I'm actually quite surprised how well Warrior + Hunter + Healer works.
I have a good feeling that any team that has a Warrior + Hunter or Rogue + Hunter will be getting some easy wins
but affl are opyeah, and they wanted to remove rej from the only team with a balance druid cuz it would be OP.