10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

Would you prefer a community stream or Gamers-League stream?

  • Community Stream

    Votes: 102 55.7%
  • Gamers-League

    Votes: 81 44.3%

  • Total voters
Dont forget it was a joke. I dno why he got so upset, of rather why you did.

And if ure challenging me for a 2s ill go without a doubt. Hit me up at Delayx2864

I'm upset because it's incredibly rude to pop in someone's teamspeak uninvited and trash talk. I already said this so tired of discussing it.

I haven't seen a btag without a number sign. Do you have a number sign where the x is or....?
Oya, you must mean hashtag yeah. Put it between the X and the 2 and you should be good to go =)

You pollute every thread in here with your nonsense. Why should the mods care because you don't like something?

You are literally the only person I've ignored on this forum (I had to unhide to see this post). I asked on the forums how to donate to the twink cup and you polluted that thread so bad it had to be locked and your comments deleted - you should have received a temporary ban for that.

You're trash and contribute nothing to the community. This will be the last time I bother to unhide your posts because they are 100% garbage.
Yo im just wondering how can it be trash talking? The guy didnt even care about it himself.

Actually he was upset given the context (coming in our voice comm) but he didn't express that because he thought they were my friends and that perhaps I'd put them up to ribbing him. He messaged me asking if they were my friends and I responded "they're EU players here to discuss gear I gave the ok to share credentials earlier". Obviously I was wrong but didn't realize till later.

It's our prerogative to refuse to allow uninvited trash talk in our voice comm.

Also should add that Nature and Partygirl are literally only people on the bann list. This hasn't been an issue before. It's not that what they did was incredibly horrendous - more that when I addressed I didn't see the natural "didn't realize that was out of bounds, my bad" type response and instead saw the same immaturity they exhibited in voice comm. Which is why they're now banned after having an opportunity to explain themselves (albeit Nature speaking essentially for both).
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Everyone please get back on topic. All of this irrelevant drama takes away from the main point of this thread.
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There's 3x as many people complaining the thread is off topic as there is being off topic!

Meanwhile the thread continues to be bumped to going on its 48th page (of which surely 40 pages are off topic), keeping it as a hot topic and promoting the cup as intended!
this iss ylenthe see what you dont know nature is the on going issue over it and you just happened to come in after living force and i talked over the issue ,blizz allows pots get over it if i want to use then theres nothing you or anyone can do about it .the other thing is all the talks put 2 good players and a friend back in the line of fire when they had nothing to do with it so what you did was destroy livingforces talk and compromise its now a joke on horde side we all pot just to piss alliance off now .so the other thing is i didnt say anything because i just moved there the day before and you knew i was there i told no one and only 3 people knew so i know where it came from and i stopped it .really i dont mind trash talk but some have threatened me and my house hold over this issue so everyone keep it up and some shit will be brought to light .
this iss ylenthe see what you dont know nature is the on going issue over it and you just happened to come in after living force and i talked over the issue ,blizz allows pots get over it if i want to use then theres nothing you or anyone can do about it .the other thing is all the talks put 2 good players and a friend back in the line of fire when they had nothing to do with it so what you did was destroy livingforces talk and compromise its now a joke on horde side we all pot just to piss alliance off now .so the other thing is i didnt say anything because i just moved there the day before and you knew i was there i told no one and only 3 people knew so i know where it came from and i stopped it .really i dont mind trash talk but some have threatened me and my house hold over this issue so everyone keep it up and some shit will be brought to light .

I want to beat you over the head with a grammar shovel
this iss ylenthe see what you dont know nature is the on going issue over it and you just happened to come in after living force and i talked over the issue ,blizz allows pots get over it if i want to use then theres nothing you or anyone can do about it .the other thing is all the talks put 2 good players and a friend back in the line of fire when they had nothing to do with it so what you did was destroy livingforces talk and compromise its now a joke on horde side we all pot just to piss alliance off now .so the other thing is i didnt say anything because i just moved there the day before and you knew i was there i told no one and only 3 people knew so i know where it came from and i stopped it .really i dont mind trash talk but some have threatened me and my house hold over this issue so everyone keep it up and some shit will be brought to light .

jesus fkn christ i dont give a fuck if ur speedpotting it was a joke?????????????????

edit: quit conversation pm instead pls. bump for twinkcup :)

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