10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

Would you prefer a community stream or Gamers-League stream?

  • Community Stream

    Votes: 102 55.7%
  • Gamers-League

    Votes: 81 44.3%

  • Total voters
Why do you try to use words that you don't know the definition of? It makes you look like a buffoon.

And that doesn't even get to the lack of logic in your post. If Myrm isn't trusted to be capable of making decisions, then how would the biased influence of others help? More importantly, why put all eggs into his basket, instead of spreading liability to other responsible leaders. I don't know Myrm, but even if I did and trusted him, I wouldn't be so naive to hinge everything on him. Funding of a singular IndieGoGo is a mistake. For liability sake, a second and maybe 3rd campaign should be established as funding, just-in-caseies. Myrm should support that if he has everyone's best interest at heart.

I don't understand why you are so up tight. But please do feel free to leave your 29 bracket and come to 19 where sadly you must part from your flash bombs and Free action pots. So I can farm you into the ground.
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Did your father beat you or something when you were little? I don't understand why you are so up tight. But please do feel free to leave your 29 bracket and come to 19 where sadly you must part from your flash bombs and Free action pots. So I can farm you into the ground.
That's a colorful response to a tease. I see the 29 scar tissue hasn't faded.

If I did make a 19, would I achieve absolution for my transgressions?

Tapatalked from a PACMAN 4.4 Note II
That's a colorful response to a tease. I see the 29 scar tissue hasn't faded.

If I did make a 19, would I achieve absolution for my transgressions?

Tapatalked from a PACMAN 4.4 Note II

You will never be anything in this bracket or any other. You stay small and keep your retarded opinions to yourself.
#USPeople constantly being toxic as fuck, come on guys.. Try to smile, it doesnt hurt

There might be a lot of toxicity on the forums, but it isn't an accurate representation of the most active and dedicated players in the community. For the most part, it is all love between players in SR, HARVEST, and the majority of other guilds/players on BH. We're all one big family. We do war games every week together, chill in Skype, help each other with enchants and DDoS protection, or whatever it might be. We've all been passionate about the same thing for years and understand and appreciate that about each other. Trust me, there's a lot of love and smiling going on behind the scenes.
You will never be anything in this bracket or any other. You stay small and keep your retarded opinions to yourself.
I hope at the very least, you are learning the art of rhetoric, debate, and persuasion from our interactions. Master these techniques and apply them in life. You have a long road ahead.

Tapatalked from a PACMAN 4.4 Note II
I hope at the very least, you are learning the art of rhetoric, debate, and persuasion from our interactions. Master these techniques and apply them in life. You have a long road ahead.

Tapatalked from a PACMAN 4.4 Note II

Still talking I see, shoo pest.
#USPeople constantly being toxic as fuck, come on guys.. Try to smile, it doesnt hurt

Hey Shamantix, was nice meeting you the other day and talking old school gear. Always a fascinating topic. :)

Quick question:

I'm trying to get to the bottom of a player or two that showed up in teamspeak the same day you did talking trash to a guildmate. Unfortunately I didn't realize what was happening until after they were gone as I just naturally err on the side of hospitality when people stop in and thought they were popping in based on your earlier request to invite a couple of EU people in. Now I'm not so sure, or if they were your invites they seemed to have a second agenda as well.

Long story short when you were in TS I left for a couple of hours to go eat. When I returned you were gone but within a couple of minutes two EU players popped in - nicknames Natureeu and nECKBRACE. I missed what they were doing but they essentially came right in talking trash to a guildmate and I naively thought they were talking about gear (based on our earlier conversation) so kind of played along with them...only to realize later what their real intention was. They even went so far as to type out trash talk in the chat. I remember instinctively feeling like they had a tone of voice of a smartass but I figured it was because they had accents and therefore I wasn't sure. In retrospect my instincts were right.

They clearly knew this person was in teamspeak and came in with an agenda to trash talk them as they literally opened up with his name within 2 seconds of joining...so the question is did those guys get the login credentials from you or a US player? If from you, any insight into how they also came in talking trash that a US player(s) clearly put them up to? And whjch US player/players was it?

As you and I discussed we're very welcoming in teamspeak....but I won't tolerate anyone coming in there trash talking friends/guildmates if it isn't done in a manner where they're already friends and it's all in good fun. If those guys come in again, them and I are going to have a conversation which they may not like. I'm also trying to figure out if they got the credentials in an effort to send them in to trash talk or if they had them from you and someone else put them up to it. Trying to figure out who to ban, if I have to change password, etc.

It's just unfortunate that I didn't realize what was happening until they were gone. I know how to handle those situations very well. It's literally the first situation of someone coming in trolling our teamspeak so I want to squash it. To be honest I'm quite irritated that it happened.
There might be a lot of toxicity on the forums, but it isn't an accurate representation of the most active and dedicated players in the community. For the most part, it is all love between players in SR, HARVEST, and the majority of other guilds/players on BH. We're all one big family. We do war games every week together, chill in Skype, help each other with enchants and DDoS protection, or whatever it might be. We've all been passionate about the same thing for years and understand and appreciate that about each other. Trust me, there's a lot of love and smiling going on behind the scenes.

I do not doubt this at all, and I kinda felt the same way when I was in GSC on EU and when you first have a "family" its hard to let new people in, and I guess it's the same case here, but we will see how everything goes, but as of now I find it hard to meet people on US with open arms and big thumbs up to MYT for being one of the few nice guys I have met so far.

Hey Shamantix, was nice meeting you the other day and talking old school gear. Always a fascinating topic. :)

Quick question:

I'm trying to get to the bottom of a player or two that showed up in teamspeak the same day you did talking trash to a guildmate. Unfortunately I didn't realize what was happening until after they were gone as I just naturally err on the side of hospitality when people stop in and thought they were popping in based on your earlier request to invite a couple of EU people in. Now I'm not so sure, or if they were your invites they seemed to have a second agenda as well.

Long story short when you were in TS I left for a couple of hours to go eat. When I returned you were gone but within a couple of minutes two EU players popped in - nicknames Natureeu and nECKBRACE. I missed what they were doing but they essentially came right in talking trash to a guildmate and I naively thought they were talking about gear (based on our earlier conversation) so kind of played along with them...only to realize later what their real intention was. They even went so far as to type out trash talk in the chat. I remember instinctively feeling like they had a tone of voice of a smartass but I figured it was because they had accents and therefore I wasn't sure. In retrospect my instincts were right.

They clearly knew this person was in teamspeak and came in with an agenda to trash talk them as they literally opened up with his name within 2 seconds of joining...so the question is did those guys get the login credentials from you or a US player? If from you, any insight into how they also came in talking trash that a US player(s) clearly put them up to? And whjch US player/players was it?

As you and I discussed we're very welcoming in teamspeak....but I won't tolerate anyone coming in there trash talking friends/guildmates if it isn't done in a manner where they're already friends and it's all in good fun. If those guys come in again, them and I are going to have a conversation which they may not like. I'm also trying to figure out if they got the credentials in an effort to send them in to trash talk or if they had them from you and someone else put them up to it. Trying to figure out who to ban, if I have to change password, etc.

It's just unfortunate that I didn't realize what was happening until they were gone. I know how to handle those situations very well. It's literally the first situation of someone coming in trolling our teamspeak so I want to squash it. To be honest I'm quite irritated that it happened.

Hey MYT I am sad to hear that, I doubt Neckbrace ever spoke trash as he is a really nice person, and he were the guy I asked if I could let in when you made the guest room. I cannot speak for why nature were in there as I never gave the TS to him and it makes me sad and embarrased hearing that happened. But I highly doubt Neckbrace spoke trash as he normally stays out of all drama possible. But I am sorry for everything that might have happened as it was never my intention to cause any harm.
I do not doubt this at all, and I kinda felt the same way when I was in GSC on EU and when you first have a "family" its hard to let new people in, and I guess it's the same case here, but we will see how everything goes, but as of now I find it hard to meet people on US with open arms and big thumbs up to MYT for being one of the few nice guys I have met so far.

Hey MYT I am sad to hear that, I doubt Neckbrace ever spoke trash as he is a really nice person, and he were the guy I asked if I could let in when you made the guest room. I cannot speak for why nature were in there as I never gave the TS to him and it makes me sad and embarrased hearing that happened. But I highly doubt Neckbrace spoke trash as he normally stays out of all drama possible. But I am sorry for everything that might have happened as it was never my intention to cause any harm.

Thanks for the quick response. Neckbrace wasn't actually the person talking trash he just came in at same time as "nature" so figured they were together.

Regarding nature, he clearly was put up to the trash talk by a US player (or at least a player that plays here a lot) so any chance you can ask him who that was? Or invite him to stop in TS and I'll talk to him myself. He clearly needs to learn some manners himself but I'm much more interested in what US player sent him on with the trash talk. That's the person I'm interested in making sure never has our credentials again unless they have a good explanation.
Thanks for the quick response. Neckbrace wasn't actually the person talking trash he just came in at same time as "nature" so figured they were together.

Regarding nature, he clearly was put up the the trash talk by a US player (or at least a player that plays here a lot) so any chance you can ask him who that was? Or invite him to stop in TS and I'll talk to him myself. He clearly needs to learn some manners himself but I'm much more interested in what US player sent him on with the trash talk. That's the person I'm interested in making sure never has our credentials again unless they have a good explanation.

I barely talk with nature, I might have him on skype and I know I have his US btag, but sure I will ask him next time I see him to drop by your TS or just let me know what is up. I am glad you realized Neckbrace didnt do anything wrong tho, which I couldnt really believe he would either:p But sure I will try get in touch and thanks for letting me know.
as shamatix mentioned I think there might be a misunderstanding between who said what and when. Im more than open to get it solved though and get back into your teamspeak to get things clear as I have no intention of causing or being a part of drama.

It is correct that i was in your teamspeak at one point to talk to shamatix as he informed me of you guys teamspeak. At one point he went for dinner though and i figured i'd jump up to the other channel to say hello. We shortly exchaged hello's and what not talking about accents and how lucky you were saving your naxx enchant, then i left shortly afterwards as you mentioned i had echo / background noize. (the reason being I'm using speakers and a table mic)

If it's any help to solve the 'mistery' I remember Partygirlx and Naturee jumping around your teamspeak about the time when we spoke, both EU players as well.

- Neckbrace

I asked Sylenthe if he wants to trade speedpots for tcg tabard, and thats the end. :)

I asked Sylenthe if he wants to trade speedpots for tcg tabard, and thats the end. :)

Yes you asked that multiple times and clearly in the context of being an ass.

So my two questions for you are a) isn't it considered rude as hell to come uninvited into someone else's voice comm in the EU talking trash? Because it sure is in the US, and b) more importantly, what prompted you to say that? Unless you play a lot in the US then you were put up to that by a US player and further someone told you he was in there? Who gave you the context of that trash talk and/or told you syl was there?
Neckbrace / shamanix clearly neither of you were involved so I'll just work with them from here on out. :)

Feel free to pop in anytime.
Neckbrace / shamanix clearly neither of you were involved so I'll just work with them from here on out. :)

Feel free to pop in anytime.

No offence to anyone, but private messages do exist on TI. This kind of thing doesn't need to be filling up a thread promoting a twinking tournament. Thanks
Umh.... I asked him to trade pots for tabard? how is that being rude and not funny? cuz lets be real hes speedpotting atleast 2x every bg.
Umh.... I asked him to trade pots for tabard? how is that being rude and not funny? cuz lets be real hes speedpotting atleast 2x every bg.

Ok you obviously don't get it so just don't stop in our TS ever again. Thx.
Am I banished?!

Well since you asked you are now. You should try to log in - I left a special message just for you when you do.

If you're offended be happy to handle your "best in EU" warrior (assuming you have a US counterpart) either 1on1 or in 2's. We'll see who's trash talking who after that.
Dont forget it was a joke. I dno why he got so upset, of rather why you did.

And if ure challenging me for a 2s ill go without a doubt. Hit me up at Delayx2864

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