but affl are op
Wouldn't want an unfair advantage...
but affl are op
So quick question BB.
What's your plan to do about teams using Hunter+Rogue+Healer and Hunter+War+Healer comps?
Too much damage and too much CC.
Unless ur team is already doing that comp, it'll be next to impossible to survive against them unless the team doing the comp are garbage players
What's your plan to do about teams using Hunter+Rogue+Healer
If this comp gets banned I swear :/
Original comp: hunt+prot+Rshammy- healers cant be with prots
2nd comp: hunt+prot+ele- eles cant use water shield
3rd comp: hunt+rogue+Rshammy- to much dmg
4th comp: idfk
Well at first it was hard enough as it is for our comp.
Rsham + Hunter + War.
Rsham would purge spam my hots and our disc's bubbles. But shamans weren't necessarily the strongest healers out there. So We would just out dmg them and I would only heal when our healer was absolutely needing heals asap.
But Hunter's CC combined with a warrior's Charge interrupts PLUS rsham's interrupt + purges was just too much pressure for a boomkin aff lock disc could handle.
Gotta bring back Ele shaman's Water shield and Boomkin's Rej or take something away from those 2 comps. Specifically looking at wars/hunter/rogues combinations.
He already stated that everything is set in stone. He's not adding, removing, or changing any of the rules. However he did say we can change our comps.
I'll just run a different comp.